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Love Horoscopes On September 8 For Each Zodiac Sign — Asteroid Pallas Enters Sagittarius

Asteroid Pallas shifts into Sagittarius on September 8, 2024. When it does, it will affect each zodiac sign's love horoscope in a specific way. Starting Sunday, you can dive deeper into the hidden meaning of your romantic choices so that you can focus more on enjoying the journey. 

Pallas governs wisdom, and in Sagittarius, it's all about depth, the lessons of your soul, and being willing to embrace the divine journey that love represents. This energy may also help you resolve some longstanding issues in a new way and ultimately will help prove that love genuinely is the greatest teacher in life.

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aries daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

It's time to reflect on those opportunities you've taken, dear Aries, and those you haven't. You need to understand your choices and reasons before you feel confident making different ones. 

While you have a particular person in mind in your romantic life, you also need to realize the importance of this period of reflection so that you don't miss out on an opportunity for incredible love.

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taurus daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

There are times when you must understand that the meaning of love may not always be a great mystery, Taurus. Instead of continually trying to excavate a truth that satisfies your worries or need for logic, try to embrace the more mysterious connection that is possible between two people. 

Let love and your feelings be what they are so you can trust yourself enough to enjoy the journey.

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gemini daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

You are being given a gift to go deeper into your romantic relationship, dear Gemini. Instead of purely thinking that this connection satisfies some practical need or that you've been together so long, it's normal to feel a diminished spark — you will get to infuse your relationship with the excitement of meaning and adventure. 

Use this energy to plan a spontaneous date or have a more emotionally deep conversation with your partner. When you can create time for reconnection, you also reignite the sparks in your relationship.

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cancer daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

You need to take time to tend to your needs, Cancer. This new chapter in your life is all about more reciprocity and balance, which means your needs must matter not just to you but also to your partner. 

Try to listen to yourself about what you need today, and don't be afraid to invite your partner along. Whether it's a massage or movie night, you deserve a relationship supporting this new way you've approached love.

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leo daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

Instead of thinking that commitment somehow limits your opportunities in life, Leo, you will begin to experience a change of perspective. Love really is the most incredible adventure, and who you choose to partner with actually holds a great deal of weight in the life you can create for yourself. 

Don't be alarmed if suddenly you feel like going all in on this relationship. It's only representative of you finally being able to receive the lesson that love really does change your life in the most amazing of ways.

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virgo daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

There might be conversations today around travel or relocating, dear Virgo. Instead of letting yourself become afraid of these changes or approaching them in a negative light, try to see the adventure that this shift represents. 

There is no one way to progress a relationship; instead, it's all about understanding the greater meaning, which may often be to show you the universe's plans are often better than your own.

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libra daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

Conversations are essential because they will heavily influence your romantic life today, dear Libra. But this isn't merely about your day but what you and your partner hope to experience and achieve. 

Let your mind wander to what you believe life's meaning is and what your purpose is in this lifetime. While there have been questions lately about where this relationship is progressing, you might find that talking it through suddenly restores your confidence.

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scorpio daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

Dear Scorpio, no one gets to determine what you deserve except you. But you may have to embrace a new way of looking at your worthiness to start making the changes you seek. 

This all comes down to exploring what resonates with you and then letting yourself take more chances when it comes to love and relationships. Remember that the ability to create change rests on knowing you are worth living the life you've always dreamed of.

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sagittarius daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

You have an incredibly unique way of approaching love, Sagittarius. While, at times, your spirit for exploration can get you in trouble, it also means that you have a keen ability to continually keep love feeling new and exciting simply by being yourself. 

Today is the time to return to this inner truth and let yourself start showing up more authentically in your relationship. Just because being grounded is a part of balance doesn't mean you can't foster a love that feels exciting.

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capricorn daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

There is a depth of your soul and intuition, dear Capricorn, that your partner craves to be a part of. While you can often shrug off what your intuition tells you over more practical goals, now is the time to start listening with greater intensity. 

It's also a chance to start sharing these deep, intuitive feelings with the one you love. They don't only love you for the life you create with them but because of your soul, so it is also safe to share that part of yourself with them.

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Related Stories From YourTango: Aquarius

aquarius daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

You may feel more like going out with friends today, Aquarius, than spending the night with your partner. This new energy is all about encouraging you to live your life in the way that feels best for you, and while your partner is an important part of that, it doesn't mean you can't also take time for yourself and friends. 

Feel free to invite them with you if you'd like. Otherwise, remember that time apart doing what you both love will always strengthen your relationship.

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pisces daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestrokeDesign: YourTango

Take an out-of-the-box approach to how you love and feel loved, Pisces. This will especially be true regarding how you feel valued by your partner. While words of affirmation have always been important to you, you're craving more unique declarations of love in your relationship. 

