Your Chinese monthly horoscope for January 2024 based on Chinese astrology

rabbit horoscope 2022 :: Article Creator

Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope From Now To June 2

The right balance may look wrong to someone on the outside, but you must trust your processes and know they will all come together. That's this week's steady energy, between May 27 - June 2, 2024, for all of us. Before we look at the weekly horoscopes for every Chinese zodiac sign, here are the general messages for everyone.

The I Ching hexagram of this week is Fire over Wind (#50), changing to Thunder over Water (#40). It reminds us that creativity can take many forms. So don't feel downcast if someone doubts your ability when the clay is still wet and the kiln is still warming. Such rigidity is strange since you can eat with a fork and knife just as easily as a pair of chopsticks. 

Trust yourself when creating, and don't harshly judge yourself for the tiny mistakes you make. That's what makes us human. You can always fix things if you trust yourself and have the right knowledge. What matters is how it all turns out in the end. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign.


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, this week's energy is all about planning for the future and investing so you can reap big rewards many years later.

Lucky Day in Love: May 28

In love, too, you are asked to think about the long-term and not waste time with those who are only in it to hit and quit. If you wish to stay single and focus on self-care, that's also highlighted as something you should do without guilt. The cosmic forces have got your back!

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 1

If you feel called to, now is a good time to perform cord-cutting rituals since we are still in the waning moon phase. Let go of unnecessary burdens so you can more easily embrace the future.

Lucky Day for Career: May 29

As for your career, you will shine now, no matter what. Don't mind the envious folks. You are on your victory run!

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(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, this week's energy urges you to stand by your convictions and be true to yourself. The path forward will be golden if you do this and refuse to allow anyone to cow you.

Lucky Day in Love: June 2

In love, trust your instincts and intuition. If someone else cannot recognize the red flags or is deluding them they don't exist, then that's their problem. You must be your own best friend and prevent the wrong people from taking up space.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 29

Also, be more mindful of those in your inner circle. If you are the average of those you surround yourself with, ensure you are surrounded by the best and the loving.

Lucky Day for Career: May 28

As for your career, nothing significant will happen this week, even if you have something new coming up. Go with the flow and trust the process. The time for celebration will come later.

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(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, this week's energy is all about knowing who loves you and prioritizing them in life. Loving relationships are one of the greatest gifts. Don't overlook them.

Lucky Day in Love: May 27

In romance, things are a bit up in the air right now. As long as you stay true to yourself and choose someone whose path in life runs alongside yours and is not divergent, you will be fine.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 1 & 2

Also, now's a good time to have a daily routine that unleashes your creativity and inner child. Whether it's playing games, dancing, or something else, trust your heart and go where it leads you!

Lucky Day for Career: May 29

This week, you will be treated with respect and consideration in your career. As long as you strike the right balance between being the leader and being part of the team, you will do phenomenally well.

RELATED: 9 Not-At-All Magical Ways To Increase Your Luck


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, this week's energy is about striking the right balance in your life so you can stay on top of your responsibilities and also have fun. Moderation is the keyword here.

Lucky Day in Love: May 29

In love, you are encouraged to think about the long-term and save money so you and your family can thrive later. This also means choosing the right partner who understands the value of money and how to make it work for you.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 2

If you don't feel like socializing much this week, don't feel guilty. Lean into self-care and take care of your personal needs. Everything will fall into place once you do.

Lucky Day for Career: May 28

In your career, you are encouraged to continue as usual and not be impatient. Things are unfolding as they should... As long as you trust the process.

RELATED: 8 Magical Ways To Embrace Divine Timing


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, the energy this week urges you to be strong and ground yourself within. You are in a new era of life and will grow tremendously as long as you do this.

Lucky Day in Love: June 2

In love, don't be in a rush to get to the metaphorical finish line. Allow the relationship to grow organically instead, and you will be surprised by all the facets and mysteries you will uncover along the way.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 28

Your social life will be a resounding success this week. If you feel called to, now's also a good time to host a party. Treat your friends and loved ones to good food, good wine, and good entertainment!

