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3 Specific Zodiac Signs Have Lucky Horoscopes The Week Of September 16 - 22

Three zodiac signs have very lucky horoscopes all throughout the week beginning September 16, thanks to several favorable astrology transits. On Tuesday, September 17, The Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will rise, bringing in a moment of fruition and miracles as you can have greater faith in the universe and how you manifest your intentions. 

This Full Moon will help you understand the power of believing in your dreams, following your intuition and always being open to what arises. As an eclipse, this foretells what will arrive with the new upcoming eclipse cycle in Pisces and Virgo in 2025, so it's best to become very aware of what surfaces during this time as you may receive insight into where the next phase of your journey will lead you.

On Sunday, September 22, Venus enters Scorpio, bringing depth and insight into your intentions surrounding romance, wealth, and themes of the home. Sun entering Libra on the same day encourages you to work with others to accomplish your dreams. While miracles are possible, and they often seem to happen unexpectedly, they also most occur because you create them by never giving up on your dreams.

1. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs lucky weekly horoscopes september 16-22, 2024 TwemojiCanva

You are preparing to head into a fascinating and abundant phase of your life, Cancer. As the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on Tuesday, September 17, you will be given a gift of new opportunities that will lead to positive developments in your career, travel, new love, and even feeling more deeply connected to your life. 

But what makes this so special and lucky for you is that this is only the first step in connecting you with your divine purpose. The Pisces Eclipse is only the preview for the upcoming eclipse cycle in Pisces and Virgo. 

They will bring to your life beginning in 2025, which means while you will be receiving luck and guidance from the universe during this time, you can feel confident that you will be receiving opportunities for growth from the universe.

It can be hard to let go of certain aspects of life, especially if they are close to your heart or feel important. But in this new era of yourself, you have been guided to prioritize yourself more to say yes to your dreams. Relationships and your connection to home will always be important, but it may be beneficial to start thinking more about your relationship with yourself. 

You will never have to choose between manifesting your dreams and success or continuing certain aspects of your life. And if it feels like there is a choice, then you already know that in those cases, the only option is to choose yourself and your dreams.

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2. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs lucky weekly horoscopes september 16-22, 2024 TwemojiCanva

Success often does occur when you least expect it, Aquarius, especially with how long you've been working to manifest this new phase of abundance in your life. This week brings a sense of luck and destiny into your life. In this situation, you can expect to receive new career opportunities, possibly bringing more chances for travel and even an increase in wealth. 

You must remember that you can either continue to prepare yourself or seize this chance to upgrade your life and dreams.

You naturally evolve through your career as you realize more of your needs and purpose in this lifetime. Changing jobs or majors is okay, especially as you learn more about yourself and grow. 

Regardless of specifics, or even what certain fears may try to convince you of, these new opportunities wouldn't be occurring if you weren't meant to seize them. Your career should feel energized, and you have the universe's support. Go after the life and career you've always wanted.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs lucky weekly horoscopes september 16-22, 2024 TwemojiCanva

Your life path is deeply connected to your spiritual path, dear Pisces. The more you can lean into the power of the universe and embrace your more spiritual side, the more is revealed on your divine path. 

Spend time meditating, journaling, or even being out in nature, especially now that you're beginning an incredibly abundant and transformative time in your life. Venus brings an enormous amount of luck to areas of romance, career, wealth, and even your home, but in Scorpio, it requires you to go deep, explore the hidden meaning of love, and always embrace change to create the life you dream of.

As you prepare to start working with Venus's energy in Scorpio, try to become more open-minded about the new offers and opportunities that will start coming into your life. This means that you may have to be flexible in your routine and learn to juggle commitments. 

By doing so, you will manifest more abundance. Pay special attention to any offers of travel related to that project you've been working on, even if it feels more spontaneous. 

You may be tempted to turn this offer, or a similar one, down because you hadn't planned or created space in your life for it, but this energy is all about learning to pivot so that you can receive the newness of luck and abundance destined for you.

RELATED: How To Use Venusian Energy To Access Your Inner Power

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

The 5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve During September 16 - 22, 2024

The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse rises on Tuesday, September 17, in a rush of destiny, helping improve the relationship of three zodiac signs. While you may have to wait until the official eclipse cycle begins in Pisces and Virgo to see your dreams manifested, this is an essential moment of sharing your heart and choosing what and who chooses you. 

