Year of the Dragon 2024: is your luck in? All 12 zodiac sign predictions

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Chinese Horoscope: 'Luckiest' Date For Your Zodiac Animal This Month

China New Year's material

Chinese horoscope: 'Luckiest day' for your zodiac animal this month (Image: Getty)

Bountiful luck may have been had for specific animal signs in the Chinese zodiac this year.

According to Chinese astrology, certain zodiac signs are particularly favoured this year due to their harmonious connection with the Dragon's energy - specifically the Goat, Rabbit, Monkey, and Horse.

The Wood element of the Dragon brings improvement and abundance to these signs, enhancing their chances of success in various aspects of life.

But it doesn't mean other animal signs are exempt from experiencing good luck. An astrologer has named the luckiest dates in October for each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac.

Sharing her insights with YourTango, Tarot reader and astrologer, Valeria Black said: "Luck will blaze into one's life like a shooting star, but it's up to the individual to make the most of that luck."

Dragon Dance in Chinatown

The Year of the Wood Dragon ends on Chinese New Year - January 29, 2025 (Image: Getty) Tiger

People born in the Year of the Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) will feel their luckiest day on October 24. This month, it's important to avoid getting distracted by shiny opportunities that don't align with your goals. According to the astrologer, bring mindful and resisting temptation will ultimately help you hit the jackpot.


Those born in the Year of the Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, and 2020) should mark October 21 in their calendar as their 'luckiest day'. Valeria explained: "Your luck this month flows from your creativity….As long as you trust that creative spark within, you will thrive and call opportunities to you like never before."


Those born in the year of the Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) should focus on choosing a steady and stable path this month. Valeria said, whether in love, work or other endeavours, "as long as you choose what brings you stability, you will be golden". The luckiest day for the Ox will occur on October 27.

Chinese New Year Of the Dragon with Folding Fans on Red Background

2024 hasn't been that lucky for those born in the Year of the Dragon (Image: Getty) Rabbit

Luck this month is all about those born in the Year of the Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) focusing on patience. In love, career, or elsewhere, luck will stream in unexpectedly and boost your efforts, more notably on October 26, claimed Valeria.


Unfortunately for those aligned with the Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024), luck may not feel all that good this month. Instead, it will trigger wounds and repressed feelings to surface, perhaps more so on October 29. But the intention is good, warned Valeria, who said it is time to heal and set your soul free.


According to the astrologer, those born in the year of the Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) will likely experience their luckiest day on October 31, in love and relationships. She said: "Snake, your luck this month will be fabulous! Some of you may even say your wishes out loud and have them come true very quickly, so be mindful."


On October 19, those born in the year of the Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) will unlock their luck. The tarot reader suggested making time for fun but steering clear from distractions that could prevent you from following your heart.


People born in the year of the Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) will find luck with a competitive edge this month, notably on October 17. Valeria warned: "You'll have to rise to the challenge and score the final win as this luck won't alter outcomes".


October 12 marked the luckiest day for people born in the year of the Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016), but the period of good fortune continues. Valeria warned that the decisions you make and the actions you take at this time will have a direct impact on your luck in the coming months, especially in November.


Roosters (born in 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) may have experienced Rooster "extra strong" luck on October 12 that continues to now. The Tarot reader said that this period of luck is a good time to set healthy (and strong) boundaries and reap the rewards of a "big boost of inspiration!".


The Tarot reader said that those born in the year of the Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018) will find their luck closely tied to responsibility on October 19. Valeria urged: "Pay extra attention to your plans and goals in these arenas and trust your heart about the right pace and actions. Your luck will pave the path, either behind the scenes or in subtle ways directly, so you can live the best life and feel fulfilled."


People born in the Year of the Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019), will find their luck tied to intellect on October 21. The astrologer said now is the time to trust your inner genius and seek inspiration in more than one space throughout the month. "Let the ideas flow and then incubate the ones that shine true and golden!", noted Valeria.

