Chinese Horoscope 2024:Predictions for Year of the Wood Dragon for each sun sign

year of the cat chinese zodiac :: Article Creator

How The Creatures In The Chinese Zodiac Found Their Place

Wacky Races has got nothing on the story behind the Chinese Zodiac.

With displays of cheating worthy of Dick Dastardly, Penelope Pitstop levels of kindliness and the kind of teamwork displayed by the crew in the '60s cartoon series, the competition between a dozen creatures to decide their spot in the order of the 12-year cycle makes for a fascinating tale.

You may be wondering why the lunar years, as they are known, each bear the name of a different creature - and why there are twelve of them. It's based on an ancient tale, and it goes a little like this…

Why was there a race?

The story goes that a race was organised by the Jade Emperor - one of the most important gods in traditional Chinese religion - who invited all the animals in the world to take part.

Twelve species turned up at the start line: a pig, dog, rooster, monkey, sheep, horse, snake, dragon, rabbit, tiger, ox and rat.

As a reward for turning up, the Emperor named a year in the zodiac after each one, while the race would determine the order each animal would be placed.

In first and second place

The course included a huge river which every creature, large or small, had to cross.

The exhausted rat used its cunning to navigate the water by persuading the kindly ox to let it sit on its head as it crossed. Rather than say thank you on the other side, the rat made a dash for the finish with the ox not far behind.

That's why the rat is first creature in the cycle, followed by the ox.

Third, fourth and fifth

Not surprisingly, the tiger ran a good race but the current in the river sent it a little off-course.

It recovered enough to cross the line behind the ox and so comes in at number three in the Chinese zodiac.

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The dragon isn't so fearsome as legend suggests.

Next up was the rabbit. Also tired by the race, it almost came a cropper in the river but saved itself on a floating log and got to shore to finish fourth.

In fifth place is the only mythical creature on the calendar, the dragon. A kinder creature than legend suggests, it didn't hesitate to divert from the race to extinguish a fire which was endangering the lives of some nearby villagers. Once it got back on course, it saw the rabbit struggling and used its breath to blow it safely to shore.

The rabbit never learned who came to its aid while the dragon was content to finish behind it.

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The dragon isn't so fearsome as legend suggests.

Numbers six and seven

The horse wasn't far behind the dragon and thought sixth place was in the bag. However, it hadn't noticed that the snake was saving energy by wrapping itself around the horse's leg to hitch a ride. With the finish line in sight, the snake uncoiled itself and frightened the horse enough to slither into sixth, leaving its carrier, the horse, to take seventh place.

Finishing eighth, ninth and tenth

Next up were the sheep, monkey and rooster and this is a perfect example of teamwork.

The three piloted a small raft which would see them across the river safely.

Once on the other side it was a dash for the finish. The sheep was first, followed by the monkey and then the rooster (in some parts of the world, the sheep is known as a goat), so they took slots eight, nine and ten respectively.

The final two

Now we're just left with the dog and the pig. Dog owners won't be surprised that the playful hound was more interested in splashing about in the river rather than crossing it. This enabled the first 10 creatures to overtake it. It eventually ran over the line in 11th place.

Which leaves the pig.

The pig got peckish during the race. After stopping for food, it became sleepy and dozed off. It did wake up after a while and managed to make it over the line in last place. The Emperor had almost given up on it but was happy to assign it the final space in the zodiac.

Why isn't there a Year of the Cat?

So prevalent in Chinese culture (who doesn't love a lucky waving cat?), why you may ask does the feline not feature in the zodiac?

Well, that's down to the rat.

Although the pair were friends, the cat asked the rat to wake it up for the race as it had a habit of sleeping in. The rat was so excited, it forgot. By the time the cat woke up, it was far too late to enter. Hopefully, their friendship survived this most bitter of hiccups.

This article was published in February 2019

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Predicted To Experience The Luckiest Love Horoscopes In August 2024

The month of August 2024 will be a lucky in love month for five Chinese zodiac signs: Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey, and Dragon. But first, let's take a look at the love messages of the month for everyone.

The I Ching hexagram of love this month is Wind over Water (#59), changing to Earth over Earth (#2). 

For those who are trying to have a child with their significant other, this is a powerful sign that you have luck on your side in this endeavor. Good fortune will also extend to animal signs who wish to be solo mothers through IVF. Since fertility is so high this month, those who don't wish for the fruits of intimacy should be extra cautious.