As the week progresses, Libra Season begins on Sunday, September 22, along with Venus, the planet of love, shifting into intense Scorpio. Libra is a zodiac sign representing romantic relationships, especially those based on a true partnership. 

While you must be mindful of continuing to speak your truth and advocate for your needs, Libra Season tends to settle on relationships with a much-needed peace. Yet, even with that, romantic sparks are afoot as Venus shifts into Scorpio, a sign known for its desire, mystery, and depth. 

Together, this creates a feeling of magic in the every day and an interchange that allows you to feel you have indeed found the one you want to share your life with.

1. Virgo

virgo relationships improve zodiac signs september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max ReyesCanva

Dear Virgo, pace yourself as you head into the week of September 16, as it may bring some romantic surprises. The Full Moon in Pisces and Lunar Eclipse will rise on Tuesday, September 17, illuminating your relationship and how much you have grown since the New Moon in this water sign on March 10. Pisces governs your romantic relationships and reminds you of the importance of finding balance in heart matters. 

Instead of feeling like you must be rigid in your plans or even dreams, you are encouraged to surrender, to go with the flow, and not feel the need to explain your feelings logically. But this Piscean lunation is even more special because it is part of a brand-new cycle in your life. 

Although full moons are traditionally considered to represent endings, this particular one is part of an eclipse cycle that will officially begin in 2025 as the Nodes of Fate shift into Pisces and Virgo, so it is also about beginnings.

Use the energy of the Pisces Full Moon and Eclipse to reflect on all that has changed in your relationship since the New Moon on March 10, but also hold space for what you feel is still in progress. Eclipses often bring dramatic romantic changes to your life as relationships are tested and new connections can be formed. 

Reflect on your relationship, embrace Piscean romantic qualities, and be honest about your feelings. In this moment, you are still being urged to show up as your best self and go all in on this connection with trust and vulnerability. But you are in progress with this current phase, so while the outcome is still yet to be determined, you must keep participating actively in this relationship.

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2. Aries

aries relationships improve zodiac signs september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max ReyesCanva

Libra Season arrives on Sunday, September 22, and all thoughts turn to love and romance, dear Aries. But even before that occurs, you may find yourself craving a deeper soul connection or meeting a soulmate with the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse on Tuesday, September 17. There is a strong theme of positive developments in your relationship and romantic life, and it doesn't just favor love but fate. 

You are craving a type of connection that you've never encountered before, one that you feel is special and unique — and not something you can create with just anyone. 

You are ready, not just for your forever love, but for that transcendent life-altering love. It may be helpful to remember to pace yourself in all of the excitement, as you will feel the urge to manifest a soul-deep relationship or even progress a connection you already believe has all the qualities you want. 

You have time to do this right, and while being confident in your decision and path is important, you also should prioritize enjoying it and not just rushing to the finish line.

As Libra Season begins on Sunday, September 22, this is your chance to follow your heart. Use this energy to prioritize your partner or even matters of love. Plan ahead. Schedule quality time together, romantic dates, or just space to enjoy the day. Libra carries an energy of balance and reciprocity and a healthy approach to relationships in which both of you feel valued.

While you are feeling encouraged to start investing more time and energy into your romantic life, it's also crucial that you remain mindful of these themes. 

This fated love you have in your life or are about to attract won't solely rely on romantic dates but also on the foundation of a true partnership, which you've lacked in previous connections. The more time you can spend finding the magic within a true partnership, the better progress you will make during this time.

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3. Taurus

taurus relationships improve zodiac signs september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max ReyesCanva

Let yourself throw caution to the wind, Taurus, and embrace your desires. Not that you can't still make sure you're creating a love that can last, but you need to focus on being more profound and spontaneous when it comes to love. 

You can naturally create a healthy foundation in a relationship, and often, your romantic life tends to feel very abundant. But at times, you can focus more on the practical, which means you can also experience love as more mundane than magical. 

