Here's How Every Major Astrological Event In 2023 Will Impact Your ... - Women's Health

Since turning the page to the new decade, no one would deny that life hasn't been easy. Astrologically speaking, 2020 was expected to bring a collective thunder like no other, while 2021 and 2022 brought useful, but nonetheless shocking alignments that helped everyone adjust to all the changes that took place in 2020.

In some ways, the astrology of 2023 is different. Collectively, we will continue to experience major shifts as two heavy hitters—Pluto and Saturn—each wrap up long cycles. Themes of freedom will continue through the collective as people begin to collaborate more towards shared goals. Individuality and authenticity will gain even more traction, as the cosmos instigates us to show ourselves exactly as we are.

On a personal level, life is expected to become easier when the tough barriers imposed by the intense astrology of 2022 begin to dissolve slowly but surely with the arrival of March. The two social planets—Jupiter and Saturn—have a rare and long alignment this year, providing more opportunities for growth and even fun.

Spirituality also plays a major role in 2023 as more and more people unplug from technology and get involved in now-mainstream practices like meditation, astrology, Tarot, and all things mystical. Here's everything your zodiac sign can expect from the year ahead:

January 2023

Due to two key planets—Mercury and Mars—being retrograde as we ring in the new year, 2023 begins on a slow note. Consider January a month to embrace patience and introspection. Instead of pressuring yourself to set intentions and attain lofty goals, take this time to get in touch with your true desires. Lucky breaks and opportunities will be in store for those who practice patience and think progressively and outside of the box, especially towards month's end.

  • January 6: Full Moon in Cancer - The first full moon of 2023 could reopen an old wound as previously unknown information comes to light. It might be hard to express yourself during this astrological event, but doing so is key to healing this wound once and for all. This full moon will impact all zodiac signs, but it will be most intense for Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs.
  • January 12: Mars goes direct in Gemini - Since October 30, Mars has been separating you from people, desires, and situations that weren't in line with your future. From this moment on, all zodiac signs will feel their energy, drive, and ambition return. It is nowa good time to set New Year's resolutions.
  • January 18: Mercury goes direct in Capricorn - Since December 29, Mercury has been transforming your professional ambitions. Communication snafus begin to dissolve, and with Mercury's forward direction in the workhorse of the zodiac, you can begin to move in a more positive direction. All zodiac signs will feel the impact of this shift, but Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries signs will experience the most relief.
  • January 20: Sun enters Aquarius - This marks the beginning of Aquarius season. Until February 18, everyone will feel a heightened urge to break the mold and dance to the rhythm of your own drum. Gemini, Libra, and Aquariuscan make quantum leaps towards their goals.
  • January 21: New Moon in Aquarius - This is the best time to set intentions for the year ahead. The new moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Aries, Gemini, Capricorn, and Aquarius will benefit the most.

February 2023

With Venus—the planet of pleasure, love, and relationships—in its strongest position in the sky, February is one of the strongest months to manifest your deepest desires. Until February 18, this love goddess will encourage you to reach for the stars and seek harmony, beauty, and creativity. February 8, February 15, and February 19 are especially positive days for love and romance. Communication is also fast and clear starting February 11, when Mercury enters Aquarius.

  • February 5: Full Moon in Leo - Get ready for some drama as lunar energy shines in the most expressive of all signs, the Lion! Your mind will be seeking stimulation and your heart, loving attention, so go ahead and get on that stage—especially if you're a Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio.
  • February 10: Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - The days surrounding this astrological aspect brim with intensity, especially when you're focused on solving problems or uncovering hidden information. If you're an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, tread lightly when interacting with authority figures.
  • February 16: Sun in Aquarius conjunct with Saturn in Aquarius - Stepping up to the table is key today, as the universe will be sending some tests your way. Work hard and do the right thing—however, try not to over-commit or over-promise.
  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces - For the next four weeks of Pisces season, the cosmos instigate you to focus on the non-tangible side of life by attuning to spirit, meditation, and the power of manifestation.
  • February 19: New Moon in Pisces - Visualize yourself making your biggest dreams come true under this magical moon. Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces will feel the effects of this new moon the most.

March 2023

March is the month we've all been waiting for! As Saturn leaves Aquarius to enter Pisces, the tough boundaries and obstacles you've experienced since 2020 will slowly begin to dissolve, starting March 6. The result: A more liberated you, with more time to have fun with loved ones. Get ready for Aries season, which arrives at the Spring Equinox—because, this year, just like the flowers, you will begin to bloom!