The hexagram (and its changed form) also reveals one secret about luck and love: those who look for luck rarely find it. Because luck isn't enough for us to realize how good we are in love. After all, humans often walk away from the best thing that happened to them, only to regret it bitterly decades later.

It's because love is an act of commitment. Saying "I love you" isn't enough. Now that you know, you can transform a mere brush with luck into something beautiful in love. Let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love in August.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Monthly Horoscopes For August 2024

1. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs monthly lucky love horoscope august 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Rabbit, the energy of love for you in August is all about harmonious give and take. Your luck will thrive when you lean into this. If you are single, you are encouraged to pay attention to how you feel when you engage with someone new. If your self-esteem feels shot and light hints of panic emerge, it's a sign you are gifting the wrong person your precious time. Trust your instincts. You will find love and luck that way.

If you are in a relationship, you are urged to set healthy boundaries between you and your partner and between your relationship and those outside of it. It may take a while to figure out, but the time spent will be rewarding. Luck, too, will flow when you make space for what you want and remove what you don't.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Experience Significant Change In August 2024

2. Snake

snake chinese zodiac signs monthly lucky love horoscope august 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Snake, the energy of love in August for you is all about being kind, considerate, and a good listener when engaging with someone romantically. If you are single, listen more so you can quickly determine whether you would like to listen some more or pay your half of the bill and get the heck out of there. Luck will whisper to you throughout the month through signs and synchronicities, too.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to adopt this message into your life — it takes a village to raise a child. And you are that child, too. So don't just focus on your relationship with your significant other. Cultivate bonds with each other's friends and family, too, so you can all be in this together. Luck will flow in the most unexpected of ways when you do this.

RELATED: Year Of The Snake Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility

3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs monthly lucky love horoscope august 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Horse, the energy of love for you in August is collaborative in nature, with high levels of camaraderie thrown in the mix. If you are single, look for this when engaging with new people. Can you imagine yourself collaborating on a creative project together, even if it's just a fun prank or a dance for TikTok? That's where you will find your luck.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love is aligned with your friends. So be aware of those dynamics when you and your significant other throw a house party or hang out with your buddies throughout the month. Inviting positivity will translate to even more positivity. But the opposite is something to watch out for!

RELATED: Chinese Zodiac Signs With The Best Marriage Compatibility

4. Monkey

monkey chinese zodiac signs monthly lucky love horoscope august 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Monkey, the energy of love in August has a whimsical quality to it for you. To some, your love life will feel like it's come straight out of a Wuxia drama, maybe with some swords and battles in the mix. If you are single, don't be surprised if you are suddenly more popular and have more people showing interest in you. Your luck will bring you a glow-up, but that's not all it will bring. As long as you remember that you are the main character of your love story, you will know who is right for you and who is not.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love will be very subtle this month. You are urged to nurture your relationship like a sapling and show up daily. Luck will pull strings behind the scenes for you to make the experience even more beautiful. But you won't know it's doing so. It will only make its presence known if you are the only one in the relationship who cares about it.

RELATED: What Happens In Your 'Enemy Years', According To Chinese Astrology

Related Stories From YourTango: 5. Dragon

dragon chinese zodiac signs monthly lucky love horoscope august 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Dragon, the energy of love this month for you has a distinct fiery quality to it. You are urged to be proactive and speak your mind. The right people will find you, and then love will waltz in. If you are single, apply this message to all aspects of your life. Your luck in love won't be restricted to just your love life. For some, it will cross your paths with the right person (or the person they know) through a completely non-romantic arena.

If you are in a relationship, now's the time to plan for the future, including vacation plans for the end of the year. You will have another big boost during that time — until the Year of The Snake comes around. So take charge of your destiny and write a beautiful love story in August!

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Chinese Zodiac 2024: Signs, Years, Animals And What They Really Mean

You've probably heard of Chinese horoscope and the Chinese zodiac signs. Alongside Western astrology (you know, star sign dates, rising signs and moon signs etc), there's a whole other astrological system at play in the world (specifically China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand): the Chinese zodiac. And it's been around even longer - for well over 2,000 years.

Both the Western and Chinese zodiac systems have 12 'signs' (at least the majority of which are animals). Each sign provides personality attributes for the person born under it, and both systems also refer to the elements. However, that's where the parallels end.

2024's Chinese zodiac sign

On 10th February 2024, we move into the year of the Wood Dragon. The Dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac and represents good luck, strength, charisma, and ambition. So, 2024 babies are expected to possess these traits!