Finding balance means letting yourself travel within the depths of love. Embrace long conversations about love and the mysteries of the universe. Listen to your intuition. Plan a couples spa evening or tell your partner how much you crave their touch. 

Love doesn't only need to fulfill a purpose or be practical enough to pick up takeaway for dinner, but to have it feel magical; it must create space for it to be what it already is.

Magic is love, dear Taurus, but you must relinquish control to improve your relationship and experience a more profound love. Letting the reigns go a bit doesn't mean that your relationship will end or even go off the rails, but instead, it will create more space not only for your partner to step in but also for you to become more spontaneous.

Surprise your partner this week by planning a night out at their favorite restaurant or even a hot air balloon ride. While you may even surprise yourself in the process, it's essential to infuse new energy into your relationship by allowing yourself to break your rules for love. 

Often, it's not that anything is particularly wrong in your connection but that you've been so focused on setting up a life together that you forget that the best moments are often unplanned. 

As Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, September 22, this is your chance to go deep, to embrace the unexpected, and to let yourself honor your desires for a meaningful and soul-connected relationship.

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4. Pisces

pisces relationships improve zodiac signs september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max ReyesCanva

Often, the scariest moments in love are when you are offered all you ever dreamed of, Pisces. While this has been a path you've been traveling toward for some time, dramatic changes are in store the week of September 16 that might challenge your fears and even how you approach love. 

On Tuesday, September 17, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will occur, which may dramatically shift your feelings, how you view love, and even what you are ready for. This can help you take new chances and be more transparent about your feelings. While this full moon shines a bright light of love on your heart, you can share yours more deeply with your partner and even see more of a future together. 

While you still need to go slow, the energy of the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse sets the tone for you to embrace the positive changes occurring within your romantic life so that you can receive the magical, healthy love you've always wanted.

Thanks to the energy of the Lunar Eclipse, you will be ready to embrace the unique power that the Virgo Sun and retrograde Uranus in Taurus will bring to your life. The Virgo Sun is about taking action and positive developments in your relationship. At the same time, retrograde Uranus in Taurus means that conversations will be key to improving and progressing your relationship.

Because Uranus is retrograde, a previous theme centering around commitment may resurface now that you've had more time to consider. Although this is a sign of the direction in which this relationship is moving, you will still be able to take it slow, and you need to make sure you're being honest about your feelings. 

There is no reason to water down your emotions or pretend you're not as in love with this person as you are. The changes and commitment will come in divine timing, but for now, it's enough to let your partner know just how much they mean to you so you can embrace the magic of a new beginning and phase in your romantic life.

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5. Cancer

cancer relationships improve zodiac signs september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max ReyesCanva

Improving your romantic life often means allowing yourself to revisit past themes, such as Cancer. As much as you had hoped certain phases of your life were over, you are now being guided to hold space for closure and understanding. This might pertain to matters with an ex resurfacing. 

However, you're in a new relationship or a particularly challenging era in your existing connection, which needs incredible healing. While you may not particularly welcome this, it is meant to help you move forward in your life. 

The best way to approach this energy is not to shut down conversations, whether you're hearing from your ex, going back over co-parenting matters, or even shutting down your partner if they bring up a topic you've already tried to move on from. 

Hold space for what you experience and feel and observe what occurs consciously. See where the universe is directing you, and allow yourself to show up for the process, even if you feel confused or uncertain about the benefit. 

Healing occurs in waves, and while you may want to forget the past and move on, this current phase will help benefit you, your relationship, and the romantic future you are meant for.

On Saturday, September 21, the Virgo Sun will align with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, highlighting a matter from your romantic past and helping initiate a new healing level. While healing isn't thought of as magical, the way that this event will play out will seem to be guided by the divine as you will have a chance to understand more of what has occurred and why you haven't quite been able to move on in the ways you'd like. 

As you observe and notice what themes arise, spend time reflecting on your feelings and thoughts. You will need to engage in a conversation as part of this energy. The idea with this opportunity is to become aware of something you previously had buried, hold space for your feelings, and then sort out this matter with your ex or current partner to experience more emotional freedom and love. 

