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Taurus Daily Horoscope April 14: What Your Star Sign Has In Store For You Today

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last month but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégé Maggie Innes.

Here is what is written in the stars for you today.

Taurus is the second astrological sign of the zodiac.


Taurus is the second astrological sign of the zodiac.

If you're born from April 21 until May 20 you can count yourself as a member of this group of the zodiac.

Taurus is the first of the Earth signs, with the others being Virgo and Capricorn.

Represented by a bull, Taurus is associated with several myths from several ancient cultures - including the Ancient Greek myth in which Zeus takes the form of a bull.

Taurus daily horoscope

Friendship is a two-way street, but lately you have felt it becoming one-way. If you feel you've had to give too much, too often, today can mark a turning point.

BELLE OF THE BULL Taurus horoscope: Star sign dates, traits, compatibility and personality

MYSTIC MEG Taurus horoscope: What your star sign has in store for February 19 to 25

Two people can get back to their best days together.

A work connection linked to a weather-based logo can be your luck link.

Love circles a roadside location.

Taurus personality traits

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of beauty and love, making them romantic and supportive.

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They are patient and usually content, and as they are an earth sign, they love the outdoors too, enjoying walks and bike rides.

Being a bull, they can be one of two paces - slow and steady, or ready to charge.

Taureans can be gentle or fierce but they don't like to be pushed.

They have strong opinions and love their home comforts and deconstruct situations carefully.

They can often be misunderstood and seen as laidback and extremely stubborn but in actual fact, they are often very analytical and intellectual.

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries - The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiacAquarius - The traits you need to know for the air signCapricorn - What does this star sign mean for your personality?Cancer - The key traits for the sign include a keen love of foodGemini - The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twinsLeo - The best and worst characteristics of the fire signLibra - What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?Pisces - The key traits for the sign include an interest in the artsSagittarius - The traits you need to know for the fire signScorpio - What does this star sign mean for your personality?Taurus - The best and worst characteristics of the earth signVirgo - The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness

What does Taurus like getting up to?

Food - Taureans love their food. They enjoy cooking and hosting dinner parties but they love going out to restaurants even more. They are made to be food bloggers.

Money - The main thing they seek to be fulfilled in life. They obsess over their money, making sure it is managed well and they are secure because of their finances. Saving and investing bring them joy.

Flirting - Taureans draw admirers in their droves. They are immensely popular and their dating apps are always blowing up with notifications. They are great flirts and know how to have a good time, making them great company.

Shopping - This is not done out of necessity but rather for the joy of the experience. If you're Taurus you will happily mill about in shops all day as you gain pleasure from the activity. Shopping is serious to them and you shouldn't accompany them if you're not the same.

Chilling - The TV doesn't even need to be on. They love relaxing in their winter comfies and can spend hours on the sofa doing nothing at all.

What are the best careers for a Taurus?

The multi-talented Taurus may find it difficult to choose a career, although they may be drawn to those that are goal and/or money-oriented.

Great job choices for Taurus include:
  • Artist
  • Chef
  • Politician
  • Musician 
  • Botanist
  • Farmer
  • Fashion designer
  • List of 12 star signs

    The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below.

    Who are the Taurus celebrities?

    Taurus celebrities include Queen Elizabeth II, Kelly Clarkson, Gigi Hadid, Cher, Robert Pattinson, Adele, Lizzo, Megan Fox, Janet Jackson, George Clooney, Rami Malek, Barbra Streisand, Renée Zellweger and Gal Gadot.

    Fabulous is the home of horoscopes, with weekly updates on what's in store for your star sign as well as daily predictions.

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    You can also use our series of guides to find out everything from which star sign to hook up with for the steamiest sex to what it's like to live your life totally by your horoscope.

    Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

    Taurus Monthly Horoscope

    MONTH OF April

    The countdown is on, Taurus. You're at the end of a long transitional period that you've been dealing with since March 2022, when expansive Jupiter first moved into Aries and your twelfth house of healing, closure and release. Set your sights on May 16 as a tide-turning moment, when Jupiter will enter YOUR sign for the first time in more than a decade, setting off a brand-new 12-year chapter of your life.

