Chinese Astrology: Know your unlucky numbers based on your animal sign

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Chinese Horoscope: 'Luckiest' Date For Your Zodiac Animal This Month

China New Year's material

Chinese horoscope: 'Luckiest day' for your zodiac animal this month (Image: Getty)

Bountiful luck may have been had for specific animal signs in the Chinese zodiac this year.

According to Chinese astrology, certain zodiac signs are particularly favoured this year due to their harmonious connection with the Dragon's energy - specifically the Goat, Rabbit, Monkey, and Horse.

The Wood element of the Dragon brings improvement and abundance to these signs, enhancing their chances of success in various aspects of life.

But it doesn't mean other animal signs are exempt from experiencing good luck. An astrologer has named the luckiest dates in October for each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac.

Sharing her insights with YourTango, Tarot reader and astrologer, Valeria Black said: "Luck will blaze into one's life like a shooting star, but it's up to the individual to make the most of that luck."

Dragon Dance in Chinatown

The Year of the Wood Dragon ends on Chinese New Year - January 29, 2025 (Image: Getty) Tiger

People born in the Year of the Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) will feel their luckiest day on October 24. This month, it's important to avoid getting distracted by shiny opportunities that don't align with your goals. According to the astrologer, bring mindful and resisting temptation will ultimately help you hit the jackpot.


Those born in the Year of the Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, and 2020) should mark October 21 in their calendar as their 'luckiest day'. Valeria explained: "Your luck this month flows from your creativity….As long as you trust that creative spark within, you will thrive and call opportunities to you like never before."


Those born in the year of the Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) should focus on choosing a steady and stable path this month. Valeria said, whether in love, work or other endeavours, "as long as you choose what brings you stability, you will be golden". The luckiest day for the Ox will occur on October 27.

Chinese New Year Of the Dragon with Folding Fans on Red Background

2024 hasn't been that lucky for those born in the Year of the Dragon (Image: Getty) Rabbit

Luck this month is all about those born in the Year of the Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) focusing on patience. In love, career, or elsewhere, luck will stream in unexpectedly and boost your efforts, more notably on October 26, claimed Valeria.


Unfortunately for those aligned with the Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024), luck may not feel all that good this month. Instead, it will trigger wounds and repressed feelings to surface, perhaps more so on October 29. But the intention is good, warned Valeria, who said it is time to heal and set your soul free.


According to the astrologer, those born in the year of the Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) will likely experience their luckiest day on October 31, in love and relationships. She said: "Snake, your luck this month will be fabulous! Some of you may even say your wishes out loud and have them come true very quickly, so be mindful."


On October 19, those born in the year of the Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) will unlock their luck. The tarot reader suggested making time for fun but steering clear from distractions that could prevent you from following your heart.


People born in the year of the Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) will find luck with a competitive edge this month, notably on October 17. Valeria warned: "You'll have to rise to the challenge and score the final win as this luck won't alter outcomes".


October 12 marked the luckiest day for people born in the year of the Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016), but the period of good fortune continues. Valeria warned that the decisions you make and the actions you take at this time will have a direct impact on your luck in the coming months, especially in November.


Roosters (born in 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) may have experienced Rooster "extra strong" luck on October 12 that continues to now. The Tarot reader said that this period of luck is a good time to set healthy (and strong) boundaries and reap the rewards of a "big boost of inspiration!".


The Tarot reader said that those born in the year of the Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018) will find their luck closely tied to responsibility on October 19. Valeria urged: "Pay extra attention to your plans and goals in these arenas and trust your heart about the right pace and actions. Your luck will pave the path, either behind the scenes or in subtle ways directly, so you can live the best life and feel fulfilled."


People born in the Year of the Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019), will find their luck tied to intellect on October 21. The astrologer said now is the time to trust your inner genius and seek inspiration in more than one space throughout the month. "Let the ideas flow and then incubate the ones that shine true and golden!", noted Valeria.

Zodiac Signs And Their Personality Profiles Explained

There are 12 zodiac signs and each has unique zodiac sign personality traits. Understanding just a bit about your zodiac sign traits can help you understand your basic personality profile and its strengths and weaknesses.