Try to use this energy to become more spontaneous and adventurous in your love life so that your partner can meet you in this new place of excitement and romance.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About September 8, Per A Tarot Card Reader

This Sunday, we are encouraged to explore our deepest desires and dreams by matching today's tarot reading with our daily astrology. Today, the Moon takes us deep into the soul, where we uncover hidden dreams, hopes and fears. The Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio, so it's the perfect time to research topics we want to learn more about. We can uncover hidden truths and bring them to the light for healing and personal growth.

The Sun remains in Virgo, which makes this a great time to work on self-development. Virgo's energy enhances our ability to tend to the details and organize our lives sensibly and pragmatically. What area of your life should you focus on this Sunday? Let's consult the tarot card deck to find out.

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

You're doing a great job, Aries. This month, set a big goal that takes time to reach. Put in the hard work and know that anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. For the right cause, you can be patient. Be extra cautious with how you invest your time. Don't be easily discouraged when the journey seems long.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Tarot card: Justice

See things from both sides. Fairness has a subjective quality to it today. You may disagree with another person's point of view, but that does not make their opinion wrong. Seek compromise when possible. You may find it necessary to negotiate a little more than usual today until a conflict gets resolved.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Tarot card: Five of Cups

Win some, and sometimes you lose some. Today, a situation out of your control may feel like a setback; however, a loss may be a blessing in disguise. What you don't understand now will become clearer in the future. Count your blessings, including moments when you wish a person or situation were different, no matter what the day brings.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Tarot card: Ace of Cups

Listen to your emotions. Your intuition is sharp. If you feel unsure about a decision, be still and allow silence to tune your ear to your inner voice. Guidance and knowledge will come to you in moments when you detach from a busy schedule and allow yourself peace and silence.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


Tarot card: Page of Cups

Good things are coming your way, Leo. There's a sense of optimism in your heart, and when you feel that life is bringing you positive energy, it's good to capture the moment and make the most of it. Listen to your favorite feel-good music. See the bright side of every situation. What your mind believes your world can conceive.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Tarot card: Eight of Wands

Stay mentally sharp and alert. This tarot card warns that a sudden change in circumstances requires you to be on top of your A-game. You may have to make a quick decision without much time to think. Avoid substances or food that hinder mental clarity. Try not to allow fear to distract you or trap you in a cycle of indecision.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Tarot card: Nine of Cups

Be confident in yourself and your capabilities. You may need a gentle reminder that you are talented and full of potential but also put in the work necessary to get results. There is no substitute for consistent effort. If you procrastinate a little bit, pick back up where you started. Finish this day strong. 

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Tarot card: Six of Wands

Sometimes, your success is never made public, but anticipate some recognition from others this week. You may be praised by a boss in front of your coworkers or a partner may compliment you to their friends. Envision yourself receiving value in exchange for the value you give to others. You can attract what you need this week.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles

If you want to make more money, then search for opportunities to do so. This is the perfect time to look for a better job, gig or side work. If you have a business but have kept your rate the same for a long time, test the market to see if you can give yourself a pay raise. Money can be found if you search for it.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Tarot card: Eight of Wands

Life moves quickly, but being busy does not mean increased productivity. Be careful today regarding how you manage your time and schedule. Don't fill the day with things that absorb your time and resources but give you very little in return on your investment. Measure your activities. Ask yourself if what you're doing is worth the effort.

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Related Stories From YourTango: Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Tarot card: Queen of Cups

Be kind. Today, your sensitivity toward others is activated, allowing you to nurture and love people at a high level. You can give without strings. Participating in charity work or giving a financial gift to a non-profit organization you know is a struggle.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Tarot card: Two of Wands

Plan for the future. Do research into trends. Listen to podcasts and read books about what the world could be like in the next ten years. Don't be limited by what you see now. Allow your imagination to tap into the vibe of the higher mind and the collective.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

Weekly Horoscope: September 8-September 14, Emotionally Fired Up

See what this weekly horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign as Mars moves into Cancer

The energy felt this week may last for two months!

Mars (the planet of passion, drive and anger) will be sizzling along the seacoasts of Cancer from Sept. 4 until Nov. 3. Remember the feelings felt now because you'll likely be experiencing it again between January and April of next year.

This week begins with a bit of somber energy on Sept. 8 — as we may feel more isolated, rejected or fatigued. Mercury enters Virgo on Sept. 9 and will reach peak speed on Sept. 11, so all of that sluggish energy will be brushed off after August.

Spicy energy arises on Sept. 11 as the stars align, while the second half of the week will have us feeling butterflies in our stomachs and on top of the world. Breakthroughs and exciting opportunities could arrive!

Read on for what this week has in store for your zodiac sign!

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Aries (March 21 to April 19)


A new pace of life is taking hold, Aries, and you'll be feeling this energy on and off for many long months! In truth, you'll be especially emotional and notice that your feelings are extra intense.

Do your best to breathe through anything that triggers you. On a different note, you could become deeply engrossed in activity around home, family or domestic life. For instance, you could be cranking along on a renovation or relocation.

