Know what the May 2024 horoscope has in store for your Chinese zodiac

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The 12 Chinese Astrology Signs And What They Mean For You

For more than 2,000 years, the Chinese zodiac has played an integral role in Chinese culture. You may have heard that 2024 is the Year of the Dragon (2023 was the Year of the Rabbit), but if you're not familiar with Chinese traditions, you might not understand the significance of Chinese New Year (aka Lunar New Year as opposed to the Gregorian calendar used in the West.) and the Chinese zodiac system.

While Western astrology is detailed and based on movements of the Sun, Asian astrology is even more complex and nuanced, incorporating not just the 12 Chinese zodiac animals but also the five Chinese zodiac elements—earth, metal, water, wood and fire—and yin and yang energy and follows the moon. But let's begin with the basics: What are the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, how did they come to be and what do they mean for your personality? If you're looking to learn more about your animal sign, Chinese horoscope, and the Chinese zodiac years, keep reading!

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What is the Chinese zodiac?

The Chinese zodiac, also known as Shengxiao ("born resembling"), is a repeating cycle of 12 years, and each year is represented by a different animal. In order, the 12 animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The order of the Chinese astrological signs is related to the most commonly accepted legend of the Chinese zodiac: the Jade Emperor's Race. As the story goes, the Chinese emperor held a race to determine which lucky animals would have the honor of being added to the lunar calendar. The first-place winner—who ended up being the Rat—would claim the first year of the 12-year cycle, and so on. While the system originated in China – it remains popular in many East Asian countries like India, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand.

How do I know my Chinese zodiac sign, and what does it mean?

Juleen (Zhuqing) Wang, student services advisor for Montclair State University's School of Business, grew up in Hangzhou, China. She loves to share Chinese culture and history with her students, and she also sometimes teaches Chinese language classes. As a native of China, she and her family always clung to the superstition of the Chinese zodiac. "Nowadays," she says, "[fewer] people care about it, but it's still in people's minds." For example, zodiac traits and compatibility are often cited as reasons two people don't get along. ("They're a Tiger and an Ox—of course they're fighting!")

While that may sound a lot like Western astrology, Wang notes that the very natures of Western and Eastern astrology are inherently different. "In Western astrology, horoscopes change," she explains. "Chinese astrology is pretty set in stone." Unlike Western astrology, which is governed by the constant planetary movements, Chinese astrology is predetermined by birth year; an Ox is an Ox, and that never changes (though the personality of a Water Ox will be somewhat different from a Fire Ox, and a Water Dragon different from a Wood Dragon). So what does your animal sign say about you?

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: rabbitEmma Kumer/rd.Com Rabbit

Birth years of the Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Next year of the Rabbit: 2035

People born in Rabbit years are described as smart, kind and docile. Rabbits do not get along with Snakes, which Wang knows from personal experience. "My dad was an Ox," she reminisces. "I'm a daddy's girl. My mom is a Rabbit, and she said I bullied her!" Rabbits are said to get along famously with Dogs, Goats, Monkeys and Pigs.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: dragonEmma Kumer/rd.Com Dragon

Birth years of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Next year of the Dragon: 2036

Dragons are incredibly important to Chinese culture, so naturally, the Dragon is a very popular Chinese astrology sign. "Dragon is warmhearted and enthusiastic. The birth rate will actually even increase during that year because everyone wants a Dragon baby," Wang reveals. "There is such a huge competition when Dragon babies need to go to college, because [they] are facing more competitors." She also notes that Jack Ma Yun, owner of Alibaba and one of the richest men in China, is a Dragon. Dragons pair best with Roosters, Rats and Monkeys.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: SnakeEmma Kumer/rd.Com Snake

Birth years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Next year of the Snake: 2025

