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These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have A Reality Check Soon, An Astrologer Says

If it feels like you've been ignoring a little voice in the back of your head that's telling you something isn't quite right or that something needs to change, then a reality check, a wake-up call, or a moment of clarity might be coming your way.

Reality checks can be shocking in the moment, as realizations wash over you or as things fall apart, but they can also be a much-needed catalyst for a fresh start in life. According to Danny Santos, an astrologer and spiritual healer behind Santos & The Crystal Visions, reality checks can come in many forms, too, and it all depends on what planetary movements are happening in your birth chart.

"In astrology, there are many planets and transits that point toward profound clarity or a serious reality check," he tells Bustle. Usually, it's the outer planets like Saturn and Pluto, but it can also stem from the asteroid Chiron or the north node, as well as an eclipse cycle. These are the biggest players in terms of major life transitions.

Saturn, for instance, represents karma. When it transits through your sign, it can push you into a period of growth by shining a light on the things you've been neglecting. As an example, Santos says you might get fired from your job, but once you learn a few lessons, it could open the door to an even better one.

Pluto also brings with it a sense of transformation, change, and rebirth — and that's the perfect recipe for a wake-up call. "Pluto's territory focuses on what needs to be eliminated and will most often involve the shedding of excess baggage, trauma, and energy that no longer serves," he says. As long as you embrace the change, you could come out the other side feeling brand new.

Below, the three zodiac signs who will have the biggest reality checks soon.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries is about to have a transformational moment.

Tom Werner/DigitalVision/Getty Images

"If there was ever a period in an Aries' life to experience a completely new lease on their life, now would be the time," says Santos. That's because the fateful north node transitioned through the sign of Aries, along with healing Chiron and the solar eclipse on April 8.

Chiron — a small celestial body also called the "wounded healer" — is said to bring up pain from the past when it transitions through your chart, but it can also help you move on as it teaches you a lessons and triggers major realizations.

According to Santos, this might inspire a dramatic change in your lifestyle, a leap of faith towards new goals, or the ability to embrace your true identity. If you've been hiding or repressing something, these transits could inspire you to be your truest, most authentic self.

The recent solar eclipse in Aries has also kicked things in motion. "Eclipses are times in astrology where the collective astrological page turns and we find ourselves at the activation of a new chapter," he says. "Not only on the days building up to and after the eclipse do we feel these changes, but eclipse cycles can have important lasting effects for six to 18 months, depending on which eclipse it is."

April's solar eclipse cycle activated a 20 year period of enlightenment for Aries, so according to Santos, you can rest assured that you'll soon have a new lease on life. That said, "the antidote is in the poison," he says. The only way out is through, so things might feel bumpy before they get better.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn will feel more self-assured in the coming months.

F.J. Jimenez/Moment/Getty Images

Forget Mercury retrograde. Transformational Pluto is about to retrograde in the sign of Aquarius on May 2, and according to Santos, it will then regress back into Capricorn from September 1 to November 19. In the world of astrology, this is kind of a big deal.

"This retrograde will be the bookend of Pluto's descent through Capricorn's chambers since 2008 and complete the cycle of transformation of the lives and placements of Capricorns everywhere over the last 15 years," he says.

Since you're an earth sign who prides themselves on hard work and resilience, Pluto's transit has been making you second guess yourself and your abilities. If you've been in a rut of self doubt, your reality check will feel like a brand new burst of confidence, as well as a desire to pick yourself up and move on.

As Santos says, "Pluto's retrograde back into this sign will remove the last of Capricorn's worries by forcing [them] through the final initiation of this transit." The rest of the year will seem extra magical and enlightening, especially once Pluto ingresses back into Aquarius on November 19th.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Pisces is about to have a wake-up call.

mixetto/E+/Getty Images

"While all mutable signs will feel a particular shift in life direction during the coming months, none will embrace the energy of karmic shifts and progress quite like Pisces," says Santos.

As Saturn moves through the sign of the fish, you'll feel the urge to course correct, take accountability for your actions, and maybe even pick up a new habit or two that'll reap benefits in the long run.

To take advantage of the moment, Santos says it's time to get serious about what you want in life, as these planetary transits are going to make it easier than ever to transform into who you want to be. Think about your daily routine, career, friendships, relationships, and anything else that might need to be spruced up.

Along with this Saturn transit, the eclipse on April 8 also showed Mars in conjunction with Saturn, and both were in the sign of Pisces. "As the eclipse took place in Aries — a sign ruled by Mars — Mars' conjunction to Saturn in Pisces foreshadows a period of action, initiation, and movement," he says.

Saturn represents structure, stability, and long-term goals, and Mars is traditionally associated with passion and progress. When you add it all together, "Pisces can expect an incredible transformation to occur between now and the upcoming eclipse cycle in September and October."


