JSYK, February's Venus in Aries Transit Is the Opposite of Cuffing ... - Free Daily Horoscopes by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Is it "un-cuffing season?" As vivacious vixen Venus sprints into impulsive, fiery Aries, eyes wander and attractions ignite. Here's what to expect for the Venus in Aries transit, February 20-March 16.

Get ready for a blast of blazing heat as vixen Venus vaults into Aries, igniting a passionate pre-spring awakening! Impulse control will be scarce, but as a rule of thumb, zip and unzip judiciously (we'll get to that in a minute…)

What are the Venus in Aries transit dates?

The Venus in Aries transit arrives on the heels of the dreamy, compassionate Venus in Pisces transit (January 26-February 20, 2023). Astro tip: The next Venus transit is in Taurus, March 16-April 11, 2023.

What does the Venus in Aries transit mean?

Bring on the confident swagger! As magnetic Venus zips into fiery and self-determined Aries, the next month could bring unprecedented romantic highs. Speak your desires without apology. Savor your independence. Play with new styles (NYFW inspo?), or even a head-turning makeover. The more you follow your genuine bliss, the more turned-on you'll feel! Single stargazers could cycle through contenders quickly. Why waste time or settle? Move it along!

How does the Venus in Aries transit affect me?

Venus is in "detriment" in Aries, a tricky placement for the cosmic seductress. Feelings run hot and cold, attractions sizzle then fizzle. Devoted partners may question their loyalty when they experience a burst of scorching chemistry…with someone else.

On the plus side, a Venus in Aries can break up stagnancy, because Aries is an adventurous sign. (Bye-bye love drought!) Since Aries is also the zodiac's warrior, it might take an explosive lovers' quarrel to reignite the sparks that lead to exothermic makeup sex.

Single? Romance can come and go faster than a TikTok trend under this fast-moving sign. One day you'll be glued together and the next, ghosted. Or you may never get past the breadcrumbing phase.

Coupled? Scorching chemistry with someone outside your relationship can take you by surprise. No need to act on it; just bring that surge of feisty energy back home to your partner. If you've hit a dating plateau, the four-week Venus in Aries transit can inspire you to get back out there and circulate.

When Venus visits a fire sign…

A Venus in Aries transit highlights this zodiac sign's element: fire.

Patience is not a virtue for the Venus in Aries transit. You want to know now: Are you into me or not?

These transits come around while Venus is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius for approximately four weeks each year.

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Venus transits 2023

Where will Venus be in 2023?

AQUARIUS: December 9, 2022 to January 2, 2023
PISCES: January 26-February 20
ARIES: February 20-March 16
TAURUS: March 16-April 11
GEMINI: April 11-May 7
CANCER: May 7-June 5
LEO: June 5-October 8 (RETROGRADE: July 22-September 3)
VIRGO: October 8-November 8
LIBRA: November 8-December 4
SCORPIO: December 4-December 29

Venus in Aries horoscopes for every zodiac sign

Aries (March 21-April 19) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Mirror, mirror, on the wall: With sensual Venus dancing through your sign until March 16, all eyes will be fixed on you. (Including your own. Werk!) The love planet visits Aries only once a year, so use it to your advantage! Start by working on self-love, the prerequisite to attracting (or reawakening) an amazing partner. Take breaks when you need them and make massages and mani-pedis more of a regular thing than a special treat. With the celestial stylista in your sign, give your wardrobe and hairstyle a 2023 refresh. Think: maximalism!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Off you go, emotional vampires—and good riddance! As tender-loving Venus shifts into Aries and your twelfth house of closure until March 16, you can cut those toxic ties. Does someone take, take, take and never give anything back in return? Does an ex or dramatic friend sap you of your inner reserves? Nix the codependency and go your own way, Bull. You don't necessarily need to send anybody packing, but setting clearly defined boundaries will help. Your time is precious, so spend it with people who lift you up rather than drag you down.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

You don't have to work in HR to consider adding a benefits package to a certain friendship. As romantic Venus swings into Aries and your eleventh house of companions, shining a love light on someone who HAD been relegated to the friend zone. Without even trying, you could have "those" kinds of feelings for a formerly platonic pal. The eleventh house also rules technology, meaning your apps—or social network—might be your best matchmaker! Already spoken for? This Venus in Aries transit cycle, which lasts until March 16, can help you grow your circle of mutual friends. Time to co-host a party?

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

The most direct way to the top doesn't require scheming or backbiting. As your compassionate sign knows, the better your relationships with influential people, the more likely you are to be included in their plans. Charismatic Venus swings into trailblazing Aries and your career sector until March 16. Socializing and connecting with helpful people will raise your own visibility. Turn on the charm, Cancer, but make sure it's genuine. With decadent Venus in the frame, deals are more likely to be sealed over lunch than email.