Chinese Horoscope: The Five Animal Zodiac Signs That Will Be 'lucky' Next Week

Chinese horoscopes

Five animals are set to (Image: Getty)

Unlike Western astrology, which revolves around the position of stars and planets according to birth months, the Chinese zodiac offers a unique approach based on the lunar calendar and year of birth.

Each year in the Chinese calendar is represented by one of 12 animals: the Goat, Rat, Horse, Pig, Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Tiger, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Dragon.

Passed down through centuries, each animal is believed to impart specific personality traits to those born in its year, influencing aspects of life such as compatibility, fortune, happiness and even career paths.

In these uncertain modern times, many Brits turn to astrology for guidance, taking their lead from the strength associated with each different animal.

According to Chinese tradition, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. A mythical creature that is said to symbolise good luck, this year should continue to be a time of good fortune, wisdom and success.

2024 Chinese Horoscopes

2024 is The Year of the Dragon (Image: Getty)

Astrologer Valeira Black says that the week between September 23 and September 30 will see five signs graced with good luck next week.

The astrologer told YourTango that individuals born in the year of the Rabbit, Ox, Rooster, Pig, and Horse are likely to be the luckiest. She said: "Mix it up or do it your way. There's no one-size-fits-all here. But the ones who embrace the power of knowledge will always be the luckiest of them all.


The Year of the Rabbit is associated with the years 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023. A symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture, Rabbits are said to be gentle, kind, peaceful, charming and balanced.

According to the astrologer, "your luck this week will shine and dazzle wherever you go. So don't be surprised if it also peeks out of your skin through an overnight glow-up! Watch out for energy vampires, though! They may come flocking to your flame and create problems if you ignore the red flags".

It may benefit you to work with the crystal Lapis Lazuli or Aquamarine, and the colours red and blue will also bring you luck this week.


People born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021 have the Ox as their Chinese zodiac sign. Known to be practical, patient, determined and loyal, Oxen are known for being hardworking and reliable.

She said: "This week is tied to your career or personal endeavours to make your life more stable and beautiful. It will bring you opportunities out of the blue and give you a chance to prove yourself. Nurture your gifts of this luck until you manifest your desires. Expend time, effort, and consideration to make this luck for you.

"If you feel called to, maintain a journal where you note your ideas, inspiration, and observations. These will also affect your luck." The colour green, especially dark green silk, will be lucky for you this week.


Associated with the years 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017, the Rooster is known to be hardworking, confident, emotional and brave. Next week could see all those traits deliver rewards.

Valeria said "This week's luck has a stillness that will bring out hidden talents deep within your soul and unlock hidden wisdom. It will feel as if you are in a bubble of your own while the rest of the world flashes around in anxiety and pain. Lean into this luck, and it will bring insights into your next life adventure.

She also suggests "Meditating with a guided soundtrack can directly help with this, too, especially if it's a focused meditation like "Meet your future self" or "What you need to know now." If you feel called to, work with Lapis Lazuli to help you open your third eye more, while the colours red and purple will be powerful and lucky for you this week."


Those born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 or 2019 are all Year of the Pig. They are said to be generous, diligent and compassionate, as well as energetic, enthusiastic, and love to have fun.

Valeria warns that "this headline probably sounds strange, but that's because your luck this week has an eccentric quality to it".

She adds: "Lean into it, and you will discover wild surprises and delights in the oddest places. Who knows? Watching 'Beetlejuice Beetlejuice' may do the same for you.

"Just remember: the only person who can hold you back from embracing this luck is you. So don't let guilt or peer pressure ruin this for you. It's time to be unapologetically yourself and have fun along the way."

When it comes to colours, blue and green will be lucky for you this week.


People born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026 fall under the Year of the Horse. Active and energetic, these people are full of enthusiasm with a cheerful disposition.

Valeria said: "Your luck this week is extreme and powerful. If you have felt mistreated in the past, bullied, or held back from opportunities because of shady shenanigans behind the scenes or outright discrimination, this luck is here to set the record straight. You won't have to do anything to embrace this luck, though. Just live your life and watch karma unfold.