  • March 3-March 12: Venus and Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries - It's time to heal your wounds around love, pleasure, and relationships—even if it's painful. By allowing yourself to have all the feels, you can overcome the hang-ups that prevent you from making and maintaining the connections you wish and deserve to have.
  • March 7: Full Moon in Virgo - At this lunation, get out of your head and sink into the wide variety of sensations in your body. Manifesting the life of your dreams comes from creating an ongoing mind, body, and soul connection, especially if you're a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.
  • March 16: Venus enters Taurus - While relationships have been intense lately, the tension begins to dissipate as connections get infused with a newfound sense of sensuality and harmony. All zodiac signs will reap the benefits of this planetary movement until April 9, but Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius will feel this the most.
  • March 20: Sun enters Aries amid Spring Equinox -Today and tomorrow are incredibly lucky days to set things in motion as the Sun illuminates your path towards success.
  • March 21: New Moon in Aries - Plant the seed of something meaningful under this moon. All zodiac signs will feel the potential of this new moon, but Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Leo will benefit the most.
  • March 23: Pluto enters Aquarius - From now until June 11, Pluto will give you a sneak peek of the themes that will be present in your life for the next twenty years. Pay attention to the signs, especially if you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius!

April 2023

Bringing a rare formation of sacred geometry called a Grand Water Trine, April wraps us in a protective blanket of love and compassion, allowing for deep healing to take place. By embracing our feelings and express ourselves—no holds barred—we signal to the universe we're ready for something better than what we've experienced in the past.

The first of 2023's two eclipse seasons also starts this month, bringing fated events that mix the past with the present and future. Eclipses are major alignments of the luminaries and are the universe's tools to create change in our lives. Eclipses open and close doors, so this is a time when many people will start and end jobs, relationships, and even regular life habits.

Watch this to learn more about how solar and lunar eclipses affect your astrology:

preview for How Lunar And Solar Eclipses Affect Your Astrology
  • April 5: Full Moon in Libra - All zodiac signs will be called to balance two aspects of their lives. What you want on a personal level might clash with what others need from you. When in doubt, err on the side of authenticity.
  • April 11: Sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries - Many astrologers consider this the luckiest day of the year. The stars are conspiring in your favor, so take a leap of faith!
  • April 19: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - Doors open and close for all zodiac signs at this intense eclipse, but Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius will be the most affected. The themes that come up now will be relevant for the next year and a half, so pay attention to the signs.
  • April 20: Sun enters Taurus - From now until May 20, Taurus season will encourage you to slow down the pace of life. During this time, focus on feeding and stimulating your five senses by spending time in nature, looking at or making art, and eating delicious food.
  • April 21 - May 14: Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus - Besides bringing the classic communication snafus and tech breakdowns, Mercury will pose this question: What do you value the most in life? Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will feel this Mercury retrogrademore intensely than all the other signs.

May 2023

As we enter May, there's a feeling of being in suspended animation, as we are in the middle of eclipse season until May 21. To save your energy, rest, meditate, and practice self-care. Mercury is also retrograde until May 14, slowly bringing all things communication back to normal. If possible, wait until May 25 to sign documents and make important deals.

  • May 1: Pluto goes into retrograde in Aquarius - Until October 10, this retrograde will ask you to rethink your take on a lot of collective and important issues as you see the world change around you. Be prepared for your mentality to shift accordingly.
  • May 5: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - With the power of three full moons in one, this eclipse brings a major ending to something that began around the fall of 2021. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will feel its unpredictable energy the most.
  • May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus - Luck has a new face today, kicking off a year in which all zodiac signs should adopt the Taurus mantra: "Slow and steady wins the race." Manifesting the life of your dreams comes as a result of truly living a life of enjoyment.
  • May 19: New Moon in Taurus - In just a few days, Mercury goes direct and eclipse season ends. The soil will soon be fertile to plant the seeds of an important project or ambition you want to develop in 2023. This is especially true for Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
  • May 21: Sun enters Gemini - Until June 20, we will all be chatty, social, and a bit distracted, as communication in all its forms takes over during Gemini season. Meanwhile, eclipse season is officially over, and the energy is ideal to finally focus on writing that book or launching that podcast you've been ruminating about.

June 2023

The obstacles from May and even previous years dissolve, as June is one of the most astrologically positive months of 2023. All zodiac signs will grow and expand in career and many other areas of life as Jupiter in Taurus forms a positive sextile with Saturn in Pisces (exact June 19). If you've been working hard, the universe will reward your efforts as karma shows its most positive side.