Jutta Kuss via Getty Images

Those with their Sun in Aries are self-centered, take the initiative, act independently and are passionate about life. They are outgoing individuals who are friendly but strong-willed, ambitious, and want to be number one in everything they do.

Aries Strengths

Aries Weaknesses

Adventurous and energetic

Pioneering and courageous

Enthusiastic and confidant

Dynamic and quick witted

Selfish and quick tempered

Impulsive and impatient

Foolhardy and risk-taking

Aggressive and competitive

Jutta Kuss via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Taurus enjoy the physical world, live in the here and now, and engage life through their physical senses. They are solid, practical, slow-moving but hard-working individuals, whose greatest joy in life is luxuriating in the fruits of their labors.

Taurus Strengths

Taurus Weaknesses

Patient and reliable

Loving and warmhearted

Determined and persistent

Placid and security loving

Possessive and materialistic

Resentful and inflexible

Self-indulgent and greedy

Stubborn and uncompromising

Jutta Kuss via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Gemini are social and enjoy variety and change. They love to chat, seek out information, and spread it around. They exist in the shifting world of words, ideas, thoughts, and perceptions.

Gemini Strengths

Gemini Weaknesses

Adaptable and versatile

Witty and communicative

Intellectual and curious

Youthful and lively

Tense and nervous

Superficial and inconsistent

Gossipy and cunning

Indecisive and fickle

Jutta Kuss via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Cancer live in a world of emotions and are sensitive in every sense of the word. Their greatest need is to feel secure, safe and comfortable, and home, family, and friends come before anything else.

Cancer Strengths

Cancer Weaknesses

Loyal and loving

Imaginative and intuitive

Emotional and sympathetic

Loyal and protective

Moody and pessimistic

Overly emotional and touchy

Suspicious and manipulating

Insecure and clingy

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with a Leo Sun are driven by the fiery need to shine and the desire to be loved and admired. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident individuals who are difficult to resist and have the ability to achieve whatever they want to in life.

Leo Strengths

Leo Weaknesses

Generous and warm-hearted

Creative and enthusiastic

Broad-minded and expansive

Faithful and loving

Patronizing and pompous

Bossy and interfering

Dogmatic and intolerant

Stubborn and self-centered

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with a Virgo Sun are driven by a desire to solve problems and create perfection. They are analytical, discerning, and keep their emotions in check while focusing on the details of task at hand.

Virgo Strengths

Virgo Weaknesses

Loyal and hardworking

Meticulous and reliable

Practical and diligent

Intelligent and analytical

Shy and worriers

Overly critical and harsh

All work and no play

Never satisfied

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Libra are driven to initiate relationships, make connections, and create perfect balance and harmony. They are conversationalists with a pleasing demeanor, strong intellect, and a keen mind. They tend to surround themselves with beauty, art, and interesting people.

Libra Strengths

Libra Weaknesses

Diplomatic and cooperative

Romantic and charming

Gracious and fair-minded

Easygoing and sociable

Indecisive and changeable

Gullible and easily influenced

Flirtatious and self-indulgent

Tit-for-tat behavior

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Scorpio sense everything, show nothing, and are driven by a desire to feel and investigate life at the deepest and darkest levels. These powerful individuals and have the ability to overcome massive obstacles and pain in life and rise up out of the ashes.

Scorpio Strengths

Scorpio Weaknesses

Determined and forceful

Intuitive and emotional

Exciting and magnetic

Passionate and loyal

Possessive and distrusting


Secretive and obstinate

Compulsive and obsessive

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Sagittarius have a sharp intellect and high energy that keeps them moving. They seek the ultimate truth, have faith in themselves, tolerate differences, and are driven to explore, experience, learn, and gather knowledge.

Sagittarius Strengths

Sagittarius Weaknesses

Optimistic and freedom-loving

Good-humored and jovial

Honest and straightforward

Intellectual and philosophical

Impatient and careless

Irresponsible and superficial

Tactless and undiplomatic


Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with a Capricorn Sun are driven to survive and thrive in the material world and make the best use of their time on earth. They are ambitions individuals who are driven to do more and do better and generally move forward from one success to another.

