What the Year of the Dragon Means for You, According to Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

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5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have A Very Lucky Week From October 14 - 20, 2024

October 14 - 20, 2024, is a very lucky week for five zodiac signs. Goat, Dragon, Rabbit, Monkey, and Horse can experience expansive and bountiful luck. Everyone can tap into their manifestation powers and ramp up their abundance potential, but these specific signs experience good fortune the most.

The I Ching hexagram of luck for the week is Fire over Fire (#30), changing to Earth over Water (#7). The I Ching and the weekly Chinese horoscope encourage taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Remember that luck may not always work how you think. Good fortune reveals itself after a little bit of hard work and a display of worthiness in the cosmic grandness of life. 

1. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 14-20, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Goat, you will have a very lucky week focused in the arena of career. So, if you have a few interviews scheduled this week, look forward to a much better outcome than you can anticipate. For some, you will randomly come across an opportunity that you were looking for but didn't know how to discover. The cosmic forces have got your back!

For a few of you, this luck will help your business thrive, and any team you are a part of will suddenly shine bright, too! The colors red, gold, and violet will be lucky for you this week. Violet will be fortunate for you when you wear it.

RELATED: 3 Chinese Zodiac Elements Experiencing An Incredibly Lucky Lunar Year Of The Dragon

2. Dragon

dragon chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 14-20, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Dragon, your luck this week is so strong that whatever you set your sights on will be yours if you take proactive action. So please make a list of your true priorities and double down on them. You can channel your luck to those areas when you do.

Just remember: this luck can pave the way for you, but the outcome will still unfold over time and not in just this one week. So patience is definitely called for here, too. Blue, green, and violet will be lucky for you this week.

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3. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 14-20, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Rabbit, your good fortune this week has nothing to do with the Dragon zodiac sign. The "rising dragon" is more of a metaphor for you and how this luck will influence your rise to a whole new stratosphere. 

Are you ready to embrace this new adventure and be confident? You'll need it because everything will get bigger, better, bolder, and intense.

You can create a scrapbook journal and use it as an ongoing vision board for your life. As you fill in the pages, your luck will unfold, too. The colors red, blue, and green will be lucky for you this week, but only when you associate positive feelings with these colors. So, if you have a bad experience personally with any of them, steer clear and trust your gut.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of October 2024 For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign

4. Monkey

monkey chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 14-20, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Monkey, your lucky horoscope this week may or may not have anything to do with your love life. Instead, the word "romantic" here is used in the classical sense. It's the expression of the self freely, the freedom to live with authentic emotions and dreams, hope for all instead of just a choice few, and the upliftment of communities through art, music, and culture that celebrates the human spirit.

Your luck will enable you to live this way. Whenever you choose to be confident and authentic, your fortune shall flow. The colors red and green increase your luck this week.

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5. Horse: Intellectual luck

horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 14-20, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

Horse, your lucky Chinese horoscope this week is deeply tied to how your mind works. If you allow positive thoughts (not toxic positive) to be the norm, your good fortune will flow without restraint. If you allow anxiety and toxic negativity to increase, your luck will become blocked.

This also applies to listening to naysayers or trusting your instincts and abilities. When you do the latter, your luck will flow and show you what you knew. Therefore, this is luck of a significant kind. It can conquer mountains and help you cross oceans. Treat it with the respect it demands, and you shall find wisdom. The colors red, blue, and purple will be lucky for you this week.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect From Their Weekly Horoscope From October 7 - 13

Balance within is the theme of the weekly horoscope for each Chinese zodiac sign from October 7 - 13, 2024. This week's I Ching hexagram is Mountain over Earth (#23), changing to Mountain over Water (#4), reminding us that clinging to what's rotten is the quickest way to absorb that rot within oneself, too.

Find the courage to focus on the good no matter what hardships you face in your relationships, work, or personal life. Do at least one thing that helps you reach calmer waters where you can thrive and grow. Let your creative side take over! 


rat chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Rat, this week's horoscope is grand and luxurious for you. Allow yourself to sink into it and become more grounded. Try a few new grounding techniques to quiet your thoughts and instill a sense of calm each day. Life will unlock memories and ideas and also bring satisfaction to your wings.

Lucky days in love: October 11 & 12

In love, "know thyself" is your motto for the week, but only from your perspective as an individual. You can learn more about yourself when engaging with your significant other romantically. Are there people-pleasing traits in you when you are together? Do you discover hidden yet delightful aspects of your being that you want to develop more?

