Astrology: Real or Not According to Science - Jagran Josh

Is Astrology Real or Not: For decades, there has been much debate about astrology and whether it is real. One fraction of the population believes that the position of the sun, moon, stars, and planets can affect people's lives, positively or negatively, whereas the other fraction believes it all to be hocus-pocus. 

It is pretty hard to confirm and deny the plausibility of astrology being real. There are contradictory claims going about astrology and zodiacs. Some research done by the community conforms to the belief that astrology is real. On the other hand, there is data available to prove the notion wrong. 

Now, which side is to be believed? We take the help of science to determine the reality of astrology and zodiac signs. 

But first, what exactly is astrology?

Astrology is the study of how distant celestial bodies—typically stars and planets—affect human existence. People's personalities, interpersonal connections, and financial futures are claimed to be shaped by the sun, stars, moon, and planets' positions at the moment of their birth. According to astrology, each person is born under a certain zodiac sign. 

The constellation that is most conspicuous in the night sky during any particular month serves as the basis for a zodiac sign.

Astrologers predict how different celestial bodies will travel in the future and in daily life by using mathematics and other techniques to compute the trajectory of these entities.

How many zodiac signs are there?

There are 12 zodiac signs in total-: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. 

What is the meaning of the zodiac signs?

1. Aries (March 21-April 19): Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. This vibrant fire sign is no stranger to rivalry, of course. Aries is a courageous and ambitious sign that charges straight into even the most difficult circumstances, assuring they always come out the winner.


2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): The bull is the symbol for Taurus, an earth sign. Taureans prefer unwinding in quiet, bucolic settings surrounded by serenity, soothing odours, and exquisite flavors.


3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Gemini is impulsive, lively, and chaotic but in an endearing way due to its endless interest. This air sign, appropriately represented by the celestial twins, had to double in order to accommodate all of its many interests.


4. Cancer (July 22–June 21): The crab, who represents Cancer, flits between the land and the water, demonstrating Cancer's capacity to survive in both the emotional and material worlds. Cancers are very perceptive and often exhibit psychic talents in physical settings. However, this aquatic sign is prepared to go to any lengths to safeguard its emotional well-being.


5. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Leo is symbolized by the lion, and these fiery fire signs are the rulers and queens of the cosmic kingdom because they are passionate, devoted, and notoriously flamboyant. Leos are fiery people who enjoy being the center of attention.


6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): A historical relationship between the earth sign of Virgo and the goddess of agriculture illustrates the sign's strong connection to the physical world. This earth sign strives for excellence and is persistent. Virgos are known to be logical, practical, and methodical. 


7. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Scales are a symbol for Libra since it is an air sign, which represents Libra's obsession with achieving balance. Libra energy is defined by harmony, fairness, and balance. In all aspects of life, Libra is fascinated with symmetry and seeks to achieve harmony, even in romantic pursuits.


8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Scorpio is a water sign that cultivates strong insight via both the tangible and intangible worlds by using emotions and feelings as fuel. Scorpio is one of the zodiac's most complex and dynamic signs because of its psychic talents, which also give it exceptional boldness.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Sagittarians, symbolized by the archer, are always seeking out new information. As the final fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius sets out on a wide range of endeavors, pursuing philosophical, psychological, and physical explorations.


10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The sea goat, a mythical animal with a goat-like body and a fish-like tail, symbolizes Capricorn, the final earth sign of the zodiac. Capricorns are adept at managing both the mental and physical worlds as a result.


11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Despite having the prefix "aqua" in its name, Aquarius is the final air sign of the zodiac, not a water sign. Aquarius is symbolized by the water carrier, the mythical healer who gives water, or life, onto the earth. Aquarius is creative, dynamic, and blatantly radical. It is the zodiac sign that is the most compassionate.


12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Pisces is the zodiac sign that is the most perceptive, sensitive, and compassionate. Two fish swimming in opposing directions are used as a symbol to reflect the continued divide of Pisces' focus between dream and reality.


Reading Horoscopes is a popular trend around the globe. There are people who base their whole personality on their zodiac signs. But can being a Pisces or Gemini or Leo really affect a person's present or future? 

No.  Science says so, as proved by numerous experiments carried out.

The Shawn Carlson Experiment

Shawn Carlson, a physicist, tested the theory that our personality qualities could be properly predicted by our astrological charts in 1985. He then published the findings of his study in the journal Nature.

He planned the research to meet the needs of both the astrological and scientific communities. He enlisted the help of 28 highly respected astrologers from the US and Europe to analyze the astrological charts of 116 people whom they had never met.  

He then gave three descriptions for each character. One description was apt in describing the subject, but the other two were traits of other subjects. He then requested the astrologers to match the appropriate personality with the person's astrological chart. 

The findings demonstrated that the astrologers' forecasts were no more accurate than coincidence, and even when they were confident they had correctly matched a chart, the results were not accurate.

Carlson concluded that astrologers likely use their customers' mannerisms and sentiments during in-person sessions to guide their prediction of important information about their lifestyles. It is called cold reading.

The Forer investigation

Psychologist Bertram Forer also carried out an experiment to test the legitimacy of astrology. He provided his students with a "special" personality analysis and asked them to score it on a scale of 0 to 5 on the basis of how well it fits them.

The result? The identical personality profile was given to all of his students, and they all agreed that it was accurate.

Forer used a variety of horoscopes to build the personality analysis. Students gave this exam an average value of 4.26/5, as they believed it to be 85% correct. However, all of the statements were just generalizations. 

Is Astrology Real or Not?

No. Astrology is not real. In simplest terms, Astrology is pseudoscience or fake science. It cannot predict the results of life events, nor does it offer a method through which it may operate. 

Although it lacks scientific support, consistency, and repeatability, it isn't bad because it doesn't actually have a detrimental effect. 

Many individuals have faith in astrology, and they feel better when they read their horoscope and heed its guidance. It gives them a sense of betterment and time to brace themselves for the future. 


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