"If you feel called to, now's a good time to reconnect with your inner child, too. It will help you heal and unlock deep insights along the way."

The colours red, blue, and yellow will be lucky for you this week.

5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs The Week Of October 7 - 13, 2024

Our Chinese weekly horoscopes reveal how luck can sprout from the most unexpected places. From October 7 to 13, 2024, luck and good fortune are key messages in matters of life, love, work, business and everything in between. This week, the I Ching hexagram of luck is Mountain over Mountain (#52), changing to Thunder over Lake (#54). It urges us to step out of our comfort zone and not be like a mountain beyond reason. 

Yes, being strong is a good personality trait. It gives one the ability to push through and hold up necessary burdens. But if taken to an extreme, it can stifle creativity and the will to grow. Since luck is often discovered beyond the comfort zone, this is the easiest way to find fortune and make it your own.

Do an intention-setting exercise this week and write a story of what you want your future to look like. Luck can often be a cosmic gift finding us when we least expect it, showing us that the cosmos is conspiring in our favor. Now, let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that will be the luckiest under this influence — Horse, Dragon, Goat, Rabbit, and Rooster. But the rest are encouraged to let explorations and trust in the self guide them, too.

1. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 7-13, 2024 VectortraditionCanva

Horse, your lucky horoscope this week is all about knowing that you have more choices in the wings than you may be realizing or giving yourself credit for. So ground yourself, breathe in deeply, and then look again. Your luck will lead you to where you will thrive and flourish the most.

For some of you, this luck will bring you to a crossroads where a crucial decision that's good enough but imperfect must be made. Both paths may be of equal good fortune, but you cannot walk on both simultaneously and do them justice. When that happens, find some quiet time and journal your feelings. The answer will come to you eventually. Wearing green will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of October 2024 For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign

2. Dragon

dragon chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 7-13, 2024 VectortraditionCanva

Dragon, your lucky horoscope this week has a lone-wolf quality to it. As in, every time you do something from a space of self-confidence and independence, your luck will bloom. Solitary pursuits and projects, including solopreneur businesses, will also benefit from this blessing.

Those of you who find it difficult to be alone are encouraged to give yourself a chance to develop this trait in yourself. It may take you a while to figure out where the anxiety emerges from, but eventually, you will find yourself on the balanced ground of knowing when to socialize and when to pull back. The color blue will be lucky for you this week, and also blue flowers.

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3. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 7-13, 2024 VectortraditionCanva

Goat, you will find luck in your intuitive nature, so do not ignore your intuition and its nudges this week. The world often discredits this area of sixth sense, but you will set yourself up for hardship if you do this.

Instead, lean into your inner insights. Ask yourself why you are picking up those red flags or feeling a certain way. Journaling can help you draw up the real reason deep within your psyche. After all, those hits can sometimes be too lightning-fast to decipher! Gold and green will be lucky for you this week, especially if you are a business owner.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024

4. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 7-13, 2024 VectortraditionCanva

Rabbit, your red thread of destiny is steadily pulling tauter and tauter. So don't be surprised if you suddenly experience a moment of serendipity over the next few days. You may find yourself stepping out of the grocery store and having a deja vu moment with an unknown person standing at the stoplight. Or it may be something equally astonishing and unexpected.

Note it down somewhere when you have such moments. The puzzle pieces will come together soon. The colors red, yellow, and orange will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: What Happens In Your 'Enemy Years', According To Chinese Astrology

5. Rooster

rooster chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 7-13, 2024 VectortraditionCanva

Rooster, your lucky horoscope for the week is as golden as you are! So don't be surprised if you feel like you are at the top of the world; however, this may come about. For most of you, this luck will flow into your life when you remain receptive and open to adventures. For others, this luck will show up through love, care, affection, and support when you need it the most.

Whatever form it takes, this luck will show you that the cosmic forces have your back. All you have to do is remain authentically confident in your abilities. No second-guessing allowed! The colors blue, red, and green will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck & Love Throughout The Month Of October 2024

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot, and spirituality.


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