Lucky Day for Career: May 27

In your career, though, try to maintain a more sedate pace. Things are transitioning to a new normal, and this will help you with that. Just be careful when mixing work and love.

RELATED: How To Harness The Power Of Feng Shui To Manifest True Love


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, this week's energy will make you feel like royalty! So lean into your personal style, creative vision, and soul's path. No one can stop you if you do.

Lucky Day in Love: May 27 & June 2

In love, you are urged to be more patient when you engage with your date or significant other. Everyone has faced something they struggle with, and true love can help both individuals overcome those inner battles if they are patient.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 27 & 28

As for your social life, you will do well if you engage with your inner circle to the exclusion of everyone else this week. Don't forget the trees for the forest.

Lucky Day for Career: May 29

In your career, some of you will receive a brilliant opportunity or be invited to collaborate on something big. Trust your capabilities because you can do this.

RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign's Life Purpose, According To Your North Node


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, some of you are at a crossroads right now. Choose carefully because the next leg of your journey will either be phenomenal or lackadaisical. Only you can know what the right path is for you.

Lucky Day in Love: May 30 & 31

In love, you are encouraged to be true to your vision and personal needs. That's the foundation of romantic compatibility. It's not a judgment on the other person at all.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 2

In your social life, you will do well if you keep money out of the pot. You are more prone to attracting energy vampires right now. The right friends won't bother you if you choose not to engage with them this way.

Lucky Day for Career: May 31

In your career, be on top of your routines and responsibilities and then go with the flow. The rest will fall into place when it should.

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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week for you is big and beautiful for you! Trust your heart as you go about your days. Something big is in store for you.

Lucky Day in Love: May 31 & June 2

In love, don't allow anyone to overburden you with all the communal responsibilities. That's a sign of incompatibility and lack of care. True love will always share the joys and the pains.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 2

If you don't feel like socializing this week, don't. The energy at this time may bring up triggers from deep within so you can heal your soul and unburden yourself. Work with a therapist if you feel called to.

Lucky Day for Career: May 29

Things will start to look up in your career this week, and you will have new opportunities to expand your horizons. Seize them as they come! Don't procrastinate on what's good and true.

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, your love life and relationships with your loved ones will be prominent this week, as will your relationship with your loved ones. As long as you don't forget that that's a priority, too, you will do fine.

Lucky Day in Love: June 2

If you feel called to, discuss the long term and start making plans for the future with your partner. If you are single, don't settle because "beggars can't be choosers." That's the worst thing you can do to yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 1 & 2

Your social life will be a success this week, especially if you will be attending a party or a family event. Be spontaneous and laugh more. Intriguing experiences await!

Lucky Day for Career: May 30

Your career is about to level up soon. Now's the right time to think about where you want to be five years from now.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

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General Overview:

Rooster, this week's energy is big and beautiful for you. Lean into whimsy and let your creative side breathe. You will be surprised by what comes your way.

Lucky Day in Love: June 2

In love, don't be in a rush to find true love. Prioritize yourself for now and lean into self-care. That's the best thing you can do to allow the cosmic forces to align your path with the right one.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 31

In your social life, you are urged to be mindful of who your true friends are and who your false friends are. Trust your intuition, and you will never go wrong.

Lucky Day for Career: May 30 & 31

In your career, you are encouraged to be more frugal about your expenses and investments. The time for something big will come later.

RELATED: The 6 Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs Who Read People Very Well


(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, this week's energy has a poignant feel. If your poetic side wants to emerge under its light, allow it to breathe and shine. You will be surprised by what you create.

Lucky Day in Love: May 31

In love, look to the future and choose the one who sees a future with you. You don't have to please strangers or conform to their vision. That's the beautiful thing about living in a diverse world. You will find your true love and soul tribe if you stay true to yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 2

Your social life will be a bit chaotic this week. Don't ignore the red flags when engaging with others, and don't give in to toxic pressure. Fate has got your back!