"We say that Snake is like the mini Dragon, so that is very popular as well," says Wang. "They're very curious and wise, but they can also be jealous and greedy. Snake goes really well with Ox—and I actually married an Ox!" Dragons and Roosters are optimal matches for a Snake.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: HorseEmma Kumer/rd.Com Horse

Birth years of the Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Next year of the Horse: 2026

The horse has been one of the most influential animals in all of human history, which is why, Wang says, the Horse "is a leader and very generous as well." People born in Horse years are also said to be talented and energetic. This Chinese astrology sign matches well with Tigers, Goats and Rabbits.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: GoatEmma Kumer/rd.Com Goat

Birth years of the Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Next year of the Goat: 2027

Often seen as followers and not leaders, people born in Goat years are gentle, decent and a little timid. "Goat is actually an animal that a lot of people try to avoid, because Goat always has a hard life," says Wang, adding that the birth rate tends to decrease in Goat years. If you're a Goat, you'd be wise to make a match with a Horse, Rabbit or Pig.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: MonkeyEmma Kumer/rd.Com Monkey

Birth years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Next year of the Monkey: 2028

Pretty much everyone loves a Monkey, likely because this is the animal most genetically linked to humans. "Monkey has really good social skills and is very humorous," Wang says. Those two personality traits also make Monkeys playful and even sometimes mischievous. Ox, who is patient, and Rabbit, who is kind, are ideal matches for this sign.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: RoosterEmma Kumer/rd.Com


Birth years of the Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Next year of the Rooster: 2029

One can literally and figuratively set their clock by the Rooster, a sign that's defined by reliability and consistency. For this reason, Roosters tend to do very well in Ox years. "They are also very brave and very entertaining," Wang says. Ox and Snake are zodiac signs that are compatible with the Rooster.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: DogEmma Kumer/rd.Com Dog

Birth years of the Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Next year of the Dog: 2030

"Dog sign is exactly what you think about dogs," Wang says of man's best friend. "Dog is very loyal, playful and selfless." This sign is also considered practical, much like how the real animal is used for protection or bred by humans for specific purposes. Dog's best bet for a partner is a Rabbit—someone who is as kind and loving as they are.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: PigEmma Kumer/rd.Com


Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Next year of the Pig: 2031

"The Pig is loving, happy, direct and persuasive," says Wang. In fact, they may be the happiest out of the zodiac signs. The Pig may have come in last in the emperor's race, but this animal sign is no slouch. The year 2019 was the year of the Earth Pig, which was predicted to bring steadiness, wealth and opportunity. (How was it for you?) Tigers, Rabbits and Goats will make a Pig happy.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: RatEmma Kumer/rd.Com Rat

Birth years of the Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Next year of the Rat: 2032

"We normally say Rat is smart, charming and imaginative," Wang says. "That's how he got first place." The Rat secured first place in the emperor's legendary race by riding on the back of the Ox and jumping off just in time to cross the finish line. This enviable wit is a source of pride for people of this Chinese astrology sign. As it happens, Rat is most compatible with Ox, as well as with Dragon and Monkey. Rat is sometimes translated to English as "Mouse."

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: OxEmma Kumer/rd.Com Ox

Birth years of the Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Next year of the Ox: 2033

Duped by the Rat, the Ox came in second place. "Ox is very determined and generous and patient," Wang says. "Ox is also considered very hardworking." Those virtues may have helped people born in Ox years through 2021, the year of the Metal Ox—because in Chinese astrology, your own year is actually considered unlucky. That's because being born is said to antagonize a Chinese god of fortune named Tai Sui, earning you his curse. "He's going to be against you," Wang explains. "You're trying to fight that monster." One way to ward off the evils of your birth year is to wear red, an auspicious color in Chinese culture. Snakes, Rats and Roosters are the best matches for an Ox.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: TigerEmma Kumer/rd.Com Tiger

Birth years of the Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Next year of the Tiger: 2034

"Tiger is very adventurous," explains Wang. "[The Chinese] consider people in that year very lucky. The negative side is that Tigers can be kind of dramatic and cocky." Interestingly, Forbes once did a study of the 400 richest Americans and found a disproportionately large number of them were Tiger babies! Tiger goes well with Dragon, Horse and Pig.

