I got on my flight to leave my boyfriend’s home state – I ended up sitting next to my future husband... - The US Sun

SOMETIMES love hits you when you least expect it to.

This happened to one lucky woman who revealed she met her husband on a plane ride after visiting her boyfriend at the time.

A woman has revealed her unique love story in a skit in which she played the parts of her and her husband


A woman has revealed her unique love story in a skit in which she played the parts of her and her husbandCredit: TikTok @cheldog123
She claimed she met her future husband on a plane after leaving her boyfriend to head to college


She claimed she met her future husband on a plane after leaving her boyfriend to head to collegeCredit: TikTok @cheldog123

The woman, named Chel, told her unique story in a video that received more than 4 million views on social media.

Unfortunately, she had to turn off the comments because people were bashing her for jumping from guy to guy, so she clarified the situation in a follow-up post.

"I see tons of people commenting that I'm a homewrecker, I should go back to the streets, huge red flag, and I'd like to start this off by saying I did not expect that to blow up.

"It was just for me and my friends and I was just messing around," she said near the beginning of the video.

I married a stranger during the pandemic - mum was upset but I knew it was right
I went to my best friend's family reunion and now I'm married to her uncle

She went on to say that the person she was seeing before boarding the plane was a Tinder match she went on one date with.

She was flying away to school and had an understanding with the man that she would see him after the semester – but they did not hop into a committed, long-distant relationship.

"And guess what?" Chel continued.

"I just never saw him when I got back.

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"I let him know I met someone and it was the end of it."

She went on to say that people need to stop judging before they know the whole story, but admitted she understands that's "not the world we live in."

Further explaining her point, she noted that the Tinder date was not her boyfriend "at all."


For those interested in knowing more details about her love story, Chel continued on in the video to explain how by chance it all was.

She said she spent time during the pandemic driving back and forth between her house and her college for mandatory in-person skills assessments.

The one time she flew back to school was because her mom convinced her to, and it just so happened that there was a single seat left on the plane and she took it.

Of course, that's when she saw her future husband for the first time.

"He asked for my number and later that week when I was done with my schooling I went on a date with him and it was magical," she recalled.

She said he was living in her college's town at the time, so they started a long-distance relationship.

"But that long-distance didn't last long because I decided to move in with him about four months later," she revealed.

"And now we have a dog and we're traveling the world together."

She concluded her video by asking people to again think about judging or commenting rude things before knowing the full situation.

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"I'm sorry if you've ever had any trauma with cheating and with infidelity, but that was not my situation at all," she said.

"Love will sneak up on you in the most mysterious of ways."

Chel clarified that she was barely dating the original guy


Chel clarified that she was barely dating the original guyCredit: TikTok @cheldog123
Chel clearly caught flights and feelings


Chel clearly caught flights and feelings

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