Lucky Day for Career: May 31

As for your career, now's a good time to journal your thoughts about the future in this arena, too. If you feel called to, create a vision board so you can manifest exactly what you want.

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, this week's energy urges you to be mindful of your resources and not let anyone trick you into giving something important away.

Lucky Day in Love: May 31 & June 1

In love, choose the one who genuinely cares for you because the ones who are only in it for exchanging favors and benefits won't stick around when the times change, and there's a need to adapt and grow.

Lucky Day in Friendship: June 1

Your social life will be good this week, but nothing extraordinary will happen. Allow this period to rejuvenate your soul and bring you peace.

Lucky Day for Career: May 30

In your career, you are urged to trust the process but also follow the call of your intuition. Brilliant new paths await those who are courageous!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For May 20 - 26

Who's in the driving seat of your life? That's the question and theme of this week, between May 20 - 26, 2024, for all Chinese zodiac signs. But before we look at the weekly horoscopes, here are the general messages of the week for everyone. 

The I Ching hexagram of the week is Earth over Mountain (#15), changing to Fire over Water (#64). It reminds us that life is a never-ending journey from birth until we move to the beyond. So, the goals we have along that path can be likened to milestones instead of true goals. When you consider this, the need to be anxious flows away. What remains is the need to adapt, change, grow, and grow some more. 

If you feel called to, start a bullet journal this week and build a habit of recording the good and the not-so-good you encounter. It will help you form deeper insights and gain truer perspectives with time. You can also buy a 5-year journal to see the growth unfold before your eyes through the questions for each day. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for May 20 - 26.


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week is all about recognizing your talents and not taking rejections to heart. You have more options and opportunities available to you if you trust yourself.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are urged to take a step back and find firm footing within yourself. Whether you are single or not, this will allow you to create something beautiful and priceless.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

Your social life will be a hit or miss though this week. Spend more time on cultivating your talents and knowledge and it will pay dividends in the near future.

Lucky Day for Career: May 26

As for your career, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Maintain your pace and be patient. Your seeds will grow into trees as the days and months go by.

RELATED: Year Of The Rat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, the energy this week for you is dynamic and strong. As long as you trust yourself and your instincts, you will be fine. New opportunities are coming your way!

Lucky Day in Love: May 26

In love, you are urged to not ignore the red flags. The right person will feel compatible with your soul. The wrong one will always rub you the wrong way deep inside.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 26

Your social life may not be very significant this week, but you are encouraged to make time for journaling and introspection. Deep insights await you on this path for your future.

Lucky Day for Career: May 25

As for your career, you will be more inspired this week than is usual. Let those ideas incubate so you can come up with something truly masterful!

RELATED: Year Of The Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, the energy this week is sweet and beautiful for you. Lean into the things, activities, and people who bring you joy and you will have the most beautiful memories at the end of it all.

Lucky Day in Love: May 25

In love, be patient. You will create a stronger bond with your partner (or date) if you allow things to unfold organically. Don't be in a rush to get to a desired future lest you find yourself trying to place the wrong person in a place reserved for the right one.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 24 & 25

If you feel called to, go on a spiritual retreat or some kind of weekend trip. It will help your soul rejuvenate and bring out your creative side from deep within.

Lucky Day for Career: May 23

As for your career, the energy this week is not suitable for grand gestures and big moves. Instead, focus on the details and make sure the processes are as smooth as they can be.

RELATED: Year Of The Tiger Chinese Zodiac Personality


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, the energy this week for you is all about recognizing the strength within you and ensuring that you engage with the world confidently. Don't allow negative self-talk to take root!

Lucky Day in Love: May 22

In love, trust your instincts. You are more observant than you give yourself credit. Once you do this, you will not feel guilty about avoiding red flag individuals and gravitating towards those who are green.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Your social life will be big and bountiful this week. Look forward to fun times and maybe a party or two! Let your extroverted side take the reins and surprise you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

As for your career, things are unfolding as they need to. Don't get impatient and ruin anything. As long as you trust the process, you will do fine.