Additional reporting by Emma Taubenfeld. 

About the experts
  • Juleen (Zhuqing) Wang is the student services academic advisor for Montclair State University's School of Business.
  • Sources:

    Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For May 20 - 26

    Who's in the driving seat of your life? That's the question and theme of this week, between May 20 - 26, 2024, for all Chinese zodiac signs. But before we look at the weekly horoscopes, here are the general messages of the week for everyone. 

    The I Ching hexagram of the week is Earth over Mountain (#15), changing to Fire over Water (#64). It reminds us that life is a never-ending journey from birth until we move to the beyond. So, the goals we have along that path can be likened to milestones instead of true goals. When you consider this, the need to be anxious flows away. What remains is the need to adapt, change, grow, and grow some more. 

    If you feel called to, start a bullet journal this week and build a habit of recording the good and the not-so-good you encounter. It will help you form deeper insights and gain truer perspectives with time. You can also buy a 5-year journal to see the growth unfold before your eyes through the questions for each day. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for May 20 - 26.


    (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

    General Overview:

    Rat, the energy this week is all about recognizing your talents and not taking rejections to heart. You have more options and opportunities available to you if you trust yourself.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 21

    In love, you are urged to take a step back and find firm footing within yourself. Whether you are single or not, this will allow you to create something beautiful and priceless.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

    Your social life will be a hit or miss though this week. Spend more time on cultivating your talents and knowledge and it will pay dividends in the near future.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 26

    As for your career, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Maintain your pace and be patient. Your seeds will grow into trees as the days and months go by.

    RELATED: Year Of The Rat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

    General Overview:

    Ox, the energy this week for you is dynamic and strong. As long as you trust yourself and your instincts, you will be fine. New opportunities are coming your way!

    Lucky Day in Love: May 26

    In love, you are urged to not ignore the red flags. The right person will feel compatible with your soul. The wrong one will always rub you the wrong way deep inside.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 26

    Your social life may not be very significant this week, but you are encouraged to make time for journaling and introspection. Deep insights await you on this path for your future.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 25

    As for your career, you will be more inspired this week than is usual. Let those ideas incubate so you can come up with something truly masterful!

    RELATED: Year Of The Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

    General Overview:

    Tiger, the energy this week is sweet and beautiful for you. Lean into the things, activities, and people who bring you joy and you will have the most beautiful memories at the end of it all.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 25

    In love, be patient. You will create a stronger bond with your partner (or date) if you allow things to unfold organically. Don't be in a rush to get to a desired future lest you find yourself trying to place the wrong person in a place reserved for the right one.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 24 & 25

    If you feel called to, go on a spiritual retreat or some kind of weekend trip. It will help your soul rejuvenate and bring out your creative side from deep within.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 23

    As for your career, the energy this week is not suitable for grand gestures and big moves. Instead, focus on the details and make sure the processes are as smooth as they can be.

    RELATED: Year Of The Tiger Chinese Zodiac Personality


    (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

    General Overview:

    Rabbit, the energy this week for you is all about recognizing the strength within you and ensuring that you engage with the world confidently. Don't allow negative self-talk to take root!

    Lucky Day in Love: May 22

    In love, trust your instincts. You are more observant than you give yourself credit. Once you do this, you will not feel guilty about avoiding red flag individuals and gravitating towards those who are green.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

    Your social life will be big and bountiful this week. Look forward to fun times and maybe a party or two! Let your extroverted side take the reins and surprise you.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 21

    As for your career, things are unfolding as they need to. Don't get impatient and ruin anything. As long as you trust the process, you will do fine.

