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70+ June Trivia Questions To Kickstart Your Summer Fun

Is June bustin' out all over in your neck of the woods? If you're looking for something fun to do at one of your June backyard BBQs, might we suggest June trivia? We have tons of June trivia questions and answers ranging from famous birthdays to pop culture. Some are easy enough for the kiddos, while others will challenge even the smartest adults.


These general trivia questions and answers will test your basic knowledge of all things June.

June has two birthstones. What are they?

Moonstone and alexandrite

What are June's birth flowers?

Roses and honeysuckle

Who is June named after?

Juno, Goddess of Marriage

What fruit is celebrated in the month of June?

The papaya — it's international papaya month.

June is Accordion Awareness Month. What type of instrument is an accordion?

It's a wind instrument.

What does the United States celebrate on June 14?

Flag Day

Why do we celebrate Juneteenth (June 19)?

It's also known as Emancipation Day. On June 19, 1865, the Emancipation Proclamation was read aloud in Galveston, TX, liberating all the remaining enslaved people in the country.

How long does the sun remain above the horizon on the summer solstice for latitudes above the Arctic Circle?

24 hours

What is celebrated in Canada on June 21?

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Midsummer Day is in June. What does it represent?

The midpoint of the growing season

What are June's two zodiac signs? 

Gemini and Cancer

If you were born in June, you're in great company. How much do you know about these famous June birthdates?

The "American Moses" was born on June 1, 1801. Who is it?

Brigham Young

This Seven Year Itch star was born on June 1, 1926. Who is it?

Marilyn Monroe

What famous historical figure, born on June 2, 1740, was so cruel that his name was adapted into an English word meaning taking pleasure in inflicting pain?

Marquis de Sade

This British King, whom Americans revolted against, was born on June 3, 1738. Who was it?

King George, III

Who was shot and mortally wounded while leaving the Hotel Ambassador in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968?

Robert F. Kennedy

What's the name of the famous French painter, known for his painting "Two Tahitian Women," who was born on June 7, 1848?

Paul Gaugin

The leader of the Prairie School architectural movement was born on June 7, 1867. What was his name

Frank Lloyd Wright

What's the name of the famous French undersea explorer born on June 11, 1910?

Jacques Cousteau

George H. W. Bush was born on June 12. What number of US presidents was he?


What famous diarist was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929?

Anne Frank

What anti-slavery author who wrote a famous book about the oppression and suffering of enslaved people in the South was born on June 14, 1811, in Litchfield, Connecticut?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Famous explorer George Mallory was born on June 18, 1886. Why did he say he wanted to climb Mt. Everest?

"Because it's there."

Baseball great Lou Gehrig was born and died in the month of June. What is the medical name of the disease that was named after him?

ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Which member of the British royal family was born on June 21, 1982?

Prince William

Related: Ultimate List of 275+ Fun Trivia Questions for the Whole Family

So many historical events took place in the month of June. How many of these do you know?

What major event happened in China on June 4, 1989?

The Chinese government opened fire on protestors in Tiananmen Square.

What feminist was fined for voting in a US presidential election on June 6, 1872?

Susan B. Anthony

What was the name of the largest amphibious landing in history in Normandy, France on June 6, 1944?


What American patriot, born on June 6, 1775, is famous for his quote, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

Nathan Hale

When Connecticut tried to ban this, the US Supreme Court struck it down on June 7, 1965, in Griswold v. Connecticut, leading to privacy and freedom of choice in matters of what?

Birth control

What did the British government sign a 99-year lease for on June 7, 1898?

Hong Kong

The first American mint was opened on June 10, 1652, in what US state?


What country did the Philippine Islands declare their independence from on June 12, 1898?


Whose assassination on June 12, 1963, in Jackson, Mississippi led to John F. Kennedy proposing a comprehensive civil rights law?

Medgar Evers

In June of 1966, a Supreme Court ruling established the reading of these rights, essential in every arrest in the United States ever since. What were they called?

Miranda Rights

In June of 1922, Warren G. Harding became the first US president to broadcast a message over what medium?


On June 15, 1215, King John set his seal on a document that has become the foundation of modern democracy around the world. What's the document?

The Magna Carta

The first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, launched on June 16, 1963. What was the name of her spacecraft?

Vostok 6

The chain of events that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon began with the arrest of five men on June 17, 1972. What did the scandal better become known as?


The War of 1812 began in June. How many years did it last?


Twenty years after the first woman launched into space, the first American woman launched into space on June 18, 1983. What was her name?

Dr. Sally Ride

George Mallory disappeared in the mist on his Mt. Everest climb on June 8, 1924. How many years was it before they found his body?

75 (found in 1999)

Who performed the first American spacewalk on June 3, 1965?

Major Edward White II

On June 14, 1954, what phrase was added to the US Pledge of Allegiance?

Under God

Who was murdered by an angry mob at a Carthage, Illinois jail on June 27, 1844?

Joseph and Hyrum Smith

What did the Stonewall Riots on June 28, 1969 mark the beginning of?

The Gay Rights Movement

Pop culture never stops. And we have some great June pop culture questions.

What musical is the song "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" from?


What famous baseball poem was published in the San Francisco Examiner on June 3, 1888?

"Casey at the Bat"

On June 1, 1991, The Comedy Network officially became what?

Comedy Central

Which short-lived Tonight Show host began his two-season tenure on June 1, 2009?

Conan O'Brien

What long-lived Jeopardy champion began his 74-game winning streak on June 2, 2004?