RELATED: Year Of The Rabbit: Chinese Zodiac Traits And Dates


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, the energy this week will sensitize your intuition. Pay attention to what you observe and note them down if you think you will forget. You will unearth deep insights this way.

Lucky Day in Love: May 20

In love, don't discount your past experiences. Sometimes, life brings us people with the same energy and modus operandi as what we have encountered before to see if we will choose to repeat a cycle or break free.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Your social life will be really beautiful this week if you give yourself permission to be surprised and amazed. Step out of the box and let the world surprise you in the best way!

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

In your career, you are encouraged to build good relationships, especially with those in your team. You're all in this together for the win!

RELATED: 2024 Chinese Year Of The Dragon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, the energy this week will either help you transform and reach the next level or it will scare you into staying in the same box. Don't let your fears stop you from receiving your blessings.

Lucky Day in Love: May 20

Your love life and social life are entwined this week, especially if you have a family function to attend, like a wedding, a baby shower, or something else. Someone new will emerge, and someone old will leave.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Don't cling to those who have shown you through their actions that they don't care about you and are fake friends. Be your own best friend until you find your soul tribe.

Lucky Day for Career: May 20 & 21

As for your career, the energy is mysterious at this time. Something is brewing behind the scenes that will change things for the better for you. So stay mindful even as you take care of your routines and responsibilities.

RELATED: Year Of The Snake Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Fate, destiny, and karma are all on your side this week, Horse. Don't allow your fears to rule you. Stride forward with confidence and trust in the process.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are encouraged to spend quality time with your partner (or date) and not get hung over the quantity of time spent in each other's company or over the phone. The former will help you lay the right foundation.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21 & 23

For your social life, let your extroverted side take the reins. Then watch as amazing things unfold. Spontaneity is the name of the game this week.

Lucky Day for Career: May 25

If you have been thinking of changing something in your career, journal your thoughts and feelings so you know what your priorities are and how to satisfy those needs. You can decide what you want to do later.

RELATED: Year Of The Horse Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week is all about rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation for you. If you feel like going on a spontaneous trip or to a nature retreat, lean into that desire and let your soul breathe.

Lucky Day in Love: May 23

In love, you are urged to cut energetic cords with people in your past who still influence your life in unconscious ways and through your beliefs. Working with a therapist can definitely help you straighten out the tangled mess.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 25

As for your social life, prioritize yourself this week and don't feel guilty about needing space and alone time. Self-care is not selfish.

Lucky Day for Career: May 26

In your career, you are encouraged to create a positive environment wherever you go while maintaining a light touch. The right balance will nurture good relationships and bring the human element back to a cold, hard life.

RELATED: Year Of The Goat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, the energy this week is all about recognizing where you are exceeding expectations in a good way and where you are doing too much in a bad way. The right balance is called for right now.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, arrange activities and bonding rituals with your partner or date. It doesn't have to be something elaborate, only heartfelt. Your relationship will flourish under this influence.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 22

As for your social life, some of you need to be more particular about who you engage with. Fake friends or toxic voices can easily dissolve your confidence and self-esteem.

Lucky Day for Career: May 22 & 23

You are also encouraged to pay attention to your intuition in your work life. Changing trends and global events will soon impact the processes.

RELATED: Year Of The Monkey Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Related Stories From YourTango:

General Overview:

Rooster, this week's energy is all about staying grounded through your core and confidence. That way, you will uncover hidden truths and deep insights.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are encouraged to build something solid and think about the long term. If the person you are engaging with is not interested, don't try to change their mind. Letting go of the wrong person is necessary so the right one can come in.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21

Your social life will be more mysterious this week. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you, especially if you see repeating numbers everywhere. Note what you observe and try to figure out the unique message for you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 23

As for your career, things are unfolding as they should. As long as you stay on top of your routines and responsibilities, you will be fine.