    Beginnings and endings have overlapped for more than a year during this surreal phrase. Just when you thought you had things figured out, the universe pitched another curveball! What's up with that? Well, changemaker Uranus is midway through a seven-year journey through Taurus spanning from 2018 to 2026, revolutionizing your entire approach to life and pushing you to become more independent. Since November 2021, eclipses have also swept across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, turning your relationships inside-out and resetting your personal priorities. As if that wasn't enough, from January 18, 2022, to July 17, 2023, the karmic north node is in Taurus, pushing you to pursue your calling—or find the courage to explore it.

    Sounds like a lot for one zodiac sign? It is, Bull. Until mid-May, you'll need to surrender to the rest of this process. Will you want to? Probably not. But trust us, Taurus, this is no time to quit right at the finish line. April will drive that point home as the Sun, Jupiter, Chiron and a solar (new moon) eclipse all land in Aries, helping you release and make peace with something that no longer serves you…at least, not in its current form.

    We know that surrender is NOT a natural state for you, Taurus. You're wired to provide and produce for everyone! You like certainty with a side of adventure, but life has flipped that equation. Reminder: Stepping out of character helps you grow and discover new facets of yourself beyond the comfortable but worn-out roles. Have you overplayed your hand in some part of your life? The universe wants to reveal possible new paths for you. Your only job is to stop resisting change. Allow yourself to receive guidance instead of stubbornly doing it the way you always have.

    You'll start to feel the shift on April 20, when the Sun moves into Taurus for a month right after the Aries eclipse. But not so fast! Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde—in Taurus—from April 21 to May 14. Silver lining: The slower pace will give you a chance to integrate and process everything before you race ahead. Again, circle that May 16 Jupiter date as your lighthouse and do the inner work until then.

    It's Aries season until April 20

    Spring forward or fall back? Your life could resemble the Daylight Savings Time rule this month. For the first three weeks of April, the planets pull you in dueling directions of karmic expansion and a serious need to rest. There's an undercurrent of exciting growth in the air, finished off with top notes of good old-fashioned fatigue. If you feel the irresistible call of Egyptian cotton sheets and your down comforter, the cosmos grants you a couple more weeks of hibernation.

    So what's got you so sleepy? The Sun is making its annual sojourn through Aries and your twelfth house of endings, rest and healing until April 20. In the meantime, you're mentally and emotionally prepping for the start of Taurus season, when el Sol will return to your sign for a celestial spring awakening.

    With Jupiter lingering in Aries for another six weeks before moving into Taurus mid-May (hallelujah!), closure work is especially important now. Things will take a 180-degree turn when Jupiter enters your sign on May 16, and you'll want to have as clean a slate as possible. Until then, you need some timeouts to process any heavy emotions and recharge.

    Feeling anxious? Check out emotion-balancing techniques like alternate nostril breathing or a "forest bath," which involves immersing yourself in nature and focusing on your senses to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. As a sound-sensitive sign, you could scan the interwebs for "brown noise" and "binaural beats" playlists (there are many) to help your brain feel more balanced. You'll either find them annoying or healing, but the right background soundtrack can calm your inner raging bull!

    The Day of Miracles is April 11

    This year, Aries season comes with a special twist. On April 11, lucky Jupiter will make an exact connection to the Sun, blessing you with the ability to see the big picture. Thisclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" annual Sun-Jupiter conjunction, called "The Day of Miracles" is believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate days of the year. At the very least, it's a day to take a risk and stretch out of the familiar.

    If you do, you're poised to attract serendipitous opportunities, especially with the Sun and Jupiter parked in the most mystical zone of your chart! This is not a day to go charging after what you want. Rather, turn on soul-transporting music, commune with nature or listen to a guided meditation. Taurus loves touch, so treat yourself to a spa service or massage. At home, give yourself a gua sha or jade roller facial massage (bonus points for their lymphatic-drainage benefits).

    Fear, doubt and anxiety will repel the good fortune that's available to you today. Let your subconscious spin up a visualization that your thinking brain can't muster. This is a day to get centered and become a "vibrational match" for the high-flying possibilities you want to attract.