Lucky day in friendship: October 13

The energy around your social life may need a little more effort. Focusing on solitary pursuits or if you are involved with someone romantically, enjoy quality time with your partner.

Lucky day for career: October 7

As for your career, you are where you need to be and were meant to be, so let things work naturally for you. You will unlock your superpowers when the timing is right.

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ox chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Ox, your weekly horoscope is a mix lazy pleasures and exciting energy. When life feels overwhelming or you need to focus, find a middle ground. Watch as you center your energy how the universe brings something magical into your life.

Lucky day in love: October 12

This week, your love life will be a primary focus, especially if you are single and dating someone who hits all the right notes in your heart. Let love guide you, but do watch out for red flags.

Lucky day in friendship: October 13

Your social life will be sweet and memorable this week. You may be invited to attend more parties, or if you want to host an event, throw a get-together for friends. Intriguing times await on the wings.

Lucky day for career: October 13

As for your career, let things progress as you will expect them to, so don't worry. You will unlock fresh ideas that help improve your career; you'll discover yourself more when working on professional developments.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Experience Great Horoscopes The Week Of October 7 - 13


tiger chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Tiger, your horoscope this week is heavily tied to making memories that involve music. Update your playlist. Whether they are folk ballads, chart-toppers, indie mixes, or more, let your personal taste in music lead you on an Alice in Wonderland adventure.

Lucky day in love: October 9

In love, music will play a prominent role for you this week. So, let the tradition of exchanging playlists be at the heart of your romantic engagements. Then watch as the magic unfolds!

Lucky day in friendship: October 10

Your social life will involve activities with your romantic partner. If you haven't done so already, this is the perfect week to introduce your partner to your friends and family. Go for it and see how it works out.

Lucky day for career: October 8

In your career, the energy is ripe for channeling something substantial into an important project. Only you can decide where your professional journey should go. Spend a few minutes each day journaling or being introspective about the future; if you're looking for a career change or want to return to school, you will soon have your answers.

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rabbit chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Rabbit, this week's horoscope may bring out your shy side. Each day will bring out facets of your character that may surprise you. But that's part of the growing-up experience—even if you are in the fifth decade of life! You'll see how personal transformation is a life-long process.

Lucky day in love: October 12

In love, be unapologetically yourself, especially creative, and do something unique with your free time or even professionally. Don't let the words of naysayers and jealous people hold you back from showing this beautiful side to the one you wish to engage with romantically.

Lucky cay in friendship: October 10 & 11

Your social life will also be a resounding success this week, especially if you avoid situations where your gut tells you not to go. Make time for social circles and relationships that bring joy and stimulate your mind, even if those encounters are brief.

Lucky day for career: October 9

Your career will start to feel more secure, and if you've had problems at work, they will seem to pass or improve. Continue to follow your heart and the call of your life path; you will keep shining bright!

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of October 7, According To A Tarot Card Reader


dragon chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Dragon, the horoscope for you this week may bring out your deepest insecurities for healing. It's time to focus inward and let your subconscious mind lead you to closure and inner peace.

Lucky day in love: October 12

In love, you may want to step back this week and spend time doing things for yourself. True love will not shame you or guilt you for needing this space for your well-being. If you are single, it will also show you that there's no need to rush to find love.

Lucky day in friendship: October 13

Your social life will bless you through good and bad times. Trust your instincts when you face social challenges. You may need to avoid peer pressure or help a friend through a tough time.

Lucky day for career: October 13

The energy around your career is pretty good now, so keep moving forward if you have things you're working on. Now's not the time to do something ground-breaking or novel. Wait for a better cosmic window coming to you toward the end of the month.

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snake chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Snake, your siblings or cousins will be your greatest blessing this week. Even if you don't always get along, your relationship will open your eyes to something significant that has the potential to protect you from life's hard times.

Lucky day in love: October 12

In love, honor your relationship with quality time and the desire to engage with others. Friends play a vital role in your and your significant other's lives. Spending more time with friends can help you grow a stronger bond in love!

Lucky day in friendship: October 10 & 13

Your social life may be a hit-or-miss, but that's OK. Trust yourself if you need solitude and pull away for self-care. The opposite is true if you feel more extroverted than usual and wish to go on new adventures or make more friends.

Lucky day for career: October 11

The horoscopes about your career are good this week. Let the routines and responsibilities align with the rest of your life. When you thrive, everything else will thrive, too.

