Numerology Predictions Today, November 24, 2024: Read your personalised forecast for numbers 1 to 9
The Area Of Life Each Zodiac Sign Will Experience Success & Abundance In The First Half Of 2025
From couples getting hitched to new career and financial opportunities, everyone will experience a shift come 2025. While it can be daunting to lay out your goals for the upcoming year, knowing where the positive energy is strongest for your rising sign can help you discover which area of life you'll see the most success.
According to astrologer Amy Demure, "Each zodiac sign will be lucky in a certain area of life during the first half of 2025 and it is advised that they place the most amount of time, energy, and dedication, towards this particular life area."
As Demure explained in a TikTok video, wherever you have Jupiter, the planet of good luck, fortune, and expansion, is transiting in your chart, you'll find it easier to reach milestones and achieve your goals.
"But I do wanna note that you do have to put effort, time, and energy into the goals that you're trying to reach," Demure added, noting that while Jupiter's influence will accelerate expansion in these areas, it's important to do your part as well.
1. Aries Design: YourTango
Those with Aries rising will see a boost in their reputation, especially with their networking skills at an all-time high. People will come to respect and admire you for the effort you've been putting in at your workplace.
Demure continued that any work projects that require creativity will become a major success as your project begins to get the recognition it deserves, "And you will become extremely disciplined and focused with your projects," leading to one of the most successful years of your entire life!
To stay on track, Demure suggested Aries risings "put your effort into your projects and into boosting your reputation." Through networking and grinding hard, Aries rising will win big come 2025!
2. Taurus Design: YourTango
Have you been struggling with your finances lately? Well, if you're a Taurus rising, all of that is about to change. According to Demure, "During the first half of 2025, you'll have the best opportunities of all the signs to boost your finances" and build your wealth.
To do so, though, it's important for Taurus rising to seek out opportunities.
"This is a time where you should put effort into your streams of income, into settling financial burdens," Demure explained.
Whether that means paying off student loans or freelancing, starting now and building your way up will definitely help Taurus rising win big come 2025.
3. Gemini Design: YourTango
According to Demure, Gemini rising is the luckiest rising sign in the first half of 2025.
"With Jupiter in your sign, you'll be able to boost your reputation," Demure explained. "You'll have ample opportunity to succeed and level up in all areas of your life."
So, whether that be a relationship or academics, good luck is headed your way as your main character moment comes to a head in 2025.
"It is finally your time to gain the recognition you deserve and desire," the astrologer added. "So, this is a time where you should put effort into all of your goals and put effort into boosting your reputation, becoming well known if that's what you want."
4. Cancer Design: YourTango
"You'll have the largest mental breakthrough of all the signs during the first half of 2025," began Demure.
As of late, Cancer risings might've been stuck holding onto the past or going through emotional trauma. As a result, it's been getting increasingly difficult to move on and let those things go. However, this is about to end as 2025 marks the beginning of your healing journey. Any stress, anxiety, or depression you might've been facing will slowly begin to melt away as you create harmony in your life.
"Your life will become peaceful, your relationships with others will improve and become harmonious," Demure said. "So, this is a time where you should focus on healing, doing the inner work, shadow work, purging out past traumas."
5. Leo Design: YourTango
The beginning of 2025 is also about socializing for Leo rising. According to Demure, "During the first half of 2025, you'll be able to connect with the right people, make friends, build up your reputation, and attract notoriety or even fame."
As a result, expect your dreams to come true as every aspiration you ever had slowly gets checked off the list.
"This is your year to turn your wildest dreams into a reality," Demure said.
6. Virgo Design: YourTango
Virgo risings working hard in their career have some good news on the way as Demure explained that the first half of 2025 will provide tons of professional advancement and career growth. This might mean an unexpected promotion or recognition for your work.
"You may acquire a higher income, acquire your dream career," Demure explained. "You'll be able to achieve notoriety, attention, and possibly fame."
Knowing this, Virgo risings should be preparing heavily for 2025 as great blessings will come swinging their way. To do this, put your effort into your career goals. Your future self will thank you for it as you receive the money or recognition you deserve.