    RELATED: Year Of The Rabbit: Chinese Zodiac Traits And Dates


    (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

    General Overview:

    Dragon, the energy this week will sensitize your intuition. Pay attention to what you observe and note them down if you think you will forget. You will unearth deep insights this way.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 20

    In love, don't discount your past experiences. Sometimes, life brings us people with the same energy and modus operandi as what we have encountered before to see if we will choose to repeat a cycle or break free.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

    Your social life will be really beautiful this week if you give yourself permission to be surprised and amazed. Step out of the box and let the world surprise you in the best way!

    Lucky Day for Career: May 21

    In your career, you are encouraged to build good relationships, especially with those in your team. You're all in this together for the win!

    RELATED: 2024 Chinese Year Of The Dragon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


    (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

    General Overview:

    Snake, the energy this week will either help you transform and reach the next level or it will scare you into staying in the same box. Don't let your fears stop you from receiving your blessings.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 20

    Your love life and social life are entwined this week, especially if you have a family function to attend, like a wedding, a baby shower, or something else. Someone new will emerge, and someone old will leave.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

    Don't cling to those who have shown you through their actions that they don't care about you and are fake friends. Be your own best friend until you find your soul tribe.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 20 & 21

    As for your career, the energy is mysterious at this time. Something is brewing behind the scenes that will change things for the better for you. So stay mindful even as you take care of your routines and responsibilities.

    RELATED: Year Of The Snake Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

    General Overview:

    Fate, destiny, and karma are all on your side this week, Horse. Don't allow your fears to rule you. Stride forward with confidence and trust in the process.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 21

    In love, you are encouraged to spend quality time with your partner (or date) and not get hung over the quantity of time spent in each other's company or over the phone. The former will help you lay the right foundation.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21 & 23

    For your social life, let your extroverted side take the reins. Then watch as amazing things unfold. Spontaneity is the name of the game this week.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 25

    If you have been thinking of changing something in your career, journal your thoughts and feelings so you know what your priorities are and how to satisfy those needs. You can decide what you want to do later.

    RELATED: Year Of The Horse Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

    General Overview:

    Goat, the energy this week is all about rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation for you. If you feel like going on a spontaneous trip or to a nature retreat, lean into that desire and let your soul breathe.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 23

    In love, you are urged to cut energetic cords with people in your past who still influence your life in unconscious ways and through your beliefs. Working with a therapist can definitely help you straighten out the tangled mess.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 25

    As for your social life, prioritize yourself this week and don't feel guilty about needing space and alone time. Self-care is not selfish.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 26

    In your career, you are encouraged to create a positive environment wherever you go while maintaining a light touch. The right balance will nurture good relationships and bring the human element back to a cold, hard life.

    RELATED: Year Of The Goat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

    General Overview:

    Monkey, the energy this week is all about recognizing where you are exceeding expectations in a good way and where you are doing too much in a bad way. The right balance is called for right now.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 21

    In love, arrange activities and bonding rituals with your partner or date. It doesn't have to be something elaborate, only heartfelt. Your relationship will flourish under this influence.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 22

    As for your social life, some of you need to be more particular about who you engage with. Fake friends or toxic voices can easily dissolve your confidence and self-esteem.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 22 & 23

    You are also encouraged to pay attention to your intuition in your work life. Changing trends and global events will soon impact the processes.

    RELATED: Year Of The Monkey Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

    Related Stories From YourTango:

    General Overview:

    Rooster, this week's energy is all about staying grounded through your core and confidence. That way, you will uncover hidden truths and deep insights.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 21

    In love, you are encouraged to build something solid and think about the long term. If the person you are engaging with is not interested, don't try to change their mind. Letting go of the wrong person is necessary so the right one can come in.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21

    Your social life will be more mysterious this week. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you, especially if you see repeating numbers everywhere. Note what you observe and try to figure out the unique message for you.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 23

    As for your career, things are unfolding as they should. As long as you stay on top of your routines and responsibilities, you will be fine.