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horse chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Horse, your horoscopes this week are all about personal reckonings and recognition. If you always put yourself down with internal criticisms, now's the time to end that habit and find the root of the matter. The cosmic forces are well-aligned to help you find the truth at last.

Lucky day in love: October 9 & 10

In love, you may or may not have something significant happen this week. It depends on your priorities in life and where you apply your energy. If you don't wish for love, don't force yourself. If you want to find love, be patient, but seek it. Let your inner compass guide you.

Lucky day in friendship: October 11

Your social life will give you time to focus on other things that you have left on the back burner. Spending less time with friends may be great for you. Now's the time to change something vital about your relationship with yourself. There's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.

Lucky day for career: October 12

In your career, you are encouraged to take initiative when you develop good ideas. Don't hold back what you are thinking out of fear. But if you feel you may have been judged harshly in the past, test the waters before you reveal the brilliance brewing within you. Take time to find the right moment.

RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck & Love Throughout The Month Of October 2024


goat chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Goat, this week's horoscope primarily focuses on your family, especially elderly relatives and young children. If you have festive celebrations coming up, go and don't miss the event. You will have a fantastic time; you're well-aligned with the fortunate side of the cosmos.

Lucky day in love: October 10

In love, let your heart speak and give the other person space to talk from the heart, too. True compatibility or incompatibility will become apparent when you do. Trust in your inner strength!

Lucky day in friendship: October 8

Your social life will benefit from more well-considered moves. Instead of engaging with everyone, choose the people you spend time with wisely. Be selective, and when you feel alone, focus on self-care. Try block scheduling to see what works best for you this week, especially to find your peak windows of free time.

Lucky day for career: October 7

Things are about to pick up speed in your career, but you are not in that cosmic phase yet. Let this week be a preparatory phase so you can confidently move when that window is upon you.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024


monkey chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Monkey, this week's horoscopes will bring out your sillier side. Do you enjoy pranking friends or family for fun? Then, you might be more active than usual, testing things you see on TikTok or a Reel. Let this playful side out, but be careful so everything stays safe. Halloween is just around the corner, so plan your holiday funnies with surprising decor and hijinks.

Lucky day in love: October 7 & 8

Your love life will benefit from this heady and fun energy, too. Enjoy something fun and unpredictable with your date, like an escape room or a drive-in movie. Step outside your comfort zones. Spontaneous ideas and great fun await!

Lucky day in friendship: October 9

Your social life will be good this week, especially if you have a party to attend or are looking forward to wearing a particular outfit on a special day. Let your inner light shine bright!

Lucky day for career: October 10

Your career is less strongly focused this week, and other things you want to do may become a higher priority on your to-do list. Let things unfold as they are, and you'll be golden. Trust your heart in this.

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rooster chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Rooster, your weekly horoscopes bring stability and structure, helping you slow down and get things done. If you embrace a slower pace this week, you'll have an opportunity to do things that relax your soul, rejuvenate your spirit, and feel stronger within yourself.

Lucky day in love: October 11

In love, you are encouraged to create a protective bubble of love and creativity around you and your partner by doing things at home,, forming a peaceful love nest. Making time to relax can help you grow something special and make sweet memories.

Lucky day in friendship: October 12

Your social life will be perfect this week, especially if you are traveling or have a boisterous party to attend on any day. YOLO is the motto here. But you are cautioned to restrict unplanned or unnecessary travel to one or two days at most. Too much distraction will counterbalance the rejuvenating effect of the rest of the week.

Lucky day for career: October 12

Your career is well-positioned at this time, too. You have great ideas, get along well with others and are productive. Let your heart and instincts guide you. You will be golden when you do!

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dog chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Dog, some of you may suddenly remember mistreatments of the past this week or become triggered by memories than usual. Negative emotions are a call to heal something vital within you, but you may need help. Seek a friend or a therapist who can guide you like a friend. Journaling can get you started, too, on understanding yourself better.

Lucky day in love: October 11

Your love life is being highlighted here, too, especially if you have trauma from your past love experiences or had exes who took advantage of your kindness and love. It's a call not to turn away from the beauty of true love but to strengthen yourself so you'll see the red flags immediately if someone tries to play you.

Lucky day in friendship: October 10

Your social life will be a blessing, especially if you have friends who have always had your back, even when you didn't have your own. Lean into the support of good people and let your heart heal.

Lucky day for career: October 9

The energy around your career may make you want to take some time off. Find a balance where you can enjoy some time away from work without harming the team. Plan ahead so that when you return, you can feel rested and ready to take on the work week. 