7. Libra Design: YourTango
According to Demure, 2025 is Libra rising's time to shine when it comes to exploration and adventure.
"You will have more opportunities to travel and go on adventures," Demure said. "You'll have the opportunity to create a lifestyle that is exciting, lavish, luxurious, and hedonistic."
And for those in school, you're also in luck! She added that any studies or educational plans you might've been working on will pan out exactly how you want them to.
In the meantime, this is the perfect time to create the lifestyle you've been dreaming of. Whether that means creating vision boards or working hard in your studies or career, don't lose focus. Good things will come your way as long as you continue having the drive to make it happen.
8. Scorpio Design: YourTango
"During the first half of 2025, you'll have the best opportunities of all the signs to boost your finances," began Demure.
Any opportunity to build wealth will help you in the long run — as long as you're willing to seize those opportunities once they're presented to you. And if they're not, Scorpio risings should do their best to create those opportunities for themselves.
"This is a time where you should put effort into your streams of income, into settling financial burdens," Demure explained. "This is also a time where you could have a spiritual awakening, so spend time meditating and practicing spirituality."
9. Sagittarius Design: YourTango
While Sagittarius risings have had their relationships tested for the past few months, all of that is about to change. The first half of 2025 will impact your relationship for the better.
"You'll be able to create a flourishing love life, solve issues within your romantic relationships, potentially meet the love of your life, or permanently heal from previous relationship wounds so that you may be open to the love you desire coming in," Demure said.
This is great, as unhealed wounds have likely held you back from achieving deeper connections with those around you. So, while fortune in love might be heading your way, be sure to put effort into dating or mending relationships, summarized Demure. Meditating and manifesting what your heart desires can help you slowly start seeing the results of your efforts come January 2025.
10. Capricorn Design: YourTango
"During the first half of 2025, you will have some of the most advancement and growth in your career of all the signs," Demure said of Capricorn risings.
From promotions to job opportunities, this earth sign should expect an abundance of success in their career and by extension, their personal finances. This is great, as you have likely been putting in the time and effort, and could use some recognition and appreciation for your hard work.
"You may acquire a higher income and your dream career," Demure said, in addition to health goals, as long as you stay consistent and focused.
11. Aquarius Design: YourTango
Have you been having issues in your love life? Well, according to Demure, all of that is about to change for the better. She explained that the first half of 2025 will have Aquarius rising flourishing in love as you heal wounds, solve problems, and potentially meet the love of your life in the process.
"You'll have opportunities for creative success, for example becoming a successful creative artist," Demure added.
This is great, as you likely have been hoping for your creative projects to finally take off. So, if achieving all of this sounds like a dream, start prepping now to reap the benefits later. Demure suggested focusing on mending relationships, dating, healing from heartbreak, and putting a bit more energy into creative projects.
12. Pisces Design: YourTango
Perhaps you've been putting in hard work at your job or studying especially hard for those upcoming exams. At the moment, it might feel like all of that hard work has seemingly gone down the drain. However, all of these negative thoughts will slowly begin to change come January.
"During the first half of 2025, you'll be creating the most long-term success of all the signs," Demure said of Pisces rising, adding that "your hustle will be rewarded."
In the meantime, be sure to keep up the hard work in the upcoming months — your time and effort will be rewarded.
"For example, if you put time and effort into building a business, you'll be able to create the solid foundation your business needs to become a massive empire," Demure explained.
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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers topics such as self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology.
Sun, Moon, & Rising Sign: How To Understand Anyone With Astrology's Big 3
It used to be that to know everything you could about someone, all you needed to ask was, "What's your sign." And that question still can tell you a lot about a person. But as social media sites like TikTok make astrology more accessible to the masses, you're probably hearing not just about someone's sun (which is their sun sign), but also their moon and rising signs. These will tell you even more about another person than just their sun sign. Here's how to make sense of it all.
The sun, moon, and rising (ascendant) signs represent the foundational parts of your personality; taken together, they're called the Big 3. In the language of astrology, your sun, moon, and rising signs communicate far more information than you get from your sun sign alone.