RELATED: Year Of The Rooster Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, your love life will be very prominent this week, especially if you are married and have kids. Don't allow third parties to interfere in your private matters, but pay attention to the details.

Lucky Day in Love: May 23

Some of you are on the verge of making an important decision that will impact your life and your loved ones in a lot of ways. Focused breathing and meditation can help you stay calm and grounded as you do this.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

If you feel called to stay away from socializing this week, trust that inner voice. Spend more time on introspection. The cosmic energies right now are better suited (for you) for planning and observation.

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

In your career, you are encouraged to be more creative and allow small ideas to become big ones. Don't let negative self-talk get the best of you! You can do this!

RELATED: Year Of The Dog Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, the energy this week is strong for you. Set your plans into motion and allow fate to work its magic for you. As long as you know why you wish to accomplish something, you will find support along the way to that goal.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you have more options than you realize. Don't shrink your sphere or allow anyone else to do that to you through negative words and judgment.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

Your social life will unfold according to what you choose to do with this week's energy. So keep the calendar open so you can be more spontaneous.

Lucky Day for Career: May 24

In your career, you are encouraged to lean into fresh ideas and perspectives. Working with younger people/collaborators is also indicated here for your success.

RELATED: Year Of The Pig Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Helen Flanagan's Sexiest Dating Secrets From Nipple Tassels To Embarrassing Disaster With A WHIP & Steamy Sauna Sessions

HELEN Flanagan has signed up to Celebs Go Dating, and if her previous racy confessions are anything to go by, it could be explosive.

From nipple tassels to hot sauna dates, the former Coronation Street star has never been shy about her sex life.

Helen Flanagan has signed up to Celebs Go Dating


Helen Flanagan has signed up to Celebs Go DatingCredit: Instagram The stunning star is on the lookout for love


The stunning star is on the lookout for loveCredit: Instagram / @hjgflanagan She was previously in a relationship with Scott Sinclair


She was previously in a relationship with Scott SinclairCredit: Instagram

After Helen's relationship with footballer Scott Sinclair - the father of her three children - broke down after 12 years in 2022, she is back on the market and looking for love.

And the E4 show, which is set to return later this year with celebs including Ella Morgan from Married At First Sight UK and pop star Jamelia, could be her answer after failing to find her perfect match on celebrity dating app Raya.

Opening up to The Sun last year, Helen, 33, said: "After being in a long-term relationship, I'm trying to find myself and do things that I really love.

"Maybe I'll find The One in my 30s and maybe I'll go on to have just one more baby if it feels right.

"I've got enough on with my three, but perhaps I'll have another. I would never rule it out."

Dating hasn't been easy for Helen, who earlier this month revealed her struggles in the wake of her traumatic breakdown with Scott.

In the space of two years, she has spoken about being ghosted, bored by 'dead chat' on dates, and having a one night stand.

Here, we reveal her dating and relationship confessions.

Most read in Celebrity RTE star Claire Byrne hits back at 'major controversy' with fab home glimpse


RTE star Claire Byrne hits back at 'major controversy' with fab home glimpse Major social welfare cut warning for thousands in huge payment shake-up


Major social welfare cut warning for thousands in huge payment shake-up Roy Keane delivers cracking one-liner while testifying in alleged headbutt trial


Roy Keane delivers cracking one-liner while testifying in alleged headbutt trial Irishman dies on holiday in Spain after being pulled from water unconscious


Irishman dies on holiday in Spain after being pulled from water unconscious Sex toy disaster Helen previously opened up about her kinky sex toys


Helen previously opened up about her kinky sex toysCredit: @annsummers Posing in sexy Easter lingerie


Posing in sexy Easter lingerieCredit: @annsummers

Helen has always been open about her saucy sex life - including her huge collection of lingerie and sex toys during her relationship with Scott.

She said: "I have pretty much bought every set of underwear Agent Provocateur has ever made and most of it is in Scott's house.

Helen Flanagan makes hint she's dating again after sharing cyrptic quote about 'talking stage'

"I've got loads of stuff from nipple tassels to this amazing diamond studded whip from Agent Provocateur.