  • June 3: Full Moon in Sagittarius - Tough lessons could be in store for those who have been slacking or breaking the rules, as authority figures will be watching. All zodiac signs should be on their toes, but Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will learn from their mistakes.
  • June 17: Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces - Life becomes a dream as Saturn, the stern teacher planet that brings life lessons, enters a five-month nap. Until November 3, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will struggle to have healthy boundaries with those around them.
  • June 17: New Moon in Gemini - It's hard to see the path forward at this confusing lunar event. The answers you are seeking can only be found in deep states of calm and meditation. Trusting the process is key now, especially for Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Pisces.
  • June 21: Sun enters Cancer/Summer Solstice - Summer is officially here! Until July 21, you will be swimming in the deep, nurturing, and compassionate waters of Cancer, mothering yourself as well as those around you.
  • June 30: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces - From now until December 6, certain events might awaken you to hard truths as the rose-colored glasses come off. Be prepared to see the reality of what you've been actively ignoring.

July 2023

Get ready for an intense month! The astrology of July throws a few curveballs your way as obstacles appear along your path. Communication will be intense—there will be some power-plays, due to Mercury and the Sun forming an opposition with Pluto. But this energy can also be transformative if you take the time to reflect and soul search.

At the same time, authority figures will be watching your performance. Your commitment to defend the truth will be tested, as will your desire to succeed. Venus—the planet of love and pleasure—goes retrograde, heralding a time of transformation for your most important bonds.

  • July 3: Full Moon in Capricorn - Major stories reach climax and come to an end under this fortunate and powerful lunation. Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces could receive good news about a job, a sealed commitment, and even a big dream coming to fruition.
  • July 17: New Moon in Cancer - It's time to focus on family and building strong foundations for ourselves, as this lunation exposes the need for healthy boundaries. By keeping a low profile, stay away from manipulations, as people will be pushing their agendas.
  • July 17: North Node enters Aries - For the next year and a half, we will collectively be instigated to show ourselves as we are when the Lunar North Node of Destiny enters Aries, the zodiac sign of individuality. Destined events and changes are in store for Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
  • July 22: Venus goes retrograde in Leo -Until September 3, you will explore new avenues in which to direct your creative energy. Big changes are also in store for relationships—while some of them might end, the ones that survive will become stronger than ever. All zodiac signs will feel this retrograde intensely, but especially Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

August 2023

With three lunar events and the overlap of two natal planets—Venus and Mercury—August is a rare month that instigates big change and transformation. All signs will feel a deep need to seek freedom as Uranus, the planet of change and individuality, remains active and then prepares to go retrograde at month's end (August 28). New relationships and new paths are on the horizon, so allow this exciting planet to show you the way.

  • August 1: Full Moon in Aquarius - Drama reigns at this lunar event, as people around you blow matters out of proportion when things don't go their way. If you've been learning from your mistakes this year, you could be coming out a winner now, especially if you're a Taurus or Virgo.
  • August 16: New Moon in Leo - This is a major point along your Venus retrograde journey. Your creativity has been morphing, searching for new avenues to manifest your desires. By embracing stillness, this lunar event shows you where this new road might lead.
  • August 23: Sun enters Virgo - While the summer fun is not totally over, the light of the Sun begins to illuminate what needs to be taken care of in our lives. Over the next four weeks of Virgo season, focus on finding wholeness by seeking a mind-body-spirit connection.
  • August 23 - September 15: Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo - The third retrograde of Mercury is here. This time around, it'll help you fine-tune your life and all the processes that keep it moving. But before making adjustments, you must embrace deep introspection for the next three weeks.
  • August 30: Blue Moon in Pisces - This is the second full moon in one month, making it a blue moon. This rare and magical lunation helps you cut ties from the past so you can begin moving forward with more confidence. Go with the flow and trust in the power of your magic.
    All The Traditional Full Moon Names And Their Meanings, Explained
    full wolf moon

September 2023

Expect the energy to be up and down this month as planets go in and out of retrograde. When Venus goes direct on September 3, take a sigh of relief as your relationships return back to normal. Mercury follows by going direct on September 15, bringing back speed in commerce and communication. At the same time, be patient with yourself and those around you this month as we all adjust to big life changes.

  • September 4: Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus - Since May 16, Jupiter has helped us grow in the material realm, which speaks to all different manifestations of wealth. For example, you may have received a raise or bought a house during this time. But now, as Jupiter takes a nap, the next five months are about figuring out if your spending habits are sustainable, and if you need to course-correct your strategy for growth.
  • September 14: New Moon in Virgo - This lunar event has you feeling like you're in suspended animation, when you might have to make decisions key for your growth. Know that the answers you are seeking now can only be found in states of profound meditation, so dive right in! Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will feel this event the most.
  • September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox - After an energetically confusing time, you are ready for a new beginning as you welcome fall. While the Sun shines in the sign of the scales for the next four weeks of Libra season, you are being called to figure out what needs balance in your life and make the necessary adjustments.
  • September 29: Full Moon in Aries - Emotions will run high around this time, so it will be key to avoid impulsivity, especially when it comes to your relationships. The energy will be particularly hard to navigate for Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Libra.