    RELATED: Year Of The Rooster Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

    General Overview:

    Dog, your love life will be very prominent this week, especially if you are married and have kids. Don't allow third parties to interfere in your private matters, but pay attention to the details.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 23

    Some of you are on the verge of making an important decision that will impact your life and your loved ones in a lot of ways. Focused breathing and meditation can help you stay calm and grounded as you do this.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

    If you feel called to stay away from socializing this week, trust that inner voice. Spend more time on introspection. The cosmic energies right now are better suited (for you) for planning and observation.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 21

    In your career, you are encouraged to be more creative and allow small ideas to become big ones. Don't let negative self-talk get the best of you! You can do this!

    RELATED: Year Of The Dog Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


    (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

    General Overview:

    Pig, the energy this week is strong for you. Set your plans into motion and allow fate to work its magic for you. As long as you know why you wish to accomplish something, you will find support along the way to that goal.

    Lucky Day in Love: May 21

    In love, you have more options than you realize. Don't shrink your sphere or allow anyone else to do that to you through negative words and judgment.

    Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

    Your social life will unfold according to what you choose to do with this week's energy. So keep the calendar open so you can be more spontaneous.

    Lucky Day for Career: May 24

    In your career, you are encouraged to lean into fresh ideas and perspectives. Working with younger people/collaborators is also indicated here for your success.

    RELATED: Year Of The Pig Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility

    Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

    Your Zodiac Sign, Explained: What It Means For Your Personality And Who You're Compatible With

    Your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about your personality, from what you need to shine your brightest to how you go after your goals.

    Determined by the constellation the sun was positioned in when you were born, your zodiac sign — also called your sun sign — is considered the main piece in your birth chart and the one most closely connected to how you behave.

    "It's you at your core," says California-based astrologer Gogo Akopyan of Lilith on Top Astrology, who has been practicing for more than 11 years. "It's working in the background always."

    Your zodiac sign may also give you some insight into your love life. Los Angeles-based astrologer and author Chani Nicholas warns against choosing a partner based on sun sign compatibility, however, saying that it's not an accurate way to determine whether or not you'll click with someone.

    "You have to look at [each] person's whole entire chart," she tells PEOPLE, which includes their moon and rising signs too.

    Still, she notes that the element that your sign corresponds to — Earth, Air, Fire and Water — may hold a clue as to the sign you might click with most strongly.

    As Akopyan and Nicholas both note, your zodiac sign isn't the deciding factor for your personality: your sun sign is merely "one fraction of many different things" that an astrologer might look at when doing a reading.

    Keep reading to find out more about the 12 zodiac signs, including the birth dates for each one, their personality traits and their potential compatibility with other signs.