    The April 6 Libra full moon is for health and healing

    The April 6 Libra full moon, which illuminates your analytical sixth house of health and organization, helps you assess your life with a practical eye. As you're weighing your options during this transitional month, consider the impact each one could have on your well-being. Will it add too much stress to your life? If so, are there parts of this new chapter you could delegate, a specialist you could hire, some tech hacks you could try? Remember, you don't have to do this the hard way—and you don't have to do it alone! Release perfectionism and trade it for support.

    This full moon is also a nudge to get going on your spring fitness plans if they're not underway. Whether you make a dedicated effort to take ten thousand daily steps and eat clean or you sign up for sunrise boot camp before you have time to think better of it, this lunar lift gets you back to your lunges, squats and steps.

    As you work on getting physically stronger, you'll build internal resilience too. This year's Libra full moon will be opposite Chiron, the "wounded healer" comet, which is in Aries and your healing twelfth house. What are your vices, comforts and even addictions that keep you stuck on the same-old hamster wheel, Taurus? This full moon can help you release toxic patterns, difficult people and draining situations in order to thrive.

    Because Taurus is such an embodied sign, it can be hard to quit anything once you're attached. You have strong sensory powers and rely on yours as a guide. The sound of someone's voice, a familiar scent, a haunting chord in a song…it can all take you right back to the place you're trying to move away from. Being a creature of habit is NOT easy! You may need to avoid taking the first "dose" until you're fully healed and able to not tumble down that rabbit hole again. Don't force yourself into situations that pull you back and thwart your progress. Keep your sights set on the healthy outcome you want. Then enlist lots of support to stick with it.

    The April 20 Aries new moon is a solar eclipse

    Beginnings and endings overlap on April 20, a rare second Aries new moon that arrives in your spiritual twelfth house—yes, on the same day that Taurus season starts. The first Aries new moon was on March 21, so look back to that time to see what might come back for a sequel today.

    This is the inaugural eclipse in a series that will ripple across the Aries/Libra axis between now and March 29, 2025. You'll be rebalancing mind and spirit during this time. This cycle may leave you feeling lost and confused, but it's important to resist the urge to keep searching for answers. In fact, the key to unlocking solutions may be to stop looking altogether and give your mind the space to relax and allow new ideas to surface. Once that happens, you can go into action mode—but start with your soul, not your goal! Make sure anything you say yes to allows for future growth and possibilities.

    This eclipse is particularly special as it starts as an annular "ring of fire" eclipse before transforming into a total eclipse. Metaphorically, you may find that a situation you were ready to abandon may hold promise and potential after all. So don't be too quick to slam ANY doors shut.

    Because this is the first eclipse in a new Aries-Libra series, you have a full two years to explore and map out a path forward. So take your time and trust that the answers will come to you when you give yourself the space to receive them.

    Taurus season starts April 20

    Good news! The challenges you're facing will soon get a bit easier to handle. Starting on April 20, the Sun will move into Taurus, which means it's your birthday season and a time for new beginnings. Prioritize yourself and your personal goals. While you may need to spend another month sifting through unfinished business at the same time (thanks to Mercury retrograde and Jupiter in Aries), in the second half of May you'll be ready to go all in!

    The season is likely to start with some bumps, however. Not only is the eclipse energy a bit turbulent, but the Taurus Sun is at a harsh square to powermonger Pluto in Aquarius and your career zone. Your personal desires may clash with the will of an authority figure. This is not the day to "fight the power" but rather to skillfully navigate the energy dynamics with some spiritual jiu jitsu. Instead of forcing an outcome, make that key decision maker feel like your brilliant idea was theirs. Sure, you may have to share a little credit, but you'll get that padlocked door open!

    With your solar power refreshed, setbacks won't bring you down for long. Use that renewed energy and enthusiasm to propel yourself forward. Shed any disappointments and focus on forward momentum, one small step at a time. You'll do best with bite-sized actions. For a jump start, you could try the Pomodoro technique: working in four intervals (called "pomodoros") that blend 25-minute focused work stretches with five-minute breaks. If you can set two hours aside a day or even a couple times a week, you could make incremental headway on your goals!

    Mercury turns retrograde April 21 to May 14

    Turn to a clean page in that mental journal, but feel free to stay in the ideation phase until mclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" id-month. Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and mobility, is in its powered-down retrograde phase from April 21 until May 14. And Mercury is backtracking through YOUR sign, which can leave you feeling misunderstood, road-blocked and impatient.

