The 12/12 Portal Is a Lucky Day for Manifesting Your Dream Life

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How To Determine Where To Focus Your Energy Each Month, According To Astrology

Using the astrology timing technique called profections, it's possible to identify the planet that is activated at any given time.

Typically, astrologers look to annual profections to identify which of the houses is activated to find out which area of life the focus will be on during that year, but this type of technique can also be used on a daily, monthly or even hourly level. 

According to astrologer Ellie Remotigue, profection months "can show the activated planet of the month, the energy of the month and what is going on...".

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Although these monthly profections do not harbor the same intensity as annual profections, there are still some relevant components that can help us see what we can expect each month through this technique.

To easily find out which profection month you're in, you can use an annual profection calculator that breaks down each month based on your natal chart.

1st house profection month

During a first house profection month, you can expect to feel awakened, energized and more impulsive. Challenges are accepted here because we feel capable enough to win. Emotionally, we strive to break free and achieve. We take on more than we can because our ego will not let us see the truth. We could feel on top of the world just before burnout hits.

2nd house profection month

We take stock of what we have and could desire to make more. It is a month where we could feel upset for not accomplishing or building the security we desire. We will be more motivated to work harder, save, earn and plan on how to bring in more resources.

3rd house profection month

This month's energy is focused on curiosity and being more connected with people around us. It could be a month when social media is prioritized and we could meet some new people or strengthen our social connections. We begin to overanalyze and take steps to make something new in the planning stages for the next chapter.

4th house profection month

The home becomes an important focus and it could make us more emotionally tuned into what others are feeling around us. Staying grounded, centered, and rooted is essential. We could start our journey to discovering something new that we are passionate about.

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5th house profection month

This is a romantic time or a good period to feel a lot more creatively energized. We could be more popular and social during this transit. It is a month when we may feel inspired to "treat ourselves'' to indulge or buy expensive things. Fun is the priority now so it is essential to add some moderation.

6th house profection month

This time is rooted in self-care and reflection. We analyze our tasks, take pride in the work we have done and look ahead. This is where we resolve pending matters and get things done before the responsibilities start to stress us.

7th house profection month

Making good connections, communicating more with partners and starting a new business initiative is more likely to happen this month. We could deal with legal matters or fix some problems we have with others. We are more inclined to make peace and focus on preserving harmony. This is also a social period and we have the opportunity to make new friends.

8th house profection month

This is a time for connecting to our roots, making peace with the past and looking ahead. It is a period where we experience a rebirth after going deep within. Eigth house profection months promotes research, learning, understanding and taking on the role of caregiver for others.

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9th house profection month

Spend this time discovering something new about yourself and getting motivated to make new goals. We're inspired to face challenges with more optimism. Plans start to take momentum, but it's also a time of leisure, connection and exploration.

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Here, we prioritize making new connections, planning ahead with career moves and receiving praise for the work we have accomplished. We could fall in love with the prospect of the future. A time to admire and learn to love ourselves, it could feel emotionally cool, but we feel prepared to take on what is to come.

11th house profection month

We tend to feel courageous and more inspired during this month, tapping into the creative power and catching up with friends. It can feel relaxing and calming. A lot of doors could feel as if they are opening because everything seems to work in our favor.

12th house profection month

This is a time to recharge and reflect. This is where we will be feeling the effects of our new cycle and turning the page. We gain wisdom, trust ourselves more and are more comfortable with solitude. A powerful moment that served as the blueprint for the next year to come.

RELATED: The Main Challenges You're Meant To Overcome In This Lifetime, According To Astrology

A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.

What Chiron Means In Astrology And How To Calculate Your Sign

Let's talk about affliction; our psychic bruises, ancient aches, persistent pains and weeping wounds.

While most folk are familiar with their sun sign, can identify if they are fire or earth, have maybe even dipped a toe into the lunar pool of their moon signs, we are here to shine light and antiseptic on a lesser known, and more recently revered astrological influence; Chiron.