    Aries Aires Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: March 21 to April 19 Characteristics Think of Aries as the "doers" of the zodiac. "Aries people are here to initiate action," Nicholas tells PEOPLE. Because of this, she says those born under this sign tend to act with urgency. "People with the sun in Aries will shine when they take appropriate risks that help them to grow," she says. "They need a challenge to dig into and they will always be pushing the envelope." Emotionally, Akopyan says that Aries signs are ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture, a fact that may lend itself to the fiery nature of this zodiac. "They're the red planet, so they can be temperamental ... But usually, when they do erupt, it's pretty quick, and they get over it just as quickly as it began," she says. Akopyan points out that those with Aries signs may also be athletically inclined. "They like to be in movement," she says. Compatibility Since Aries falls under the element of Fire, Nicholas says they may go well with the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. These signs not only balance out their fiery temperaments, according to Akopyan, but work to keep the risk-taking Aries on their toes. "Air is intellectualism, so they stimulate their minds, but they're also lighthearted in nature," she explains, adding, "The highest ... Marriage rate compatibility for an Aries would be an Aquarius." Taurus Taurus Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: April 20 to May 20 Characteristics According to Nicholas, those in the sign of Taurus are characterized as "being productive, being steady, being generally focused on things that are pleasing [and] sharing the sweet and simple pleasures of life." In their relationships, Akopyan says the Taurus is "loyal to a fault," though they may be seen as shallow due to what she calls their "need for security." Akopyan attributes this to the fact that Taurus is ruled over by the second house, which relates to finances. Houses represent where the sun, moon and the planets were in the sky when you were born and "set the stage" for your astrological chart, according to Akopyan. What's more, she says each sign will bring out themes that accompany each house. "Money is very practical [and] they're super practical people," she says of those born under Taurus. Compatibility As Nicholas explains, the Earth sign of Taurus may find their perfect match in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces). Akopyan points out that a Taurus, who is ruled by the planet of Venus, may also be intrigued by an Aries. "It's because in mythology, Venus [had a relationship with] Mars, and Mars rules over Aries," she explains. Taurus may also find themselves attracted to an Aquarius, but that love may be unrequited. "[Taurus is] probably the most conservative sign," she says. "if you're more of ... A progressive sort of sign, like Aquarius, you're not gonna like that." Gemini Gemini Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: May 21 to June 20 Characteristics "Gemini shine through being able to exchange interesting tidbits, through conversing, communicating [and] writing," Nicholas tells PEOPLE. She adds: "[They] need a lot of variety in their days and in their life. They need to follow their [curiosity]." As with the other signs, Akopyan points to Gemini's ruling planet to shed light on their standout traits. "They're ruled by Mercury, the god of communication, so it's very important for them to communicate [and] to have an outlet for communication," she says. It should come as no surprise that this talkative sign also loves going out. "They're social creatures, they're social butterflies, they like to meet new people," Akopyan shares. They're also gifted when it comes to adapting to new environments. Represented by twins, which can sometimes be misinterpreted as having "two faces," Gemini "can change their personality type based on who they're talking to," says Akopyan. "Their ability to relate to anybody is just exceptional. ... They can wear many masks." Compatibility According to Akopyan, the Air sign of Gemini is "one of the most noncommittal signs in astrology" because they tend to bore easily. The signs that will keep them on their toes may include their Fire counterpart of Aries, per Nicholas, but also other Geminis. "That's the one sign that can date their sign effortlessly," Akopyan says. "They're ... The twin, in search of the twin — that's when that comes in." Given their sociability and need for communication, Gemini may also connect with a partner-driven Libra. "They get married to Libras," Akopyan tells PEOPLE. Cancer Cancer Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: June 21 to July 22 Characteristics Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, according to Nicholas. "Cancer shine when they can care for and nurture ... [the people in their life]," she says. "They need to find a place in the world where that is valued." Ruled by the moon, which changes quickly and has different phases, Akopyan says Cancers "can come off very emotional — moody, even." Don't mistake this sign for a pushover, however: "People tend to underestimate them because they're so sensitive, but then the crab legs come out," she says. "They can be a very passionate people." Compatibility Earthy Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may be compatible with Cancer signs, per Nicholas. Akopyan suggests that the fellow water sign of