    Don't fight this tide, Taurus. Retrogrades are best used for reflection and review. Hard as it may be to slow down, you'll get MUCH more accomplished if you attend to unfinished projects and do your behind-the-scenes work before you fully charge into anything.

    Spring is in the air, Taurus, and so is romance! As Mars flits through Cancer and your playful third house from March 25 to May 20, you'll be feeling flirty and adventurous. Whether you're single or attached, this is a great time to meet new people and explore new experiences. Sparks could fly with a friend or someone you meet through mutual connections. RSVP to parties and events where you're likely to meet interesting new people.

    Caution: With edgy Mars in the mix, be mindful of the potential for conflict and competitiveness. What starts as light banter could turn into tension if you push someone's trigger points. And with communicator Mercury turning retrograde in Taurus from April 21 to May 14, you can't be too careful with what you say. You could be wildly misunderstood (and stuck with a messy cleanup job) if you tease or get snarky. Keep things light and positive, and avoid reactive behaviors yourself. Yes, Bull, you're gonna be as thin-skinned as the rest of 'em—so don't dish out what you can't take.

    Keep your options open for the first week and a half if you're single as Venus rounds out her annual tour of your sensual sign, whetting your appetite for beauty and especially romance. On April 11, the love planet zips into Gemini and your security zone, making you more grounded in your approach. For coupled Bulls, your energy will settle into a more comfortable groove, a time to establish sweet stability.

    The April 14 Venus-Saturn square will challenge you to consider whether you want to move forward or remain friends. Attached Bulls could have a tough but productive talk about the future. Come to the conversation willing to compromise—but not too much. What's truly a deal breaker for you? While you can't settle on that, there are plenty of opportunities for you to accommodate a partner's wishes without feeling like you're selling out on your core values. Knowing the difference will be key.

    Pace yourself, Taurus. The Sun is traveling through Aries and your reflective twelfth house until April 20, granting you permission to slow your flow. In fact, you'll get some of your most important insights if you don't force yourself to hurtle ahead like a headstrong Bull. Tune in to your intuition and let it guide you.

    Normally you'd perk up with Taurus season starting on April 20, but this year, Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign from April 21 to May 14, making it hard for you to think clearly or get people to take notice of your big ideas. Rather than fight for their attention, press pause and use this time to perfect your plans. With potent Pluto now in Aquarius and your tenth house of career until June 11, some brand-new possibilities are brewing in the background. Give them a chance to emerge!

    Truth be told, you've got to get through a less-than-optimal stretch (at least, when it comes to your productivity and focus) until mid-May. But fear not: The lights will turn back on full strength after May 16 once Jupiter enters your sign for a brilliant year, kicking off a fresh 12-year chapter. Forcing an outcome before that will just leave you spinning your wheels and squandering your energy.

    That doesn't mean you can't network or get feedback for your ideas in the meantime. In fact, you're encouraged to do just that! Energizer Mars is in Cancer until May 20, heating up your social and interactive third house. Get out and meet colleagues for coffee or brainstorm with members of your hivemind. Attend local workshops, panel discussions and webinars. It's a perfect time to meet new people while you explore options you probably didn't even know existed.

    Pick up a hobby too—and bonus points if it's one that involves working with your hands. Studies have repeatedly shown that working with your hands not only improves your mental health but also boosts your mood and helps you de-stress. Whether it's gardening, drawing or journaling, embrace the power of manual activities to keep your mind and spirit in good shape.

    Love Days: 3, 8

    Money Days: 23, 14

    Luck Days: 21, 12

    Off Days: 18, 6, 10

    Prepare for Mercury Retrograde:

    See All Signs

    Today's Taurus Horoscope

    Pay attention, Taurus. Today you get insight into a relationship that could involve a business partner. You've held positive illusions about their role in your life, but you may see some areas that need work, growth and a gentle, yet honest, confrontation.

    Today can lead you to an amazing breakthrough in this relationship where you grow closer because unclear and confusing parts of your interaction become more defined.

    RELATED: The Most Dangerous Thing About Each Zodiac Sign


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