In astrology, Chiron refers to an asteroid/potential planet that falls within one of the twelve zodiac signs and one of the twelve zodiac houses. Chiron is the wound, or if you prefer, knot, we must suture or unspool in order to fully actualize.

Chiron points to where it hurts, and if we listen, it exists to teach us how to overcome ourselves and empower others.

What is Chiron?

Discovered by Scorpio astronomer Charles Kowal in 1977, Chrion was first identified as an asteroid but has since been reclassified as a minor planet with talks of upgrading its status to dwarf planet like death daddy Pluto. Chiron orbits between two deeply different but equally powerful celestial bodies; stern Saturn and unruly Uranus.

In astrology, and in simple terms, Saturn shows where we are restricted and Uranus points to where we rebel. Because Chiron is a relatively new discovery, some old school or just plain old astrologers do not consider it. Other astronomers have fully adopted Chiron and taken to calling it the "rainbow bridge," a pathway towards integrating the disparate energies of Saturn and Uranus into a cohesive whole.

Saturn planet solar system with stars in 3D illustration background.Chiron is located between stern planet Saturn and rabble rousing Uranus and represents the balance we must strike between those energies. Getty Images/iStockphoto How to find your Chiron

To identify the sign your Chiron falls in, use this calculator. To determine both the sign and house placement of Chiron, use a birth chart generating program like this. You'll notice that the symbol for Chiron strongly resembles a key and for good reason; the sign and house placement of Chiron within the birth chart unlocks our point of greatest pain and ultimate potential.

In the words of artist and astrologer Elise Wells of Planet Poetica, "Chiron is the bruise. It's not about pushing on the places where it hurts, it's about finding what the wound is and where the wound is, so we can address it. Whats not addressed, gets repressed, and what we repress, will get projected, and thats when the wound shows up everywhere!" Indeed if we choose to ignore our Chiron and the trajectory it offers, we will continue to activate it. Just as untreated wounds fester so to does an unattended Chiron cry out for reprieve.

Wells continues "In astrology, your Chiron placement is the healing work you are destined to do on yourself, your personal medicine. But the balm and the relief, can be found in the polarity point of that placement. For example: if your Chiron is in Scorpio, look to Taurus things to provide comfort, relief, beauty."

Read on to learn more about the curse and cure of Chiron through the zodiac signs.

Chiron in Aries (or 1st House)

Chiron in Aries relates to feelings of the self and individual purpose. Those with this placement internalized feelings of being "too much," and learned to swallow rather than express anger and to eschew instincts in favor of likability and social acceptance. Themes of isolation and a punishing need to be first are present. The lesson here is to heartily adopt radical individualism and fearless expression and rally others to fly their respective freak flags and bellow their battle cries.

Chiron in Taurus (or 2nd House)

Chiron in Taurus relates to worth and ideas about what and who we deserve. Because the second house is the house of material possessions, those with this placement may struggle with finances, unable to accept change or get ahead. Beauty is balm for this Chiron as is as unapologetically indulging in pleasures that are independent from material goods and training themselves to believe that abundance is their birth right.

Chiron in Gemini (or 3rd House)

Chiron in Gemini indicates pain related to intellect and communication. Those with this placement struggle with one of two extremes; feeling less than others when it comes to intelligence or being "too smart for their own good" in a way that felt "othering." The lesson here for these folks is to subscribe only to their own benchmark of brilliance, surrender to knowing they will never know it all and not to let fear of failure or humiliation starve them of curiosity.

Chiron in Cancer (or 4th House)

Chiron in Cancer folks struggle with safety, security and the perception of threat. The fourth house is the house of home and ancestry and those with this placement are primed to feel somewhat out of place within the world and the body they inhabit. Black sheep vibes and familial strife are likely as well as a propensity to hold on to money, food and material goods for fear of never having enough. Healing takes place when these people are able to nourish others, to open their doors rather than batten their hatches.