"But it was getting so embarrassing when Scott's mum was helping me clear out stuff and all you could see was underwear and this whip. I was getting really flustered, saying: 'Honestly, I bought it for a shoot'."

Steamy sauna romance Helen fell for a buff builder in the gym as a teenager


Helen fell for a buff builder in the gym as a teenagerCredit: instagram She spotted him during a particularly steamy sauna session


She spotted him during a particularly steamy sauna sessionCredit: @annsummers

Before she met Scott, teenage Helen was in a relationship with builder Danny Scott.

The pair met at their local gym near their home town of Bolton, Greater Manchester, and she explained how their first encounters were quite literally steamy.

She told The People: "For a while I was at the gym ALL the time just so I could see him. My mum said 'Wow you really love working out, don't you?'.

"We actually saw each other first in the sauna and I remember just looking at him and thinking 'He's well hot.'

"He's quite shy and then as we walked out the sauna he went, 'Oh it was hot in there'. How cute? Of course it was."

'Throuple' rumours Helen and David Haye met on I'm a Celeb


Helen and David Haye met on I'm a CelebCredit: Rex They reportedly enjoyed a dinner date


They reportedly enjoyed a dinner dateCredit: Darren Fletcher - The Sun

Helen became pals with boxer David Haye when they both appeared on I'm A Celebrity but in 2023 they reportedly matched on celeb dating app Raya. 

Helen excitedly confessed that she had been on dates with a "very hot man". 

It's claimed Helen met up for dinner with the boxer.

It came after she posted a video of daughter Delilah on social media confessing: "My mum's going on a date. And I think she said he's very hot."

David and his long-term girlfriend, Sian Osborne, are known for inviting other women into their relationship and forming a "throuple". 

However, a source said of Helen at the time: "She's met Sian before and is aware of reports of their throuple set-up but is obviously not involved."

Rather cuttingly, on I'm A Celebrity David initially said of Helen: "She's a real cute little chick but she stinks of fake tan."

Secret relationship with older man

Helen confessed she had a secret relationship with an older man - but she called it off as she felt it was too soon after coming out of her long engagement with ex Scott. 

"I was seeing someone on and off for about six months, but it wasn't right," she told The Sun.

"It was probably a bit soon after Scott. I'm really attracted to manly men who are older and understand I'm a mum. I tend to go for 40 or older. But most of all, he needs to be a decent, good person.

"I don't want to be in a relationship, but I am looking for something that feels nice and is special. Some romance that's outside of mum life and with someone who understands that's what I'm looking for."

Racy lingerie collection Actress Helen Flanagan sets pulses racing as she poses alongside a giant bunny rabbit in a new Ann Summers lingerie campaign


Actress Helen Flanagan sets pulses racing as she poses alongside a giant bunny rabbit in a new Ann Summers lingerie campaignCredit: The Mega Agency

Helen regularly sets pulses racing with her sexy Ann Summers shoots, giving her followers a glimpse into her sexy lingerie collection.

In January, she uploaded a sizzling underwear video onto Instagram and wrote: "I was so happy & honoured to be asked to be part of the @annsummers Valentines campaign.

"It's empowering to be asked to represent as a single person, partnering up with the iconic Ann Summers rabbit. Ann Summers are celebrating Power Couples, whether you are celebrating love, friendships or all about self-love this year.

"Being single; I know my worth. I focus on myself and my family. This Valentine's I want women in the same situation as me, to find self love and acceptance."

Keeping fans waiting

Earlier this month, Helen, who regularly posts sexy lingerie snaps on Instagram, addressed whether she'd follow in the footsteps of former Hollyoaks babe Sarah Jayne Dunn, 42, and join OnlyFans. 

Sarah has reportedly netted over £700,00 from selling saucy content.

Helen, who has received calls from fans to join the racy site, said: "Ahh, I love Sarah. What she's done is amazing. I'm not judgemental at all, I just don't think OnlyFans is for me.

