February 2022 monthly horoscopes predict one of the happiest periods of the year - New York Post

Life just keeps getting better in 2022. Dive into February to learn what lies ahead for you!

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Get ready for a month that will ignite your heart, Aries. Right at the top of February, a new moon in your social sector arrives on the first. A burst of fun will be calling your name and you will likely spend time with many close friends in the weeks ahead. Now would also be an excellent time to expand your network or even try your hand at online dating, if single.

Luckily, the pace of life will quicken after the third and you'll experience fewer professional delays going forward as Mercury awakens after many weeks in a foggy haze. A full moon in your passion sector will rise within the night on the 16th, ensuring that this Valentine's season will be quite memorable for you! Single Aries will likely find a captivating suitor or even feel that they're falling in love. Committed Aries can share in this vibe, too, as you reignite the spice in your relationship or even spend more time with your children. If creative, this lunation will inspire you deeply. A final theme to note this month is that you will likely be seeing a great surge of success in your professional life, as many planets circle your head like a crown.


One of the most important periods of your professional life in 2022 has just begun, Taurus. A new moon in your career sector arrives right on Feb. 1, opening a doorway to more glory, recognition or power in your industry. Next month will be quite busy for you, too, but this lunation may finally show you that your star is growing more brightly than ever before. Luckily, if you're being required to sign contracts, you can as early as the third once Mercury retrograde ends.

Next to note will be a full moon in your domestic sphere, likely bringing a shift around home, family or real estate matters. Some Tauruses may decide to move, get a new roommate or handle an important situation with your kindred. February could also bring a lot of activity around going in new directions, too, whether that's involvement with an academic, spiritual, media or traveling goal. Last to note will be a surge of social activity that begins at the end of the month, promising so much happiness in the weeks to come. Soak it up!

Friends hanging out around a fire
Festive energy will fill February 2022.
Getty Images


Prepare to launch in new directions, Gemini. A new moon in your expansion zone arrives on the first, opening a doorway for you to move toward bright horizons. Some Geminis may get quite busy with an academic, traveling, legal or media project near this time. Happily, once your ruler, Mercury, awakens on the third, you'll notice a burst of energy that propels you much more quickly toward your goals. A full moon in your communications sector sings within the night on the 16th, likely bringing a contract for you to sign. You may even be in the process of debuting a milestone writing, speaking or advertising initiative. Some Geminis will complete a sweet short-distance trip near this time, too. Last to mention is that there is a great deal of focus on your assets, investments and wealth this month, as well. You could be spending a lot of money while also attracting it, so just keep your head on straight.


Yet another month deeply focused upon your relationships is here, Cancer. With Mars and Venus dancing across the sky from you, you have an excellent chance to make long-term plans, move in, get engaged or find someone with long-term potential. You could also be very busy on a team project, making goals and smashing them! The new moon on the first highlights your intimate life and how you share in your relationships, as well. You may now be in the process of a settlement or instead evaluating your investments and assets. Luckily, Mercury will awaken on the third, so you can feel confident moving forward with any legalities if needed.

Next, a full moon in your financial sector appears on the 16th, bringing another shift to your prosperity. A new job, raise or lucrative client may pop up. If out of work, be sure to put yourself out there now. Money can be yours, so strike while the iron is hot.


A significant month focused on relationships is here, Leo. This could be energizing either your personal or business partners. The new moon on the first will open a doorway for you to make long-term plans and grow closer. Some Leos will get engaged, move in, sign negotiations or even be wed. However, if you can wait until after the third when Mercury awakens, you'll be much happier that you did. Next, a full moon in your zodiac sign arrives on the 16th, putting you center-stage. This is one of the most important periods of the year, as a major hope, goal or dream is now within reach. Stand in your newfound power and revel in it.

Last to mention is that there will be a significant focus on your work, employment and health this month, too, as planets energize these areas of your life for you. Productivity is guaranteed!


It's time to get busy, Virgo! February will be the beginning of a very productive trend. The new moon on the first energizes your daily routine and employment, likely creating a brisk pace as you take on more projects and responsibilities on the job. This same lunation could motivate you to make a shift in your health, fitness or diet, too. If you do so, you'll be very happy with the results. Yet, don't burn yourself out overworking, as you tend to do because a full moon in your sector of privacy and rest echoes in the night of Feb. 16. You could feel the extreme need to lie low and relax, so don't be afraid to give yourself some extra TLC. If you've felt that there were delays in life over recent weeks, you'll be happy to note that your ruler, Mercury, will awaken on the third and no longer riddle you with stress.

The last theme this month centers on your sense of joy, romance and passion. With Mars and Venus powering this up for you, this is an excellent month for single Virgos to find a soulmate or committed ones to reignite the magic in their relationship. Don't let this beautiful energy go to waste!