The SunThe sun is your ego, the star of your life. Its sign is the role you were born to play. Your sun sign answers the question, "Who am I?"
The MoonThe moon is your heart, intuition, and emotional self. Your moon sign answers the question, "What kinds of experiences are most essential to my happiness?"
The AscendantThe ascendant — or rising sign — is the mask you wear that allows people you don't know well to categorize you quickly. Your rising sign is calculated from the exact time of your birth and is the most personal point of your birth chart.
You must have your complete birth data (date, location, and exact time of birth) to find the signs of your sun, moon, and ascendant. If you have that information, finding your Big 3 is quick and easy. AstroSeek.Com has a free Big 3 calculator.
You can research the meaning of each of your Big 3, but the simplest and most fun way to interpret them is with the astrological archetypes. Astrological archetypes take the complexity of human individuality and break it down into easily definable characters. Using the archetypal characters related to the signs of the Big 3, you can ad-lib a quick astrological blurb about yourself or any other person who'll share their Big 3 with you. The archetypes for the sun, moon, and rising signs reveal a person's essence in a fun and simple way.
LoveToKnow / Images from Getty Images
AriesThe astrological archetypes for Aries are the warrior, pioneer, daredevil, or hero.
TaurusTaurus's astrological archetypes are the sensualist, builder, musician, and patient one.
GeminiGemini's astrological archetypes include witness, messenger, storyteller, and journalist.
CancerArchetypally, Cancer is the mother, healer, and invisible man or woman.
LeoFor Leos, the archetypes include clown, child, performer, and king or queen.
VirgoVirgo's astrological archetypes include servant, perfectionist, analyst, craftsman, and healer.
LibraLibra archetypes include the lover, diplomat, peacemaker, and artist.
ScorpioScorpios are magicians, strategists, hypnotists, and sorcerers.
SagittariusSagittarians are philosophers, teachers, travelers, and explorers.
CapricornIf you're a Capricorn, your archetypes include executive, prime minister, father, and hermit.
AquariusAquarians' archetypes include rebel, visionary, inventor, scientist, and exile.
PiscesArchetypes for Pisces include poet, shapeshifter, dreamer, mystic, and martyr.
Related: Rising Astrological Signs
An individual's birth chart is complex and filled with contradictions that only someone fluent in astrological interpretation can decipher. Still, you don't have to be an astrologer to write a sentence about the Big 3. And that one sentence can tell you a lot!
Celebrities are familiar to us. We've read about their lives, and most of their birth charts are available online. Knowing your favorite celebrity's sun, moon, and ascending sign archetypes allows you to dig into the essence of their character.
Keanu ReevesKeanu Reeves has a Virgo sun and Cancer moon, with Virgo on his ascendant. Reeves is a craftsman (Virgo) with the heart of a healer (Cancer), wearing the mask of a servant (Virgo).
Katy PerryKaty Perry has a Scorpio sun and a Scorpio moon, with Scorpio on her ascendant. Katy Perry is a strategist (Scorpio) with the heart of a magician (Scorpio), wearing the mask of a hypnotist (Scorpio).
Gordon RamseyGordon Ramsey has a Scorpio sun and Virgo moon, with Gemini on his Ascendant. Ramsey is a magician (Scorpio) with the heart of a perfectionist (Virgo), wearing the mask of a teacher (Gemini).
Kylie JennerKylie Jenner has a Leo sun and Scorpio moon, with Capricorn on her ascendant. Kylie is a queen (Leo) with the heart of a sorcerer (Scorpio), wearing the mask of a prime minister (Capricorn).
When astrologers first meet one another or when they introduce themselves to a group of astrologers, it's not unusual for them to give their name followed by their Big 3. In the language of astrology, this communicates some important information, and the other astrologers immediately have a feel for the person.
Here's The Best Makeup Look For You, Based On Your Rising Sign
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but let's be honest — sometimes, the stars know us better than we know ourselves!
This is where the Rising sign comes in, as it sets the tone and casts a first impression that lingers long after you've left the room.