Leo (July 23-August 22) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

The wide world is beckoning, Leo! What's the ideal scenery for your next prowl? You're in the driver's seat (or perhaps an upgraded window seat in business class) as glamorous Venus jets through your global ninth house until March 16. Single Cats may find romance far from home, perhaps with sand between your toes and a sexy accent whispering in your ear. Coupled Leos: Get your juices flowing by researching a passionate getaway-a-deux. It's what the love doctor ordered!

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Go deep, Virgo! On February 20, romantic Venus plunges into Aries and your eighth house of seduction until March 16. Charm, appeal and seductive power? You'll have no shortage of that trifecta. If you're single, you owe it to yourself (and that pool of wannabes) to be more proactive in your search. That doesn't mean lowering your standards, although you could ease up just a smidge on the Virgo perfectionism thing. Hold out for someone who ticks the important boxes when it comes to trust and shared interests—and passion!

Libra (September 23-October 22) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

What's your heart dreaming of, Libra? Monday, February 20, kicks off of a three-week cycle that puts romance front and center. Your ruling planet, loving Venus, swings into your seventh house of partnership until March 16. If you're in a relationship that's been going nowhere, figure out which of you is having commitment issues. It may be awkward, but if you want things to change, you need to have The Talk. Single? Get mingling! Nobody's going to find you parked on your sofa. Happily coupled Libras could glide right into that "next step" without a shred of struggle. Follow your instincts instead of over-analyzing.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Love and self-care get blended into a delightful cocktail starting February 20, as romantic Venus grapevines into your sixth house of wellbeing until March 16. You may need to redefine what "healthy relationship" means to you. Want more security or commitment from your S.O.? Don't just wait for them to change. Broach the subject gently, expressing your needs. Single? Refresh your fitness wardrobe. You may soon be wearing that athleisure on a spontaneous post-workout date!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

If you've got a major deadline breathing down your neck, you may need to buy some time, Sag. Your attention will turn in a far more personal direction on February 20, as romance agent Venus blasts into self-directed Aries and your passionate fifth house until March 16. Your love life will reach red-hot levels and include some dramatic plot twists. But your adventurous fire sign is fully equipped for that. Enjoy the ride—and when work comes a-knocking, tap the fifth house's other rich vein: unbridled creativity!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Is your home an oasis of peace and tranquility—or a noisily distracting three-ring circus? On Monday, February 20, beatific Venus beams into your domestic quarters. Feathering your nest may become your new fixation. You don't have to accomplish everything by the weekend, though. The aesthetically minded planet will be in your court until March 16, encouraging to do things Capricorn-style, meaning one careful, well-considered step at a time. But come spring, you may have a sanctuary that makes the style bloggers drool.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Are you ready to intensify your dating efforts or deepen your bond with your S.O.? On February 20, vixen Venus lunges into Aries and your coquettish third house until March 16. If you're unattached, this is a perfect opportunity to flex your flirting muscles and shepherd in a whole new batch of eligible candidates. Enjoy Cupid's sampler platter and don't rush to settle on just one dish. You might even consider someone who's been hovering in the friend zone. In an LTR? Up the fun factor by getting more playdates on the calendar, including a road trip and an overnight getaway.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Venus in Aries transit horoscope

Poetic Pisces can be suckers for style, especially when the visuals tell a great story. As beautifying Venus swings into your sensual second house until March 16, your lust for life's luxuries will only intensify. But Venus' tour of your financial sector is not an excuse to dip into your emergency savings for a retail indulgence. Use this three-week cycle to create a budget that will satisfy your whims while setting you on a long-sighted path to savings. And turn on the charm! With the enchanting planet here, connecting to the right people can be beneficial for your bank account.

Want more? Learn your Venus sign!

Venus directs your personal style, from your taste in clothes and decor to what you find visually appealing. Here's where you're creative, indulgent and romantic. You may have greater ease receiving gifts and support in the realms your Venus sign rules.

As the zodiac's peacekeeping diplomat, Venus helps you negotiate compromises. Just beware the "nice disease" in the area of life your Venus placement rules. This conflict-averse planet can also make you a bit too quick to settle or accept peace at any price. You may need to strengthen your backbone a bit, so that you don't wind up saying "maybe," when you mean "no."

Use our cosmic calculator below to discover what zodiac sign and house Venus was in when you were born. To accurately determine the house, you will need to know your birth time.

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What does your Venus sign mean?

Now you can read your Venus in Aries transit horoscope in this article for your Sun sign and your Venus sign! This can give you a more tailored prediction for how you'll experience the transit. For example if you're an Aries but your Venus sign is Pisces, you can read both the Aries and the Pisces Venus in Aquarius transit horoscopes for a fuller picture.

Feature art by Rosie Dienhart

Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope and plan it by the planets all year long!


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