Pisces might make a better match. "Pisces would be a really good match for a Cancer," she tells PEOPLE. "They're both water signs, they're both emotional, they're able to both be there for each other." Leo Leo Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: July 23 to August 22 Characteristics Per Nicholas, Leos "lead and shine when they find places in their world [that] they can demonstrate their confidence, pull focus and get attention for being themselves." As she points out, the Leo sign is "one of the strongest places the sun can be in besides Aries. [Leo] needs to be a bold, confident leader." Like the luminary sun that rules them, Akopyan says Leos "crave that sunlight." She adds, "When they walk in a room, [they tend to] be that sunlight for people, and they radiate this … sunny disposition." According to Akopyan, Leos are one of the more creative signs of the zodiac. "They're very theatrical and passionate and dramatic, so they really do well in ... Theater arts and acting, where they can let these passions fly." Compatibility The Fire sign of Leo could go for the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, based on Nicholas' analysis of the elements' compatibilities, particularly with regard to the latter sign, which Akopyan says can fan Leo's fiery flames. They also have a surprising match in the other Fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius. "Fire signs are different. They like to ignite the fire and they need that sort of ignition from another Fire sign," she shares. Virgo Virgo Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: August 23 to September 22 Characteristics Nicholas says that Virgos shine "when they are working at developing their skills and applying those skills toward being useful in the world." She explains, "They [excel] at understanding why a system functions, how it functions and how to work with it efficiently." According to the You Were Born For This author, Virgos are "phenomenally hard-working people." Nicholas adds, "They make hard work look easy." A grounded Earth sign, "Virgos have this exceptional ability to focus and hone in on ... Any craft they're doing," Akopyan explains. "They're super successful, super strategic [and] very routine-oriented." Compatibility Nicholas says a Virgo might be a good match for a watery Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, though they may initially be attracted to those in need of more personal growth. "They're a service sign ... So they tend to go for people who need fixing," Akopyan says. The Californian spiritual guide has also seen successful Virgo/Taurus pairings in her practice. "I've seen them with Taurus for long periods of time, because they share the same Earth element and they're very similar in that sense," she shares. "They go after their goals, they're very successful and practical." Libra Libra Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: September 23 to October 22 Characteristics Unlike the other signs, Nicholas says that Libras "struggle to sometimes shine on their own." That's because the romantic Libra is hyper-focused on relationships. "[They] genuinely find [a sense] of self ... Being a partner, through being a friend, [a romantic] partner, [or a business partner]," Nicholas explains. "[They are] always looking to balance the situation [and] be in balance with other people." While this makes them great harmonists, Nicholas says it can be tough for Libras to get out from under their "people-pleasing habit." That said, she calls Libra "one of the most charming, likable, pleasant sun signs out there." As both Nicholas and Akopyan point out, Libras are also great lovers of beauty and art, which is no surprise when considering that the sign is also ruled by the planet Venus, which rules the arts. "Libra is another very creative sign because of this," Akopyan says. Compatibility Libras crave relationships and may be generally drawn to the Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, based on the elements Nicholas cites. Akopyan says that as such great lovers of beauty and companionship, some Libras may struggle to choose just one partner. "They have love to give to everybody," she says. Intellectually, she says, "they go for Geminis and Aquarius" — two signs that share their mental capacity. Scorpio Scorpio Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: October 23 to November 21 Characteristics Nicholas states that Scorpios "shine [by] being mystical and intense and focused and determined. These are folks that are silent warriors." Oftentimes, they may be in a state of change. "It's really important for them to go through the necessary self-transformations their life will bring them through," Nicholas cautions. Ruled by Pluto, which Akopyan points out is the furthest planet from the sun, the shadowy Scorpio may be more guarded than other signs of the zodiac. "They're able to tap into the dark recesses of the mind more easily than others," Akopyan says, adding, "That also makes them very secretive in nature." Compatibility Though Earthy Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are billed as top partners for the water sign of Scorpio, Akopyan says this sign in particular loves a good chase. And much like Pluto, the ruling god of the underworld, "They don't take no for an answer" once they've set their sights on a target. "They have that [Pluto-like] obsessive quality to them that could be entrancing and magnetic to the partners," she