Numerology for 2025: Find your personal year number in 2025
What Does Life Path 8 Mean?
You might be familiar with astrology, the study of positions and movements of celestial bodies, but numerology, while just as fascinating, can sometimes require more of an explanation.
"Astrology has been mainstream for decades; however, numerology has not saturated the market in comparison," numerologist Josh Siegel told TODAY.Com in a previous interview. Still, major celebrities like Taylor Swift have shown interest in numerology, per Siegel. And if Swift is behind it, you know it's on the rise.
If you're reading this, chances are you, too, are intrigued by numerology. Call us psychic, but we're going to guess it's because you or someone near and dear to your heart has an interesting life path.
Here, get to know the personality traits of life path number 8 and what this numerological forecast portends for you, your career, your romantic life and more.
How to calculate your life path numberObtained via your birthdate, your life path number is a key piece of your numerological chart. Methods for calculating life path numbers vary, but Siegel's way is to add up the digits of the month and day of your birthdate (for example, Feb. 20 would be 2 + 20 = 22) and then add up the numbers of your birth year (1989 would be 1+9+8+9=27). Combine those results (22+27=49) and add the double digits together to end up with one number. In this case, 49 is 4+9=13 and 13 is 1+4, yielding life path number 4.
The meaning of life path 8While there are several important numbers within the birth chart, life path numbers are said to be what determines a person's personality traits, the way their life will flow and their strengths and weaknesses, explains Joanne Brocas, who specializes in energy clearing and intuitive divination work. Life path number 8, she says, centers around financial security, personal goals, ambition, leadership, and drive.
Overall, life path number 8s want to develop and hone their relationship with power, says Amanda Lieber, a medium and spiritual coach based in New York City. (Lieber happens to be a life path 8 herself.) "When you turn 8 on its side, it becomes the infinity sign," she says. "Ultimately, life path 8 is trying to integrate the knowing that their power to manifest their external desires is an internal game — and one that knows no bounds."
Life path 8 personality Strengths Joie de vivre"They love life, and they like to live it to the fullest," says Brocas, who adds that those with this life path number do not fear the unknown, and they have a touch of the mystique about them. "They make fabulous, fun friends," adds Brocas. (Plus, they're willing to delve into deep conversations when required.)
OrganizedIf you need to get something done efficiently, ask for a life path number 8. Yes, per Brocas, they can verge on being perfectionists. "They love the finer details, and they love to get things 'spot on' and done 'just right,'" says Brocas. "Lists, planning, focusing, goals and ideas fill-up their headspace as they are super ambitious, and they love to accomplish their deepest needs and desires." Echoing Brocas, Lieber says 8s are organized, detail-oriented thinkers and problem solvers.
BeautyBrocas says life path number 8s have an inner and outer beauty and radiance. "If they balance their spiritual nature with their material nature, then they will surely hold a dynamic presence that effortlessly attracts many people and opportunities to them," she says. So long as they keep this equilibrium, 8s are magnets for good fortune.
Challenges Power struggles"The reason we choose certain life paths is that our soul is in need of integrating a particular set of qualities or lessons. For this reason, we often struggle with the very things we're trying to develop," explains Lieber. In the case of life path 8, she says we might see that manifest as power issues — a difficult time with authority, blindly following others, poor boundaries, control issues, balance in general or struggling with feeling financially secure even when they have money.
PerfectionismYour strength can also be your weakness. Life path number 8s can lean toward perfectionism and need to find the correct balance that will enable them to allow others to help and support them, says Brocas.
OverworkingAre you a life path number 8 who finds yourself working around the clock? That's pretty typical. "A weakness that life path number 8 people need to keep an eye on is overwork to the point of exhaustion," offers Brocas. "Finding the right balance between work, rest and play, is going to best serve their health and wellbeing in the long run."
Life path 8 compatibility with other numbersBrocas and Lieber both say life path 8s are best complemented by other 8s and life path 2s.
While Lieber cautions that life paths aren't an ideal way to assess compatibility, she thinks 8s can pair well with other 8s because they're like-minded and goal-oriented. They can also find balance with life path 2s because they are "more 'go with the flow' and will let 8s lead the show."
What Life path 8 means for your love life and marriageA big part of life path number 8's journey is to integrate their heads and their hearts, says Lieber. "Their love life is meant to help them release expectations, find acceptance and tap deeper into their hearts," she explains. Through a long-lasting relationship, 8s can come to see the joy in relinquishing control a bit.
Brocas, meanwhile, says a life path 8 match will be happy to help their partner shine and to build the material wealth and security they both desire.
What life path 8 means for your careerOne great trait of life path 8 people, says Brocas, is that they can turn their ideas into reality without too much effort on their part. In alignment with this skill, Lieber believes that life path 8s typically find themselves in positions of leadership. "They might be successful entrepreneurs, financial advisors, consultants, lawyers or executives within a company that wants to solve a larger problem," says Lieber.
In addition to careers that entail "the making of wads of money for material comfort and security," says Brocas, life path number 8s are creatively expressive and love to entertain. "In this sense, they may also seek the path of being professional actors, singers, dancers or participants in any of the vocal arts which are in alignment with their calling," along with comedians, says Brocas. Last but not least, Brocas ticks off other potential career paths for life path 8s such as author, spiritual teacher, healer and energetic expert.
Life path 8 celebritiesLieber and Brocas share some celebrities who are part of this club.
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