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pig chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope october 7-13, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos DCanva

General Overview:

Pig, you are smart, beautiful, kind, and well-learned. Now's the time to remind yourself of all the awesomeness within you and end negative self-talk that may be holding you back from fully embracing life.

Lucky day in love: October 8 & 9

In love, you are encouraged to address your fears while actively finding solutions or learning from them. True love is on the other side of this divide.

Lucky day in friendship: October 11 & 12

Your social life will be perfect this week, but you may still want time. Try to balance going out with friends and doing things on your own to win in every arena.

Lucky day for career: October 13

The energy around your career is perfect for planning your next moves. Let things unfold as they are, but also look to the future. What do you want to learn next? Where do you feel like you can grow the most? Focusing on your inner well-being will also pay dividends.

RELATED: 2024 Chinese Year Of The Dragon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Horoscope Today, October 8: Pieces Can Implement New Ideas At Workplace; Know About Other Zodiac Signs

Today's Horoscope, October 8, 2024: Today is Udaya Tithi Panchami of Ashwin Shukla Paksha and Tuesday. Panchami Tithi will last till 11.19 pm today, after which Shashthi Tithi will take place. Today is the sixth day of Navratri. Today there will be good fortune after passing through the whole day and night till 6.37 am tomorrow. Also, after passing the whole day today, Jyestha Nakshatra will remain till 4:08 in the morning. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day of October 8, 2024, will be for you and by what measures you can make this day better. Also, know which lucky number and lucky colour will be for you.


Today will be a good day for you. Today, your spouse will help you in taking your business forward. Today you will keep yourself ready to complete a new project. Today is going to be a great day for professors. Health will be much better today than before. Take blessings of Mother, you will find new paths of progress.


Today will bring new changes in career for students. If you are starting a new business, then definitely take the advice of the elders in the house. Today everyone will listen to you carefully. You will gift some necessary items to your spouse today. Meditate on Mother Katyayani, you will get relief from troubles.


Today is going to be a better day for you. You will get support from friends in some special work. There are chances of getting a promotion in a job. Students will get some new projects. You will get opportunities for financial gain today. Take special care of your health today. By offering things made of jaggery to Goddess Durga, you will get success in pending work.


Today is going to be a special day for you. Children will be influenced by your words. You will be benefited in government work due to your acquaintance with a senior official. Women's responsibilities regarding household work will increase. Today you will be in deep thought. Offer red chunari to the mother, and problems in marriage will be resolved.


Today is going to be a mixed day. Today, if you work with the advice of an experienced person, you will get success. People involved in electronic work will benefit more financially today. There are chances of businessmen making big profits today. Offer cloves to Mother Goddess, you will get opportunities for promotion.


Today you will get the full support of luck. If your work is related to an educational institution, there will be profit today. The day is favourable for professional progress. You will talk on the phone with someone who will benefit you in the future. Help the needy, respect will increase in society.


Today your day will be better. Instead of being hasty in any work, one should work with patience. You should avoid any kind of travel today, go on a journey only if it is necessary. Do not ignore mistakes in any office work today. Offer sugar candy to Maa Durga, there will be an atmosphere of peace in the house.


Today is going to be a good day for you. People doing contract work will get a new contract today. People in the office will praise your work a lot. Fashion designing students of this zodiac sign will get to learn something new. Offer khoya to Maa Durga, there will be happiness in life.


Today is going to be a good day for you. Today you will talk to a special relative and will talk about starting a business with them. Today you will make a new plan to control your expenses. You will get applause if you complete your work well today. Feed a banana to a monkey, your wishes will be fulfilled.


Today family happiness will increase. Today you will make some good decisions regarding your career. Today you will be successful in completing your tasks on time. Before investing in any property, consult the house. Students studying medicine will get the support of a big doctor today. Apply turmeric tilak, you will remain happy the whole day.


Today is going to be a great day for you. Today, an introduction to higher officials will be useful for you. There are chances of career progress. Will have a good time with my family in the evening. Decisions taken in advance will give you better results. Women may be a little busy shopping today. Light a lamp in front of Mother Goddess, and your financial condition will become stronger.


Today your day will be favorable for you. The day is good for implementing new ideas in the workplace. Whatever work you think of doing today, you will be successful in it. You will get support from family members in completing household tasks. Today you will get many opportunities to prove yourself. Offer cardamom to Maa Durga, there will be prosperity in business.

(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country, who has vast experience in Vaastu, Samudrik Shastra and Astrology. You see him giving predictions every morning at 7.30 am on India TV.)


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