Ancient astrological, esoteric or alchemy symbol of asteroid Chiron.Fittingly, the symbol for Chiron looks very much like a key. Getty Images/iStockphoto Chiron in Leo (or 5th House)

Chiron in Leo speaks to a need for outside validation, a painful hunger for love, an addiction to intensity and a fear of being, or being seen as, average. Healing comes through harnessing the best of Leo energy; creativity, non performative playfulness, the cultivation of an innate sense self-worth and the knowledge that the only audience that matters is the one you harbor in your own beating heart.

Chiron in Virgo (or 6th House)

Chiron in Virgo is held hostage by a need to be or make things that are perfect. Often those with this placement do not initiate or create because of a fear of failure or of failing to meet their own punishing standards. Healing happens when these folks begin to understand that failure is progress. This Chiron is cured by making the most out of mucking it up and by educating others, seeing through them that knowledge is a road not an altar.

Chiron in Libra (or 7th House)

Chiron in Libra concerns itself with the pains of partnership and measuring the self against the assumed superiority of others. This Chiron indicates indecision, a fear of ending relationships, the tendency to neglect the self in favor of the beloved, feeling empty when alone and lonely in a partnership and anxiety about going against the grain and opposite the herd. Healing starts by recognizing that the answer for what they lack does not lie in another person but in the undeveloped and unloved parts of the self. To quote the poet Lizzo, " I'm my own soulmate/I know how to love me/I know that I'm always gonna hold me down."

Chiron in Scorpio (or 8th House)

Chiron in Scorpio points to the pain of power and issues of control; surrendering it and wielding it. This is among the most acutely felt and richly rewarding Chiron placements, suspicious of love and mistrustful of the intentions of others it often shows itself as a deeply negative inner monologue. In relationships, these people are either controlling partners or allow themselves to be totally controlled by another. The key for this Chiron is self- empowerment; the establishment of healthy boundaries that leave them free of the desire to overpower others or forfeit their own fortifications. Lending themselves to the transformation of others through rituals of life, death or self-actualization is a beautiful application of this healed Chiron.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Chiron in Sagittarius (or 9th House)

Chiron in Sagittarius relates to belief structures, definitions of essential truths and dispersion of energies. Those with this placement can fall prey to fanaticism and may struggle to express themselves in ways that are not polarizing, proselytizing or offensive. Chiron in Sagittarius folks can be bandwagon types, intensely adopting and then dropping all manner of interests and institutions. An open mind and the development of an ear bent on listening versus a tongue trained to judge, conspire to close this wound, humor being the greatest stitch.

Chiron in Capricorn (or 10th House)

Chiron in Capricorn folks likely came of age before their time, asked to be adults or to intervene in adult situations before they were ready. Because they lacked structure or control as kids, the survival strategy of radical self-reliance is a point of pride and also their fault line. They equate worth with achievement to their own detriment. The salve for this trauma is to lead others towards shared responsibilities and the reward of communal resources. Supporting the "we" becomes paramount to the success of "I."

Chiron in Aquarius (or 11th House)

Chiron in Aquarius is the mark of the outsider. The otherness felt by those with this placement is used to justify self-isolation, emotional detachment and group provocation. The lesson for Chiron in Aquarius is to understand that their strangeness is their strength and while their differences are unique to them, feeling different is not. This Chiron is easily and often activated by any social or group dynamic and yet these people and this wound exist to better those same scenarios. Once Chiron in Aquarius accepts that they are different by design, they will feel em Chiron in Pisces (or 12th House)

Chiron in Pisces overidentifies with the victim archetype. These people seek escape by retreating from reality and avoid responsibility by surrendering their power to others. There is an emphasis on fate with this placement with natives believing they were dealt an unfair or insurmountable life. The balm for this Chiron feels very much like a series of motivational posters in a middle school hallway; invest in success, assert the self and believe that you can achieve ect. The beauty of this Chiron made complete is that it gives others permission to integrate dreams and fantasy into functional, heightened living.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a "girls guide" to strip clubs and the "weirdest" foods available abroad.