Danny Santos, astrologer, spiritual healer

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What 'Star Wars' Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the 'Star Wars' universe came into existence and took the world by storm — so much so that the iconic phrase from the films, "May the Force Be with You," not only became a ubiquitous expression of goodwill but also dubbed May 4th as National Star Wars Day, all thanks to the cheeky pun: "May the Fourth Be With You."

Since it's that time of year again to embrace the essence of the Force, why don't you join us on an exhilarating mission to match your zodiac sign to its 'Star Wars' counterpart?

Aries: Han Solo

aries zodiac sign han solo star wars character Phurinee Chinakathum via Shutterstock / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

First and foremost, Han Solo is a born leader — a trait that every Aries can resonate with, as the first sign of the zodiac and all. From the moment we meet Han in the cantina on Tatooine, he exudes confidence and charisma, effortlessly taking charge of any situation. Whether he's negotiating with intergalactic smugglers or leading the Rebel Alliance into battle against the Empire, his knack to command a room and handle a situation through his assertive nature rings close to that of a rambunctious Aries.

But Han's Aries spirit isn't just about taking charge; it's also about embracing adventure. Throughout the original trilogy, we witness his insatiable thirst for excitement and danger. Whether he's outrunning Imperial Star Destroyers or navigating treacherous asteroid fields, Han thrives in high-stakes situations thanks to that impulsive Aries-like nature of his.

And of course, no discussion of Han Solo would be complete without mentioning his fierce independent streak. Like many Aries individuals, Han prefers to forge his own path rather than adhere to the rules set by others. He's a rogue, a scoundrel, and a maverick through and through, answering to no one but himself. Even when faced with overwhelming odds, Han remains steadfast in his autonomy and refuses to be shackled by anyone or anything — like a true Aries rebel.

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Taurus: Chewbacca

taurus zodiac sign star wars character chewbacca Pierce via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

With his towering stature and unshakable allegiance, Chewbacca personifies the reliability and steadfastness characteristic of this fixed earth sign. Chewie embodies the steadfastness characteristic of a true Taurus, providing unwavering support to those he is loyal to, to the extent that he would even sacrifice his life for them — Chewbacca's lifelong devotion to Han Solo serves as a poignant example of that.

Chewbacca epitomizes the unwavering loyalty and relentless determination of this bullish archetype, a cosmic confidant whose resilience and commitment know no bounds — oh, and he's got the muscles to show for it too, baby!

Gemini: Anakin Skywalker

gemini zodiac sign star wars character anakin skywalker Lazarin Hristov via Shutterstock / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Like the twins that symbolize Gemini, Anakin possesses a dual nature that oscillates between light and dark, good and evil. His journey from an innocent, talented young Jedi to the formidable Sith Lord Darth Vader reflects the duality inherent in the Gemini persona. Geminis are also known for their adaptability and multifaceted nature, and Anakin totally demonstrates these traits. From flying high as a skilled pilot to becoming a cunning strategist, Anakin is able to seamlessly transition and succeed in any role he applies himself to.

Cancer: Obi-Wan Kenobi

cancer zodiac sign star wars character obi-wan kenobi Willrow Hood via Shutterstock / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

When it comes to embodying the essence of the Cancerian spirit, look no further than the wise and steadfast Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Just as Cancer is known for its nurturing and protective nature, Obi-Wan epitomizes these traits as he guides and mentors his young apprentice, Luke Skywalker, throughout his journey in the galaxy. Like the protective shell of a crab, Obi-Wan shields those he cares about from harm, always ready to defend them against the forces of darkness. Whether it's standing up to Sith Lords or training the next generation of Jedi, he approaches every challenge with a sense of duty and devotion that is distinctly Cancerian.

But beneath Obi-Wan's composed exterior lies a deep well of emotion, another hallmark of Cancer. He mourns the loss of his fellow Jedi and the fall of Anakin Skywalker with a heavy heart, yet he channels his grief into a quiet determination to uphold the values of the Jedi Order. Like the ebb and flow of the tides, Obi-Wan's emotions guide him, but they never cloud his judgment or commitment to the greater good.

Leo: Princess Leia

leo zodiac sign star wars character princess leia Scott Ruether via Wikimedia Commons / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Radiating with regal elegance and fierce determination, Leia embodies the quintessential traits of a Leo. From her noble presence as a princess of Alderaan to her subsequent leadership as a general in the Resistance, she effortlessly commands authority and exudes the vibe of a natural-born boss in any room she enters.

But it's not just about her commanding presence; Leia's unwavering loyalty to her loved ones and her fierce determination to shield them from harm shines through in every last one of her heroic acts. Whether it's orchestrating a daring rescue to save Han Solo or guiding Rey with mentorship in the sequel trilogy, to call Leia anything less than lionhearted would be an understatement.