There are many components to consider in a birth chart. Each planet brings its own celestial influences, shaping us in unique ways. For instance, while Venus inspires our sense of beauty, fashion and aesthetics, the Rising sign (or Ascendant) sets the stage for how we present ourselves to others.
Look at Blake Lively's Leo Rising — she never ceases to shine bright and captivate the world with her glowing charisma. ZoĆ« Kravitz is no exception, as her Libra Rising brings a Venusian charm to her symmetrical features.
Your Rising sign is your persona and the mood you bring to the function, which hints at the kind of makeup that best aligns with your energy. So, if you've ever felt drawn to a particular makeup palette or aesthetic, there's a chance it's more than just a trend, as you, too, are made of stars.
What is a Rising sign? Representing one's sense of self and physical identity, the Rising sign is the zodiac sign occupying the cusp of your first house and the "front door" to your chart. This zodiac sign's celestial archetype — its Modality, Element and ruling planet — can determine everything from how you approach others to people's first impressions of you. How to embody your Rising Sign's energy with makeup that feels empowering and authentic Whether it's warmth, mystery or pure radiance, your Rising sign influences the style and vibe you naturally radiate. Here are just a few ways you can channel it, based on your Rising sign. Aries Rising: Daring, passionate and trendsetting Rihanna attends the "Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets" European Premiere at Cineworld Leicester Square on July 24, 2017 in London, England. Tim P. Whitby/Getty Go bold or go home! If you were born with Aries Rising, you naturally thrive on a daring look, so don't be afraid to experiment with a fierce cat eye or vivacious, edgy colors that make a statement. Highlight the brows and consider a pop of intense eyeshadow or a bold lipstick that enhances your natural confidence. A fellow Aries Rising, Rihanna's iconic bold red lip beautifully captures this Mars-ruled sign's fearlessness! Taurus Rising: Earthy, luscious and blooming Camila Cabello attends Loreal Paris' Women Of Worth Celebration at The Ebell Club. Jon Kopaloff/Getty Like a true child of Venus, a natural, earthy look will always feel right for Taurus Rising. Soft, dewy skin and warm, rich tones accentuate your grounded, sensuality. Try earthy eyeshadow palettes, creamy highlighter or a touch of rosy blush for a timeless and blooming glow. Camila Cabello's soft, sensual look, often featuring natural lips and musky shades, perfectly embodies the lush, romantic beauty of a Taurus Rising. Gemini Rising: Curious, versatile and lively Lady Gaga attends the 28th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at Barker Hangar. Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic Savvy and mercurial, Gemini Rising loves to keep things fresh and playful. Experiment with color-popping shadows and creative eyeliner — mix things up so your look is as energizing as your personality! Try switching between bold eye colors or playing up your lips with a fun gloss. Lady Gaga's striking eye makeup is equally clever as it is mischievous in nature. Her daring eyeliner shapes and unique color palettes naturally complement Gemini Rising's curious and vibrant spirit. Cancer Rising: Gentle, serene and moonlike Margot Robbie attends the 35th Annual Producers Guild Awards at The Ray Dolby Ballroom on February 25, 2024 in Hollywood, California. Elyse Jankowski/WireImage For Cancer Rising, the zodiac's "moon child," soft and feminine hues are ideal. Think glowing skin, natural brows and just the right amount of highlight to bring out your serene mermaid-like energy. Use watercolors, pastels or gentle shimmer on the eyes for an extra touch of magic. Margot Robbie's gentle but lush aesthetic — with subtle eyes and a fresh, glowing complexion — reflects this moon-ruled sign's sensitive, nurturing essence. Leo Rising: Regal, shimmery and bright Blake Lively attends the 2024 LACMA Art + Film Gala presented by Gucci at Los Angeles County Museum of Art on November 02, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. Taylor Hill/FilmMagic Strike a pose! Leo Rising thrives with a luminous look that captures the spotlight. An effortless glow — thanks to the sun in your first house — embrace your radiant complexion with bronzer and highlighter to create a sun-kissed look and finish off with a bold lip or dramatic eyes that reflect your inner stardom. Blake Lively's perpetual glow, with her regal charisma, is an ideal inspiration for Leo Rising's captivating aura. Virgo Rising: Classic, meticulous and refined Actress Emma Watson arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere of 'Beauty and the Beast' at El Capitan Theatre. Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic Virgo Rising benefits from a clean, minimalist look. Practice makes perfect! Focus on precision when applying sharp eyeliner or neatly filled brows. Soft, neutral shades enhance your natural beauty without overwhelming it — keep it classic yet polished. A fellow Virgo Rising, Emma Watson's sharp eyeliner lines perfectly epitomize Virgo's refined, meticulous style, adding just the right amount of definition. Libra Rising: Neutral, symmetrical Zoe Kravitz attends "The Batman" World Premiere on March 01, 2022. Cindy Ord/WireImage There's no denying a Venus-ruled placement's fatal charm! Libra Rising loves a balanced, harmonious look. Soft, natural colors, well-blended shadow and a subtle, defined lip enhance your symmetrical features and natural poise. Aim for gentle, flirty tones that are also elegant. Zoe Kravitz's perfectly symmetrical face and pouty lips capture this easy-breezy Air sign's effortless beauty and Venusian flair. Scorpio Rising: Dark, dramatic and smoldering Lana Del Rey attends the Echo Award 2013 at Palais am Funkturm on March 21, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. Luca Teuchmann/Getty A smoldering temptress! Scorpio Rising is all about intensity. Dark, smoky eyes and deep, sultry tones amplify your Plutonian allure. Dramatic eyeliner or bold lashes emphasize your siren eyes, creating a look that is just as captivating as it is enigmatic.Lana Del Rey's sultry eyeliner and hypnotic allure naturally embody the intriguing essence of this Water sign. Her Scorpio Rising makes her beauty deep and mysterious. Sagittarius Rising: Bold, warm and exotic Kim Kardashian arrives at the 10th Annual Breakthrough Prize Ceremony at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on April 13, 2024. Steve Granitz/FilmMagic Like an exotic fragrance you come across on an adventure, Sagittarius Rising glows in warm, vibrant tones. Bronzed skin, sun-kissed highlighter and nude lips give a "just back from vacation" vibe. Embrace warm, earthy shades to tap into your inner wanderess. Born with Sagittarius Rising, it's no secret that beauty mogul Kim Kardashian is a nude lip connoisseur. Her sun-kissed look and warm color tones never fail to compliment her striking features. Capricorn Rising: Timeless, elegant and sophisticated THE KELLY CLARKSON SHOW -- Episode 1011 -- Pictured: Ariana Grande. Weiss Eubanks/NBC/Getty Sultry but sophisticated! Capricorn Rising shines with a timeless, polished look. Go for classic shades — think taupe eyeshadows, understated contour and a subtle lip that radiates elegance. Your style is grounded and refined, perfect for day or night. Ariana Grande's classic eyeshadow and polished style embody her Capricorn Rising's beauty and grace. Aquarius Rising: Rebellious, striking and eye-catching Zendaya attends The 2024 Met Gala Celebrating "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion" at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 06, 2024 in New York City. Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic The more rebellious, the better! Aquarius Rising is all about unconventional beauty. Experiment with vibrant colors or bold, unique eye-liner shapes — anything that breaks the mold and goes against the grain. A pop of neon shadow or unexpected colors reflects your electric essence. Zendaya's bold red shadow and thin brows are edgy and Uranian, which never ceases to bring the shock factor. Living true to her Aquarius Rising, her look is disruptive and attention-grabbing. Pisces Rising: Soft, glowy and ethereal-like Jenna Ortega attends the 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards at The Beverly Hilton on January 10,. Frazer Harrison/WireImage Mystical and romantic, Pisces Rising looks stunning with soft, ethereal makeup. Use highlight for dewy skin, luminous eyes and dreamy, pastel shades for an otherworldly look. Embrace glossy finishes and delicate shimmer to complement your gentle, magical aura. Jenna Ortega's thick lashes, doe eyes and gentle shimmer bring out the enchanting allure of Pisces Rising's numinous essence.
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