Your Astrology Language - 2023 Astrology Reading Program Reviews

In a world filled with uncertainty, many people seek guidance and clarity in their lives. They turn to various sources, such as astrology, to gain insight into their personalities, relationships, and future prospects. Your Astrology Language is one such platform that aims to provide personalized readings and tools to help individuals navigate through life's challenges. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Your Astrology Language, its key features, and the benefits it offers.

Understanding Your Astrology Language

Your Astrology Language is an online platform founded by Sarah Lee, an expert in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology. With her extensive knowledge and experience, Sarah aims to help individuals understand the connection between the celestial bodies and their lives. Through personalized readings, she provides valuable insights into various aspects, including personality traits, relationships, health, and wealth.

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The Power of Zodiac Signs

At the core of Your Astrology Language are the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, each representing a specific animal and associated with unique characteristics and elements. By determining your zodiac sign based on your birth date, Sarah can uncover important details about your personality and life path. These insights can help you make informed decisions, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and enhance your personal growth.

Your Astrology Language Zodiac Signs (credit: PR) Your Astrology Language Zodiac Signs (credit: PR)

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Flow of Qi: Unleashing Your Potential

In Chinese philosophy, Qi refers to the vital life energy that flows through everything in the universe. Your Astrology Language emphasizes the importance of aligning your zodiac sign's flow of Qi to unlock your full potential. By understanding the energetic forces at play, you can attract positive outcomes and harness the power within you. Sarah's expertise allows her to guide individuals in utilizing their Qi flow effectively for success and good health.

Personalized Predictions and Guidance

One of the key offerings of Your Astrology Language is the personalized predictions and guidance it provides. Through in-depth readings, Sarah analyzes various aspects of your life, including health, profession, emotions, travel, and luck. These insights can help you gain clarity, make informed decisions, and navigate through challenging times. Whether you're seeking guidance on personal relationships or career choices, Your Astrology Language offers valuable insights tailored specifically to you.

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The Wisdom of Feng Shui

Feng Shui, meaning "water" and "wind," is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize one's environment with natural elements. Your Astrology Language incorporates the principles of Feng Shui to create positive energies and promote balance in your life. Sarah Lee introduces the concept of the "Flow of Qi," aligning your surroundings and personal energy to enhance your overall well-being. By making simple changes in the placement of furniture and incorporating lucky charms, you can attract prosperity and create a harmonious space.

Sarah Lee: The Master Behind Your Astrology Language

Sarah Lee, the mastermind behind Your Astrology Language, has been delving into the realms of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology since 1980. Her extensive experience and intuitive abilities have transformed the lives of thousands of individuals. Sarah's dedication to understanding the mystical connection between heaven and the human body shines through in her weekly horoscopes, insightful blog posts, and personalized readings. Her accuracy and commitment to her craft set her apart from other astrologers.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Your Astrology Language

When you delve into the world of Your Astrology Language, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and tools. The platform offers various resources, including crystals, guides, and lucky charms, to help you find balance, improve your health, and attract positive energies. Sarah's personalized readings and forecasts enable you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and the opportunities that lie ahead. With Your Astrology Language, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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The Benefits of Your Astrology Language
  • Restoring Life Balance: Your Astrology Language helps restore balance in various aspects of your life through the principles of Yin and Yang. By understanding the dynamics of these energies, you can improve your health and overall well-being.

  • Personalized Approach: Your Astrology Language provides personalized readings based on your zodiac sign and birth chart. This tailored approach allows for accurate insights and enables you to make informed decisions.

  • Enhancing Relationships: Understanding your zodiac compatibility and the dynamics of your relationships can help you foster healthier and more fulfilling connections. Your Astrology Language offers valuable insights into building harmonious partnerships.