Upcoming years will bring the year of the Snake on 29th January 2025, and the year of the Horse on 17th February 2026.

How does the Chinese zodiac work?

The animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations in the sky. Its 12-part cycle corresponds to years rather than months (mirroring Jupiter's cosmic path around the Sun, which takes 12 years), and the elemental aspect is used differently.

The Chinese New Year begins on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice (this changes each year, so if you're a January or February baby make sure you check which year you fall into) and each year comes under the influence of a different animal (see more on those below).

Origins of the Chinese zodiac system

One legend says that the origins of these animals' selection came about because long ago, the Jade Emperor wanted to appoint 12 animals to be his guards. He sent an immortal being to Earth to spread the message, and put it out there that the earlier an animal got through the Heavenly Gate, the better rank it would receive.

So, the Earth's animal kingdom embarked on a 'race to the gate'- the first 12 were the first 'knighted'. Rat was the smartest/fastest, and got there first. The rest came in the below order, and their stories kind of dictate the characteristics each are said to possess.

Since the Chinese zodiac cycle repeats every 12 years, it's easy to figure out if it's your year— just check if your age is a multiple of 12!

Chinese zodiac animals and signs Rat

The rat won the Emperor's race by using guile and wit - riding on the back of the ox and jumping off at the finish line - so people with this sign are perceived as insightful, shrewd, charming, persuasive.

Years of the rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020


The ox almost won the race but was outwitted. However second place is still a prize so not too shabby. Oxens are generous and determined, kind and strong, always there to do what needs doing with good grace.

Years of the Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021


Tiger people are considered lucky. Perhaps we'd all like to be a rare, beautiful tiger and they KNOW IT, so there's a tinge of cockiness for sure, well as a flair for drama.

Years of the tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022


Many consider the rabbit the luckiest of the animals. Some think rabbit folk are almost too kind and sensitive for this world, but their elegant, peaceful, clever and caring nature helps them get along great in life.

Years of the rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023


Apparently many people in China want a dragon baby, so birth rates rise in those years! Dragon people are vital, charismatic, brave, bold, and powerful. Chinese culture reveres dragons so this figures.

Years of the dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024


Far from being an undesirable ally, the snake is seen as graceful, smart, shrewd, and charming. Snake people are wise beyond their years and can charm anyone they meet which is a potent super power.

Years of the snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025


Horses are powerful animals, much loved allies to humans, and people born with this sign adopt the best horse-y traits: wildness, high energy, independence, enthusiasm. Horse people are natural leaders.

Years of the horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026


Goats are cautious, kind, and like to lead a quiet, simple life, sticking to the basics, keeping things on an even keel and not rocking any boats. Always hardworking, always doing the right thing. People like to be around the goat folk.

Years of the goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027


Literally the cheeky monkey of the pack, in perpetual high spirits and good humour, cracking jokes and running around on-the-go. A live wire. A character. A good time person!

Years of the monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028


Roosters are enviable characters with a lot of self respect, confidence, discipline and strength. They like to look good, literally rooster-strutting, but they can back it all up too with their big, charismatic personality

Years of the rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029


Happily adopting all of the best qualities of man's BFF- patience, loyalty, lovability, honesty and kindness. Everyone loves people born under this sign and they love ya right back, with bells on.

Years of the dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030


Turns out nice guys do finish last - the pig came last in the Emperor's race - because the pig is said to be one the nicest and happiest signs. Marked out by honesty and directness, they say what's on their mind, but they're so lovable and positive that no one minds.

Years of the pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

chinese zodiac signs chinese horoscope guide

LoulouVonGlup//Getty Images

But your Chinese zodiac animal is not the only thing you need to know. Your birth year also corresponds to one of the five elements (metal, water, wood, fire, earth). In Chinese philosophy, these five elements are seen as the foundation of everything in the universe and all natural phenomena. They have their own characteristics, and which one you fall under determines your personality as well as your animal.

Finding your Chinese horoscope element

Discover your element by matching the last numeral in your year of birth to the element below:

0 or 1: Metal

2 or 3: Water

4 or 5: Wood

6 or 7: Fire

8 or 9: Earth

So, for example if you were born in 1990, your element is metal; if you were born in 1982, your element is water. To put it all together and discover your in-depth personality analysis, click here (all you need to provide is your birth date).

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, visit Kerry's TarotBella page.

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