notes. Sagittarius Sagittarius Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: November 22 to December 21 Characteristics Hailed as "the nomads of the zodiac" by Akopyan, the wandering Sagittarius sign can be a hard one to control. "[It's] like trying to corral a goldfish," Nicholas says in agreement. These outgoing adventurers tend to move with whatever inspires them. "They need to explore, they need freedom," Nicholas elaborates. "They're generally really interested in [big, huge, philosophical] questions, [like] 'What is the meaning of life?' " Avid fans of travel, fantasy and spirituality, Akopyan says the Sagittarius is a refined, philosophical type — something that fits right in with their ninth ruling house of higher knowledge. Compatibility A fire sign like the Sagittarius needs to be regularly stimulated. Air elements, like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are most apt to provide this, per Nicholas. According to Akopyan, it also helps that Geminis are extremely similar in nature to Sagittarius. "I see that a lot in my practice, Geminis and Sagittarius partners," she says. "It's like they like dating themselves. ... Both signs will keep each other stimulated and energized. They [also] like to travel together." In addition, she says Sagittarius signs may find luck with Aries matches. "Sagittarius are the one other sign that likes to fight and argue as a ... Means of avoiding boredom in the relationship," she explains. "I think Aries provides that very effortlessly for them." Capricorn Capricorn Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: December 22 to January 19 Characteristics According to Nicholas, Capricorn is known for being really hard-working. "[They're really goal-oriented," she says. "[They're] also known for being highly productive." Still, Nicholas says, "[there's] quite a mystical quality to this sun sign." After all, as she points out, the symbol for the Capricorn is a half goat, half fish creature. "The goat in the Capricorn will climb to the highest peaks of the mountain, while the fish will swim to the deepest depths of the sea. Integrity is the key [for folks with this sun sign]," she tells PEOPLE. "From a young age, they just naturally take on responsibility," Akopyan says of the Capricorn. "They're very practical in nature." Compatibility As for their mates, Akopyan says Capricorns need a partner who can keep up with — or at the very least, tolerate — their schedules. "They're workaholics, so they like a partner that's kind of similar to them," she says. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are their corresponding water signs, but according to Akopyan, Capricorns will sometimes avoid a water-based sign, deeming them too "emotional." "They like a straightforward partner, very practical, very down to earth," she says. "Scorpio is an exception, because Scorpio's ruler is Mars, so Scorpio isn't as sappy as the Pisces and Cancer." Aquarius Aquarius Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: January 20 to February 18 Characteristics "The Aquarius is focused on the group," says Nicholas. "[They're] really good at ... Being on the outskirts of society, so they can look in and understand the system and how everything is operating and how that impacts [others]. They're really good at shining light on the whole and the collective." While she notes that they "can be a little remote," they're also "incredibly intelligent people." Akopyan adds, "They're more collective-based, they're more humanitarian-based, so they'll help the community versus closer relationships. They see the bigger picture moreso. A lot of them work in social work." According to Akopyan, the intellectual Aquarius is also quite humorous. "Because they're ruled by Uranus, they have this eccentricity about them, and they have this very keen sense of humor. It's unmatched with the other signs, so they're probably the funniest sign of the zodiac," she says. Compatibility Going off of the elements, a good match for an Aquarius would be an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. "[Sagittarius is] also intellectually and philosophically based, and so they make a really good match with Aquarius," Akopyan says. She believes that fellow Air signs Gemini and Libra might be even better partners. "Geminis are perfect for them," she tells PEOPLE. Pisces Pisces Constellation. Chloe Jeong/PEOPLE Dates: February 19 to March 20 Characteristics As Nicholas explains, "Pisces shine by being poetic, altruistic, compassionate — they need to extend themselves out to others. ... I call them [the] Florence Nightingale of the zodiac," she says. "[They are] the person [who] will take in every stray cat and goldfish ... And want to nurture. [They have] great empathy for suffering." Ruled by Neptune, which governs dreams, Akopyan says that Pisces is "very emotional [and] sensitive in nature. They can tap into their imagination very easily," she adds. Compatibility "I would say the most romantic sign of all is Pisces," Akopyan says, noting that they're even more romantic than the Venus-ruled signs of Taurus and Libra. As such, they'll find themselves in harmony with a nurturing partner, like a Cancer, though their element would suggest an Earth-based sign that will complement their water, such as the Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. "They need someone gentle," Akopyan stresses. "Fire signs are too brash for them."


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