  • Harnessing Wealth and Prosperity: By aligning your energy with the principles of Feng Shui, Your Astrology Language can guide you in attracting wealth and abundance into your life. Simple adjustments in your surroundings can have a significant impact on your financial prospects.

  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Your Astrology Language provides a pathway to self-discovery and personal growth. By uncovering your strengths, weaknesses, and life path, you can make conscious choices that align with your true potential.

  • Your Astrology Language Reading (credit: PR) Your Astrology Language Reading (credit: PR)

    Click here to see your Astrology Language >

    Unlocking the Mysteries of the Year Ahead

    Your Astrology Language offers valuable insights into the upcoming year and the opportunities it holds. By focusing on the specific animal of the Chinese Calendar associated with your birth chart, Sarah Lee reveals important details about the year ahead. These insights can help you navigate through challenges, make strategic decisions, and embrace the possibilities that await you.

    The Magic of Your Astrology Language

    Your Astrology Language extends beyond personalized readings and forecasts. The platform offers various products, including crystals, guides, and charms, designed to enhance your well-being and promote positive energies. These tools, combined with the wisdom and guidance of Sarah Lee, can help you unlock your true potential and embark on a journey of personal transformation.

    Embrace Your Astrology Language Journey

    Your Astrology Language is a gateway to self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth. By delving into the mysteries of astrology, you can gain valuable insights, understand your unique qualities, and make conscious choices. Whether you seek guidance in relationships, career, or personal development, Your Astrology Language offers a roadmap to navigate through life's uncertainties. Embrace the power of the stars and unlock the secrets of your destiny with Your Astrology Language.

    Click here to see your Astrology Language >

    Top 10 FAQs for Your Astrology Language Website

    1. What is astrology?

    Astrology is the study of the relationships between celestial objects and human affairs. It is based on the belief that the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth can influence their personality, life path, and future.

    2. What are the different types of astrology?

    There are many different types of astrology, but the most common are Western astrology and Vedic astrology. Western astrology is based on the Greek zodiac and uses the positions of the planets and stars to make predictions about a person's life. Vedic astrology is based on the Hindu zodiac and uses the positions of the planets and stars to make predictions about a person's karma.

    3. What is a birth chart?

    A birth chart is a map of the sky at the time of a person's birth. It shows the positions of the planets and stars in the zodiac signs and houses. Birth charts are used by astrologers to interpret a person's personality, life path, and future.

    4. What are zodiac signs?

    Zodiac signs are the twelve divisions of the zodiac. Each sign is associated with a different personality type, set of strengths and weaknesses, and ruling planet.

    5. What are houses?

    Houses are the twelve divisions of the birth chart. Each house is associated with a different area of life, such as relationships, career, and health.

    6. What are aspects?

    Aspects are the angles between planets and stars in the birth chart. Aspects can be positive or negative, and they influence the way that the planets and stars interact with each other.

    7. What is a transit?

    A transit is the movement of a planet or star through the zodiac signs. Transits can trigger events in a person's life, and they are often used by astrologers to make predictions about the future.

    8. What is a retrograde?

    A retrograde is when a planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky. Retrogrades can be challenging times, but they can also be times of growth and transformation.

    9. What is free will?

    Free will is the ability to make choices without being constrained by external factors. Astrologers believe that free will is essential for human growth, and that astrology can help people to make informed choices about their lives.

    10. What is the purpose of astrology?

    Astrology is a tool that can be used to gain self-awareness, understand one's place in the universe, and make informed decisions about one's life. It is a personal journey, and there is no right or wrong way to use astrology.


    Your Astrology Language is a powerful tool that can help you navigate through life's uncertainties and unlock your full potential. By understanding your zodiac sign, the flow of Qi, and the principles of Feng Shui, you can gain valuable insights into your personality, relationships, health, and wealth. With Sarah Lee's personalized readings, forecasts, and guidance, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth. Embrace the power of the stars and unlock the secrets of your destiny with Your Astrology Language.

    Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Individual experiences may vary. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified astrologer or advisor for personalized guidance.


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