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"A friend suggested it to me too, but I just don't really fancy it.

"I don't know why some people have such a problem with what other people do, I just think 'each to their own', so I don't let any of the social comments get to me."

Where stars of Celebs Go Dating are now?

Celebs Go Dating premiered in 2016 and has since aired a whopping twelve series of the show and has helped almost 50 famous faces try and find love.

Whilst many didn't find their forever partner on the programme, many of the show's biggest names have nonetheless managed to settle down of their own accord.

  • Charlotte Crosby (series 1 - 2016) - The show's first big signee was Charlotte who was fresh from quitting Geordie Shore and splitting with on-off love Gaz Beadle. On the show, she enjoyed dates with a stripper named Jeavon and MAFS hunk Brad Skelly -years before he took part in the E4 marriage programme. These days, the reality megastar has found love with businessman Jake Ankers and the pair share daughter Alba Jean together. Having got engaged in Dubai last year, with the proposal filmed for her BBC series Charlotte in Sunderland, the TV couple are now planning a wedding of their dreams as well as hoping for more children.
  • Ferne McCann (series 2 - 2017) - Ferne was fresh out of the I'm A Celebrity jungle when she joined the Celebrity Dating Agency. Although the TOWIE beauty failed to find lasting love on the programme, she soon became a mother to baby Sunday with her jailed ex, Arthur Collins. These days she is happily with her fiance Lorri Haines and the couple even have their own child together, Finty.
  • Jorgie Porter (series 2 - 2017) - Like Ferne, Hollyoaks actress Jorgie was snapped up for the show after a stint Down Under. She is now a mum-of-one to baby Forest and has recently given fans a peek into motherhood and her home life with fiance Ollie for the very first time on ITV reality series, Drama Queens.
  • Charlotte Dawson (series 3 - 2017) - Charlotte was all up for a laugh when she headed to the Agency after making a reputation for herself as a wild party animal. During her time on the programme, she enjoyed a sordid forbidden romance with fellow celeb, The X Factor star Frankie Coccozza which quickly fizzled out. Now the star is a mum to two boys, Noah and Jude, with her rugby ace partner, Matt Sarsfield.
  • Kerry Katona (series 6 - 2019) - Whilst often known for being unlucky in love, Kerry attempted to find the one with a turn on CGD. With three failed marriages and five children under her belt, Kerry treated the programme as a last-chance saloon. Whilst romance did not blossom, she used the agent's advice with her next partner, fiance Ryan Mahoney whom she met shortly after the series wrapped. Kerry and Ryan are still happily together to this day and live in her stunning Cheshire abode.
  • Alison Hammond (series 8 - 2020) - This Morning legend Alison took part in the programme in 2020 after admitting to longing for a partner. Although she enjoyed a slew of successful dates, nothing appeared to last. However, The Sun revealed earlier this month how the TV presenter had managed to win the heart of a Russian toyboy, David Putman.
  • Laura Anderson and Gary Lucy (series 11 - 2022) - Love Island star Laura and Hollyoaks actor Gary ended up dating one another after both signing up for the show's eleventh series. They went on to have a daughter together, Bonnie, but their romance has been on-off with the pair even being separated during Laura's pregnancy. Although it looked as though the romance had gotten back on track, things appear to have cooled once again in recent weeks.
  • Vanessa Feltz (series 12 - 2023) - Vanessa signed up for the show in the wake of her highly-publicised split from her ex, Ben Ofeudo. Vanessa left E4 fans shocked when she was criticised for her rude demeanour on dates and was called out by the show's agents for her behaviour with the gentleman she was paired up with on the show. Vanessa is still believed to be single almost a year on from the show.
  • Adam Collard (series 12 - 2023) - The Love Island bad boy caused tension on the show after he hooked up with fashion model and OnlyFans creator Lottie Moss during filming but later confirmed he wanted nothing more with Kate Moss' little sis. These days, he is loved up with sports broadcaster Laura Woods with the couple regularly putting on the PDA when out in public.

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