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Virgo: C-3PO

virgo zodiac sign star wars character c-3po Lyman Hansel Gerona via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

If you've ever found yourself captivated by the polite and overly cautious demeanor of C-3PO in the Star Wars series, you may be surprised to learn that this iconic protocol droid shares some striking similarities with the Virgo zodiac sign. Virgos are known for their practicality and attention to detail — both qualities that are clearly evident in C-3PO. Just like a typical Virgo, C-3PO always approaches situations with a meticulous mindset and strives for perfection in all that he does.

One of C-3PO's most defining characteristics is his habit of worrying. Similarly, Virgos can be prone to anxiety when things don't go according to plan. But despite his anxieties, C-3PO's worries often serve as a form of foolproof risk management. He often steps up to guide his companions, such as Luke Skywalker, out of a rut when they need it most – a trait found in all typical, trusty Virgos.

Libra: Padmé Amidala

libra zodiac sign star wars character padme amidala GabboT via Wikimedia Commons / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Like every Libra stereotype, Padmé seeks balance and harmony in all aspects of her life. As a skilled diplomat and senator, she navigates the intricate web of politics with finesse and poise. She's always striving to find common ground among conflicting factions. Oh, and her ability to see both sides of an issue and her commitment to fairness make her a natural-born mediator.

Padmé's innate sense of beauty also aligns with the aesthetic sensibilities of the Libra sign. Whether she's donning elaborate gowns fit for a queen or advocating for social justice on the Senate floor, Padmé always exudes elegance and captivates those around her with her charm.

But beneath her polished exterior lies a fierce determination and a strong sense of justice. Padmé refuses to back down in the face of oppression. She will fight tirelessly for the rights of the disenfranchised. And, like the scales of justice, she will stop at nothing to restore balance and equality in a galaxy. Oh, and not to mention, having a secret, forbidden marriage to Jedi Anakin Skywalker is so totally on brand for a Venusian-ruled sign.

Scorpio: Darth Vader

scorpio zodiac sign star wars character darth vader Tommy van Kessel via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Much like your typical Scorpion, Darth Vader's persona exudes an undeniable allure that both draws attention and instills fear among his adversaries and allies alike. But, beneath the imposing armor and dark authority, lies a deeply complex and emotionally charged individual. Just as Scorpios are known for their intense emotions driving their actions, Vader's journey is marked by a profound sense of emotion, from his tragic fall to the dark side to his eventual redemption. His transformation from the valiant Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the formidable Sith Lord exemplifies themes of transformation and rebirth, reminiscent of the traits often associated with Pluto, a.K.A Scorpio's ruling planet.

Despite facing insurmountable odds, like a true Scorpio does, Vader harnesses his inner strength and resilience to overcome any challenge he faces and emerge stronger than before.

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Sagittarius: R2-D2

sagittarius zodiac sign star wars character r2-d2 Alexandr Popadin via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Think of Sagittarians as the adventure seekers of the zodiac, always up for a thrill and eager to explore new frontiers. Well, that's basically R2-D2 in a nutshell. Whether it's dodging blaster fire or fixing up starships in the nick of time, this little droid fearlessly dives into every escapade with boundless energy and a can-do attitude.

But R2-D2 isn't just about action; he's got brains to match his brawn. Like a true Sagittarian, he's sharp as a tack when it comes to problem-solving and is forever finding new clever ways to get out of sticky situations.

Now let's talk loyalty for a sec. Sagittarians are fiercely devoted to their friends, and R2-D2 is no exception. Just ask his golden buddy C-3PO. Through thick and thin, R2-D2 sticks by his pals, ready to lend a hand—or a helpful beep—whenever they need it most.

Capricorn: Sheev Palpatine

capricorn zodiac sign star wars character sheev palpatine Roger Murmann via Wikimedia Commons / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

One of the defining traits of Capricorn is its ambition and drive for success, and Palpatine's rise to power from humble beginnings as a senator from Naboo to Emperor of the Galactic Empire is a testament to this behavior. Palpatine's unwavering determination to achieve his goals no matter the cost mirrors the single-minded ambition often attributed to Capricorns. They say that patience is a virtue, but for Palpatine, it's a lifestyle. He has an extremely calculated approach to life and is constantly laying the groundwork and waiting for the right time to seize control of the galaxy and rise to Emperor.

Related Stories From YourTango: Aquarius: Yoda

aquarius zodiac sign star wars character yoda Riku Lu via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

One of the most prominent traits of Aquarius is its intellectual prowess and innovative spirit, and Yoda's mastery of the Force reflects this perfectly. He is a Jedi unlike any other, with a deep understanding of the cosmic energies that bind the universe together. Yoda's unconventional methods of teaching, his emphasis on intuition, and his ability to see beyond the surface of things all speak to his Aquarian nature.