October 2023

October will be way spookier than everyone imagined as eclipse season returns and Mars, the planet of drive and intensity, gets turned up a few notches. That'll bring a big dose of masculine energy to the universe, so channel it wisely by cutting ties to that which no longer serves you and banishing all toxicity—in the form of people and behaviors—that are preventing your personal evolution.

  • October 10: Pluto goes direct in Capricorn - As the planet of transformation wakes up from its five-month nap, you're wrapping up themes that have been present in your life since 2008! It's time to abandon the old, traditional ways of being and step into the new.
  • October 11: Mars enters Scorpio - With the planet of masculine energy, drive, and ambition in one of its strongest places in the sky until November 23, you are given an incredible amount of energy to chase your goals. Don't fall into ruthlessness, however. Staying true to your integrity will lead to success, especially if you're a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.
  • October 14: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - Combining the power of three new moons in one, this eclipse is a reminder that the price of abandoning your sense of authenticity is high. Deep healing happens when you begin showing yourself exactly as you are. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius could have doors opening for them.
  • October 23: Sun enters Scorpio - For the next four weeks of Scorpio season, the Sun illuminates all taboo topics with the finality of showing what part of yourself needs to go in order to make room for the new. Going with the flow will be key for all signs, but especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
  • October 28: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - A big ending is in store as the universe puts you face-to-face with the forces of destiny, closing a cycle that began back in the Spring of 2022. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio could be in for a big and sweet surprise.

November 2023

Transformation is the name of the game as the planets urge you to liberate yourself from stagnant energy this month. If a situation seems unhealthy, you have cosmic permission to walk away from it. Lucky breaks are in store for those who are unafraid of taking risks and following their heart. New desires are being born now too, as the Sun travels close to daring, unapologetic Mars all month long. Chase your ambitions wisely, and you will come out a winner!

  • November 4: Saturn goes direct in Pisces - Karmic adjustments and lessons are in store when the teacher planet of time wakes up from a five-month nap, stripping away the rose-colored glasses. This is especially true for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. On a positive note, Saturn going direct will make career matters move at a faster pace.
  • November 8: Venus enters Libra - Balance and harmony are easy to reach when the planet of love and pleasure enters one of the signs it rules. Until December 3, your power to manifest the love life of your dreams is possible, especially if you're a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.
  • November 13: New Moon in Scorpio - A new version of yourself is being born under this transformative lunar event. However, you might have to give something up or take a big risk. Take the leap—there's something better on the other side.
  • November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius - For the next four weeks of Sagittarius season, you are encouraged to feel optimistic and look at the bright side of life. Adventure, travel, and study are bound to open your mind to the many possibilities that lie ahead… it's time to expand those horizons!
  • November 27: Full moon in Gemini - If your attention has been scattered or you've been ignoring your responsibilities, expect to be called out under this intense lunar event. Concentration and hard work will get you to the other side. If you are a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, you will feel these themes the most.

December 2023

This month, it might be hard to distinguish reality from fiction as Neptune, the planet of dreams, is greatly activated and comes out of its long retrograde on December 6. When in doubt, attuning to your sense of spirituality helps you win in a month that triumphs introspection over action. The cosmic communicator, Mercury, begins its fourth retrograde of the year, asking you to go within and release the pressure to set intentions for the year ahead.

  • December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius - During the last new moon of 2023, surrender to not knowing what's next and sink into a deep feeling of trust that everything will work out in the end. Creativity, spirituality, and adventure are highlighted for all zodiac signs, but especially for the air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
  • December 12 - January 1: Mercury goes retrograde - The last Mercury retrograde will ask you to completely change your goals as well as your philosophy of life as you transition to 2024! From December 12 to December 21, focus on reformulating your career goals. And from December 22 to January 1, be open to seeing life from another lens, one that is more open-minded and exciting!
  • December 21: Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice - On the shortest day of the year, we're all in store for some big aha moments, so pay attention to the signs. Even with Mercury in retrograde, all zodiac signs can plant the seed of something they want to see materialize this Capricorn season.
  • December 26: Full moon in Cancer - Our words have power under this potent full moon, the last one of 2023! Use yours wisely by telling your loved ones how much you care for them. Pay attention to the themes that come up for you now, as they function as a window into your 2024 future. Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn could see a big dream come true.
  • December 30: Jupiter goes direct in Taurus - We end the year on a high note as the planet of abundance, Jupiter, goes direct, bringing back our luck. Embrace the celebratory vibe, and acknowledge all your 2023 wins!


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