Capricorn Strengths

Capricorn Weaknesses

Practical and prudent

Responsible and disciplined

Patient and careful

Loyal and committed

Pessimistic and fatalistic

Cold and distant


Stiff and stubborn

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with an Aquarius Sun are driven by a desire to make the world a better place and to help everyone they can along the way. They are unorthodox and unconventional and usually have an eclectic collection of friends from every walk of life.

Aquarius Strengths

Aquarian Weaknesses

Friendly and humanitarian

Original and inventive

Honest and loyal

Independent and intellectual

Intractable and contrary

Unemotional and detached


Uncompromising and aloof

Jutta Klee via Getty Images

Those with the Sun in Pisces are selfless and strive to connect with the ethereal and experience heaven on earth. These are friendly, adaptable, unassuming, private, deeply sensitive and emotional individuals, who see the best in others.

Pisces Strengths

Pisces Weaknesses

Imaginative and artistic

Gentle and wise

Compassionate and kind

Intuitive and sympathetic

A desire to escape reality

Secretive and vague

Weak-willed and easily led

Overly trusting

Each year the date and time the Sun enters the next sign is slightly different, depending on when the Sun crosses the ecliptic at the Vernal equinox. As an example, pop astrology leads you to believe that everyone born between July 23 and August 22 is a Leo. However, in 2020 the Sun entered Virgo on August 22nd at 10:44 am EST. If a person is born on this date, but after 10:44 am EST, they're not a Leo, they are a Virgo. If you were born between the 18th and 24th of any month, you should calculate a timed birth chart to know what sign your Sun actually occupies.

You should also remember when you're reading about Sun sign personality traits that they are stereotypical characteristics. Individuals are much more complex than their Sun sign. Though everyone will express these Sun sign traits to a greater or lesser degree, it's a person's entire birth chart that reveals each person's unique personality traits.

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These Three Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Believe In Astrology

Ever wondered which three star signs are more likely to believe in astrology? No? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway.

Astrology isn't for everyone and can divide a room as much as politics or whether or not a person is a Swiftie.

Those who believe can blame pretty much everything going on - or wrong - in their life on the fact that Mercury is retrograde, their moon rising is doing something or other and that their daily prediction told them they were going to have a bad day - and now they are. Shock.

Those who don't believe take every opportunity to make those who do feel like an idiot, pointing out that horoscopes are nothing more than blanket predictions that can apply to anyone and any situation. I fall somewhere in the middle, but as a Gemini that should come as no surprise to you, considering my notorious reputation for being two-faced and indecisive. Thanks Mercury (Gemini's ruling planet in case you were wondering).

But what star signs are actually hardcore believers in astrology according to astrology? Let's take a look...

Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar) Sounds logical enough. (Tyla)

Being ruled by the dreamiest of planets, namely Neptune, Pisces are apparently die-hard astrologists because Neptune governs all things spirituality.

Pisces are said to be very in tune with spirituality including dreams, fantasies and manifestations, so it makes perfect sense that they'd be the ones pulling up the Daily Horoscope app on their phone at a party, telling you to expect 'sudden change of circumstances this week.'

Ooo, I wonder what means?

Taurus (20 Apr - 20 May) The astrological equivalent to stalking your new partner on LinkedIn. (Tyla)

Although an Earth sign, who are said to be too ground in reality to believe that the stars has a plan for us all, Taurus is the exception.

Being big lovers of love, a Taurus is more likely to use astrology to check up on the compatibility of a love interest. Don't worry though, it's not like they're going write you off just because you're a Scopio or anything, but they'll take comfort knowing the stars have given them a heads up on the traits of their future partner.

Cancer (21 June - 22 July) Cancer, really? I am in shock. (Tyla)

In an addition that shocked absolutely no one is Cancer. Being one of the more, shall we say emotional signs, they're easily moved by things and that includes - but is not limited to - a touching horoscope reading.

And in true fashion, it's not uncommon for cancers to apologise for their on-brand outbursts of emotion, so their presence on this list was more predictable than a Gemini being deemed the worst in everything.

Cancers also care deeply - some might say too deeply - so if they have friends or family who believe in horoscopes, it would come as no surprise that they did too.


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