If there's tension bubbling beneath the radar regarding family or parents, though, you could be gearing up to stand up for yourself or others.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


Prepare for an incredibly long period that will keep you moving and grooving, Taurus! Not only are you likely to be traveling a great deal now until next April, but you're clearly attracting new experiences and points of view.

Some of you could become quite invested in communication projects during this time, such as working on a thesis, creating a milestone proposal, launching a campaign or learning new skills. Your voice and ideas will carry far more potency going forward, so be very clear on your vision and what you want to say because people will be paying more attention.

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Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


You're heading into a very long period that turns greater focus to your finances, Gemini. On a positive note, you could win big from now until April as you hustle forward.

However, this long-term period could show that you're burning through cash faster than ever before. The key to handling this energy is to understand the input and output of your finances so you don't look back and groan that you've depleted too much of your resources.

If you want to fight for a better-paying job, you could also be in luck!

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


It's been nearly two years since you've felt this fired up, Cancer, and the universe is igniting your body, mind and soul! You will feel energized to achieve personal and professional goals now and in the many months ahead.

The key is to harness all of this robust energy and keep your eyes on the prize and set forth to put all of the pieces in place as you hustle forth. In truth, now until early October will be your strongest period, so use the time quickly. October and onward could bring more hurdles than openings.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)


The universe is echoing in a strange way at this time, Leo. As the wheel of life turns, you're experiencing a different vibe than you're used to.

Typically, you're ready to step centerstage and command attention — but presently, you're a bit more focused on spending time alone or in your inner world. You could be especially busy and hard at work on developing projects.

Be aware that time is of the essence — and in November, you'll have more star power and strength on your side. Also, note that launching anything in December would not do well for you in the long run.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)


The universe is supplying so much cosmic happiness for you this month, Virgo, even if you notice that you have to roll with the punches a bit more than you'd hoped for.

You're entering another period of the year that will spice up your social life — especially in regard to friends, acquaintances or supporters! You could be attending big events or instead find yourself working on group projects.

This energy could also bring in more opportunities for dating through your network or even turn a friend into a sweetheart. Above all, connection with people who see eye to eye with you will be especially rewarding.

Related: Here's What Mars in Cancer Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)


In recent months, Libra, you likely saw more of a focus on your career and you're gearing up for extra energy now until April 2025!

In fact, you may find that you're suddenly hitting the pavement harder than ever before to build your ascent and make a name for yourself. Moving up the ladder, finding another job or garnering attention could all work in your favor now and in the months ahead.

However, if you're feeling frustrated that your job isn't fulfilling you, it might be time to buckle down and strategize how you can move in new directions.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)


There's a shift in the winds, Scorpio, and it's clear that you need a change of scenery. Moving in new directions, trying out new things and opening to new sensations, perceptions and experiences will be especially impactful for you now and in the weeks ahead.

On a different note, though, you could find that you're particularly fired up around your beliefs and how you should — or shouldn't — be living your life. This may even trickle into discussions or conflicts with others.

You can be extremely opinionated when you set your mind on something, but it might be time to open yourself up to other perspectives, too.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)


Get ready for a surge of erotic energy to electrify your body, mind and soul, Sagittarius. You always tend to be a spicy one and you'll be eager to connect with someone on the deepest of levels.

Luckily, this energy will be activated for many long months. Cranking up the heat in the bedroom would be hotter than ever before, especially for couples in long-term relationships.

However, if for some reason you feel like you're not getting what you desire from an outside party or sweetheart, you may instead be feeling a bit agitated, frustrated or downright disrespected. Do your best to take a step back and assess where you stand in your connections and how you can work as a team.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)


Prepare for even more energy to highlight your relationships, Capricorn. This fuel cranks it up from now until next summer.

Flying solo won't get you very far now! The key to harnessing this cosmic flow is to find someone who can work in tandem with you side by side. While this may be a sweetheart, it can also be with a business associate.

Singles can embrace this energy, too, by taking the lead and putting themselves out there to find someone who matches their ideal partner.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)


While this year has certainly brought many opportunities for happiness and romance, Aquarius, there is a new trend upon you.

You're about to become a train racing down the tracks, trying to be as productive as possible. Now and in the weeks ahead you could find that there's a never-ending supply of responsibilities and projects crossing your desk and you're drowning under your work's demands.

If you're in unfulfilling employment, you could be stir-crazy to make a change. Start looking now and apply! Update that resume or LinkedIn! The perfect job is already waiting for you.

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Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)


Of all the zodiac signs, Pisces, you have so much potential to enjoy romance, creativity and passion from now until next summer. This energy started to gain speed last week and will become even more prominent now.

You'll be exuberant and fired up to have fun, fall in love or live life to the fullest! In fact, if you're single, you're in one of the most significant periods in your life to line up sexy suitors who could ignite the magic in your soul. If coupled up already, use this eternal flame to fan the spark between you.

On a different note, spending time engaging with art and expression, connecting with children or embracing hobbies will all be particularly rewarding.

Kyle Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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Read the original article on People.

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