Aquarians are also known for their independence and non-conformist attitudes, and Yoda epitomizes this through his unorthodox approach to training Jedi and his willingness to challenge the traditional hierarchy of the Jedi Order. Yoda is a complete maverick within the Jedi Council, as he's often questioning their decisions and advocating for a more holistic understanding of the Force.

Pisces: Luke Skywalker

pisces zodiac sign star wars character luke skywalker Jay Khaled Photography via Shutterstock / Gabrielle Scarlett and Barakuzama via Canva

Luke Skywalker, the quintessential hero of the Star Wars saga, embodies the traits of a Pisces in many ways. As the last Jedi and a symbol of hope for the galaxy, Luke exudes compassion, empathy, and a deep connection to the Force – characteristics that resonate strongly with the sensitive and intuitive nature of Pisces.

One of the defining features of Pisces is their innate empathy and compassion, and Luke exemplifies this through his unwavering belief in the good in others, even in the face of darkness. From his willingness to see the potential for redemption in Darth Vader to his compassion for the downtrodden and oppressed, Luke's empathy shines through in his actions and decisions throughout the trilogy.

Like many Pisces, Luke is also deeply in tune with his intuition and the mystical forces that shape the universe. From his initial training with Obi-Wan Kenobi to his journey to Dagobah to study with Yoda, he demonstrates a profound connection to the Force that transcends mere physical abilities. His willingness to trust in the guidance of the Force and follow his instincts serves as a powerful reminder of the strength that Pisces wield when they actually embrace their intuition.

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Jla Starr Johnson is a YourTango astrologer writer, where she covers everything from horoscopes to how we can utilize astrology to navigate life's twists and turns with confidence. She is currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.

3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Billionaires Revealed — Did You Make The Cut?

You can bank on these zodiac signs.

The Small Business Blog analyzed the birthdates of the world's top billionaires, finding that one-third share just three star signs: Libra, Pisces and Taurus.

That's not all that they have in common — in a surprise to absolutely no one, 88% of billionaires are male, 65% are white, and 90% are 50 or older.

For reference: Amazon founder and apex Capricorn daddy Jeff Bezos (worth $200 billion) recently dethroned Tesla CEO and Cancer Elon Musk ($198 billion) as the richest person on Earth.

Read on to learn if your sign falls in line with the 1%.

Luxury-peddling lifestyle magnate Ralph Lauren is an apex Libra. WireImage

Libras make up 12% of the world's billionaires. Ruled by Venus and represented by the divine scales of Justice, Librans have a strong sense of aesthetics and a weakness for things they can't afford.

Skilled and shameless social climbers, they leverage their good taste for upward mobility and invitations to elite social circles. Libras are great at ambient lighting, cocktail banter, and convincing other people to give them money.

Libras are great at ambient lighting, cocktail banter, and convincing other people to give them money.

Libras understand that while being a starving artist might be romantic, being a filthy rich capitalist with an artful empire is more their speed.

Notable Libra billionaires include Ralph Lauren who, true to his sign, commodified rich person sports and his sartorial interpretation of the American West, turning aspirational "wish I was a WASP" fashion into a billion-dollar business.

Other appallingly rich Libras include Alice Walton, heiress to the Walmart fortune and avid art curator, collector, and museum chair, and Amancio Ortega, founder of Inditex, the world's largest fashion retailer.

Billionaire Bernard Arnault is a Pisces who has amassed his wealth selling fantasy, luxury and escape. AFP via Getty Images

Pisces people account for 11% of the world's billionaires. Dreamy AF and intuitive as can be, they were born to sell fantasy and the boozy promise of escape.

Case (of booze) in point is Bernard Arnault — founder and CEO of LVMH, the world's largest luxury goods company, with a portfolio that includes Moët & Chandon, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Veuve Clicquot, Belvedere, and Hennessy. Bottoms up to the bottom dollar. 

Other Pisces billionaires include Nike co-founder Phil Knight and Rupert Murdoch.

Tech bro supreme Mark Zuckerberg was born under the sign of the bull. Michael Brochstein/ZUMA Press Wire / SplashNews.Com

Taurus folks make up 10% of the world's billionaires, and as the sign that rules the second house of wealth and worth, it tracks.

Bulls love fancy s–t and the holy grind to get it. A stubborn and ruthless mixture of self-possessed and straight-up possessive, they represent the toddler phase of human development. In kind and at their most base they live by the creed "mine and more" and "too much is never enough."

Their aim is stability at all costs and comfort without concessions.

Taurus represents the toddler phase of human development; at their most base, they live by the creed "mine and more" and "too much is never enough."

Examples of billionaire bulls include Facebook co-founder/CEO Mark Zuckerberg, vacuum magnate James Dyson, David Koch, and Altana heiress/BMW shareholder/philanthropist/richest woman in Germany Susanne Klatten.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a "girl's guide" to strip clubs, and the "weirdest" foods available abroad.


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