There will be a sense of vitality as you move through this, and while you still have a few more weeks for this sort of review, this week does bring a conversation that helps to change everything for the better.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

10 Male K-pop Idols Gifted With Top-tier Visuals: BTS' Jin, EXO's Kai, Hwang Minhyun And More

Have you ever found yourself staring at a K-pop idol photo for what feels like hours, mesmerized by their beauty? Well, you're not alone! K-pop is known for producing idols with incredible visuals, and some of them stand out even in the competition. 

These idols impress us not only with their talent but also with their incredible looks. These idols are often called face geniuses, from their sharp jawlines to their mesmerizing eyes. 

Fans can't help but swoon over their perfect features and charming smiles. These idols have set high standards for beauty in the industry and continue to win hearts worldwide. Whether on stage or off, their visuals are always on point, making them the ultimate eye candy for fans. Get ready to dive into the world of K-pop's most handsome idols and discover what makes them so unique!

1. Jin (BTS)

He is also known as Worldwide Handsome; Jin's perfect face and lovable personality have captured the hearts of fans worldwide. With his striking features and infectious smile, it's no wonder he's often considered one of the most beautiful men in K-pop.

2. Cha Eun Woo (ASTRO)

Cha Eun Woo from ASTRO is often called a face genius because of his flawless looks. His perfect features and charming smile have made him incredibly popular among fans. But Eun-woo isn't just about looks; he's also a talented actor, starring in several popular dramas. His combination of stunning visuals and acting skills has earned him a massive following. 

3. Kai (EXO)

Kai from EXO is known for his sharp jawline and intense gaze, making him a visual powerhouse in the K-pop world. His striking features and charismatic presence on stage captivate fans everywhere. But Kai isn't just about looks; he's also an incredible dancer known for his powerful and graceful performances. His combination of top-tier visuals and exceptional talent has earned him a special place in the hearts of fans. 

4. Taeyong (NCT)

Taeyong from NCT is known for his stunning looks and magnetic stage presence. His visuals are so striking that he often stands out in any crowd. Fans love his unique style and the way he commands attention during performances.

Whether on stage or off, Taeyong's charm and good looks make him a favorite among K-pop fans. His ability to captivate audiences with his charisma and visuals truly sets him apart as one of the top-tier idols.

5. Hyunjin (Stray Kids)

Hyunjin from Stray Kids is known for his stunning beauty and expressive eyes, which have won over fans worldwide. His ethereal looks make him stand out, and his fans can't get enough of his charming visuals. Whether performing on stage or in photoshoots, Hyunjin's captivating presence always shines through.

6. V (BTS)

V from BTS is famous for his striking looks and deep voice, making him one of the most recognizable faces in K-pop. His unique features and charismatic presence captivate fans everywhere. Whether he's performing on stage or appearing in photoshoots, V's visuals always stand out. Fans love his expressive eyes and charming smile, which add to his overall appeal. V's combination of stunning visuals and talent makes him a top-tier K-pop idol loved by many.

7. Baekhyun (EXO)

Baekhyun from EXO is adored for his boyish charm and stunning looks. His visuals are captivating, making him a favorite among fans. Whether he's on stage or in photoshoots, Baekhyun's charm always shines through. His combination of good looks and endearing personality makes him one of the top-tier K-pop idols loved by many.

8. Sehun (EXO)

Sehun from EXO is known for his tall height and handsome looks, making him a standout visual in the group. His striking appearance always catches fans' attention, whether on stage or in photoshoots. Sehun's height and good looks make him one of the top-tier K-pop idols, loved by fans for his impressive visuals.

9. Jungkook (BTS)

Jungkook, the youngest member of BTS, is called the Golden Maknae because of his amazing looks and talent. He can sing, dance, and even rap, making him a true all-rounder. Fans love him for his charming personality and incredible skills, which make him stand out in the K-pop world

10. Hwang Minhyun (NU'EST)

Hwang Minhyun, from NU'EST, is admired for his elegant looks and gentle personality. His charming visuals and kind nature have gained him many fans. Whether on stage or in dramas, Minhyun's presence always stands out, making him a favorite among K-pop fans.

ALSO READ: BTS' Jin, BLACKPINK's Rosé and more: 8 K-pop idols we'd like to see on-screen as K-drama leads


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