Friends cheers
Romance will also be big in February — perfect for Valentine's season!
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Feel the magic from a loving universe, Libra. February will light your heart on fire! A new moon on the first will bring passion to your heart and is one of the best periods of the year for single Libras to find someone new or committed ones to bring the spice and sex back into their relationship. If looking to conceive, this lunation may bring you the surprise news you've been hoping for. If making promises with your sweetheart, though, don't do so prior to the third because Mercury is retrograde.

Your social life will see plenty of spice this month, too, as a full moon on the 16th will surround you with many friends who adore you. Attend a glamorous event now and you'll feel as popular as ever! Last to mention this month will be a great focus on your home, family and domestic life. You could be moving or renovating or stepping in to attend to a very important family affair. No matter what, though, you'll enjoy the sweetness that February offers.


Key themes in February for you surround home, family and travel, Scorpio. On the first, a new moon in your domestic sphere arrives, likely opening a doorway for you to shift your living situation in a better direction. Some Scorpios could be moving, renovating or redecorating. However, if you need to sign paperwork, do so after the third because Mercury will finally no longer be retrograde. Also, with Mars and Venus prancing through your sector of communications and travel, you may be working on an important writing or speaking project or bouncing between nearby towns. If you go with your family or siblings, you'll have the absolute best time!

Last to note this month will be the arrival of a powerful full moon in your professional realm. This takes place on the 16th and could signal the culmination or end of a major job or project or even a significant accolade or recognition. Let the world honor you!


February will bring many chances to step out of town, switch up your routine and travel, Sagittarius. The new moon on the first highlights your communications sector and could bring you the impetus to launch a new writing, speaking, or advertising endeavor, as well. This same lunation could fire you up to travel to a nearby locale for a change of scene, too. If you have to sign paperwork due to this new moon, try to do so after the third, though, as Mercury will finally awaken in the sky.

The full moon this month is also energizing you to think of faraway places. It takes place on the 16th and could have you planning a long-distance trip now or in the year to come. However, another way this could shift your path is around an academic, media or publicity endeavor, too. Last to note this month is that you'll have Mars and Venus both uniting within your prosperity sector. That means that you're likely spending a great deal of money but are also just as likely to be attracting more, as well. Just keep an eye on your budget!


February could end up being one of the best months of the year for you, Capricorn. With Mars, the planet of drive and passion, and Venus, the planet of beauty, powering up your zodiac sign, you have all the energy you need to create the life of your dreams. Seize the day to improve your personal and professional path however you'd like! This bodes especially well for singles looking for love or attached Capricorns eager to bring the spice back into their relationship.

However, you could feel that the month is a little groggy until the third, as Mercury is retrograde in your sign. The next big theme for the month focuses upon your wealth, investments and assets. A new moon on the first could open the door for you to make more money, so look for another job or a second stream of income. The full moon on the 16th focuses more on your assets, though, and a settlement or bonus could be on its way. No matter what, know that you deserve everything that the universe has to offer.

A Full Moon
The astrology of February will be so very sweet.
Getty Images


It's birthday season, Aquarius! The most important new moon of the year arrives on the first, as it falls in your zodiac sign. The door is now open to your most heartfelt hopes, dreams and plans. Use the week that follows this lunation to take steps to create the life you've always wanted. Also, once Mercury Retrograde ends on the third, you'll feel a whole burst of momentum moving forward once again. You may now be quite busy developing projects behind-the-scenes this month, too. Use the weeks ahead to get all of the pieces in place, as you'll likely be even busier in March and April.

Last to mention is a full moon in your partnership sector that takes place on the 16th. That will most likely be a time of coming together and uniting closer, whether in the form of making long-term promises, becoming engaged or even being wed. However, if you are to separate and go your own ways, that means you're just being prepared for a better relationship ahead.


A very festive and sweet month lies ahead of you, Pisces! As Mars and Venus parade through your social sector, you are as popular as royalty! You will certainly be hearing from many friends and acquaintances who wish to celebrate you and shower you in adoration. However, the beginning of the month could be a little slower, as a new moon in your sector of rest arrives on the first. Also, with Mercury still retrograde until the third, you'll be feeling the need to lie low and yawn! Luckily, the pace of life will quicken mid-month.

Next to mention will be a full moon in your productivity zone that echoes within the night on the 16th. This lunation will make you quite busy and could see you hammering away on an important work-related project. If out of work or looking to take more clients on, this full moon could send them your way. Last to mention is that birthday season arrives as soon as the sun blazes a trail into your zodiac sign beginning the 18th. Get ready for even more fun and attention!

Predictions from my BFF and world-renowned psychic Calise Simone:

"Practice patience as the month begins. Communicate thoughtfully and carefully to avoid misunderstandings. Inspiration will be flowing as the weeks progress, which makes this an excellent time to plan and dream. The last week of February opens up unlimited energy for new beginnings. It's the perfect time to take action on your new projects.  Aim for the stars!"

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, ABC Television, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit KyleThomasAstrology.com.


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