Ken Jennings

What did drunk Cleveland Indian fans cause to happen during 10-cent beer night on June 4, 1974?

They caused Cleveland to forfeit the game to the Texas Rangers.

On June 5, 1956, Elvis Presley first performed what famous song on the Milton Berle Show?

"Hound Dog"

Much to the joy of the Village People, what organization was founded in London on June 6, 1844.


What dystopian novel about Big Brother was published on June 8, 1949?


On June 10, 2007, a cut-to-black scene ended which famous HBO series, leaving viewers confused and angry?

The Sopranos

What classic 1980s Matthew Broderick movie debuted on June 11, 1986?

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

What famous aviator received a ticker tape parade in NYC on June 13, 1927?

Charles Lindbergh

On June 14, 1789, Rev. Elijah Craig distilled the first batch of what?


On June 15, 2012, Nik Wallenda became the first person to successfully tightrope walk across what landmark?

Niagara Falls

Hollywood's first summer blockbuster opened in June of 1975. What was it?


What did Kenneth Arnold claim to see over Mount Rainier in Washington State on June 24, 1947?


What was flown for the first time in San Francisco on June 25, 1978?

The rainbow flag

What device (that you may have in your pocket right now) was first released on June 29, 2007?

The iPhone

What famous actress and singer (who starred in her first role at the age of 16)  was found dead from a sleeping pill overdose on June 22, 1969?

Judy Garland

Whether you're on a campout at your favorite spot or hanging out by a bonfire at home, let our June trivia questions keep everyone entertained. It's a great way to spend a June evening.

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Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For May 20 - 26

Who's in the driving seat of your life? That's the question and theme of this week, between May 20 - 26, 2024, for all Chinese zodiac signs. But before we look at the weekly horoscopes, here are the general messages of the week for everyone. 

The I Ching hexagram of the week is Earth over Mountain (#15), changing to Fire over Water (#64). It reminds us that life is a never-ending journey from birth until we move to the beyond. So, the goals we have along that path can be likened to milestones instead of true goals. When you consider this, the need to be anxious flows away. What remains is the need to adapt, change, grow, and grow some more. 

If you feel called to, start a bullet journal this week and build a habit of recording the good and the not-so-good you encounter. It will help you form deeper insights and gain truer perspectives with time. You can also buy a 5-year journal to see the growth unfold before your eyes through the questions for each day. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for May 20 - 26.


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week is all about recognizing your talents and not taking rejections to heart. You have more options and opportunities available to you if you trust yourself.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are urged to take a step back and find firm footing within yourself. Whether you are single or not, this will allow you to create something beautiful and priceless.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

Your social life will be a hit or miss though this week. Spend more time on cultivating your talents and knowledge and it will pay dividends in the near future.

Lucky Day for Career: May 26

As for your career, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Maintain your pace and be patient. Your seeds will grow into trees as the days and months go by.

RELATED: Year Of The Rat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, the energy this week for you is dynamic and strong. As long as you trust yourself and your instincts, you will be fine. New opportunities are coming your way!

Lucky Day in Love: May 26

In love, you are urged to not ignore the red flags. The right person will feel compatible with your soul. The wrong one will always rub you the wrong way deep inside.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 26

Your social life may not be very significant this week, but you are encouraged to make time for journaling and introspection. Deep insights await you on this path for your future.

Lucky Day for Career: May 25

As for your career, you will be more inspired this week than is usual. Let those ideas incubate so you can come up with something truly masterful!

RELATED: Year Of The Ox Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, the energy this week is sweet and beautiful for you. Lean into the things, activities, and people who bring you joy and you will have the most beautiful memories at the end of it all.

Lucky Day in Love: May 25

In love, be patient. You will create a stronger bond with your partner (or date) if you allow things to unfold organically. Don't be in a rush to get to a desired future lest you find yourself trying to place the wrong person in a place reserved for the right one.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 24 & 25

If you feel called to, go on a spiritual retreat or some kind of weekend trip. It will help your soul rejuvenate and bring out your creative side from deep within.

Lucky Day for Career: May 23

As for your career, the energy this week is not suitable for grand gestures and big moves. Instead, focus on the details and make sure the processes are as smooth as they can be.

RELATED: Year Of The Tiger Chinese Zodiac Personality


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, the energy this week for you is all about recognizing the strength within you and ensuring that you engage with the world confidently. Don't allow negative self-talk to take root!

Lucky Day in Love: May 22

In love, trust your instincts. You are more observant than you give yourself credit. Once you do this, you will not feel guilty about avoiding red flag individuals and gravitating towards those who are green.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Your social life will be big and bountiful this week. Look forward to fun times and maybe a party or two! Let your extroverted side take the reins and surprise you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

As for your career, things are unfolding as they need to. Don't get impatient and ruin anything. As long as you trust the process, you will do fine.

RELATED: Year Of The Rabbit: Chinese Zodiac Traits And Dates


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, the energy this week will sensitize your intuition. Pay attention to what you observe and note them down if you think you will forget. You will unearth deep insights this way.

Lucky Day in Love: May 20

In love, don't discount your past experiences. Sometimes, life brings us people with the same energy and modus operandi as what we have encountered before to see if we will choose to repeat a cycle or break free.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Your social life will be really beautiful this week if you give yourself permission to be surprised and amazed. Step out of the box and let the world surprise you in the best way!

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

In your career, you are encouraged to build good relationships, especially with those in your team. You're all in this together for the win!

RELATED: 2024 Chinese Year Of The Dragon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, the energy this week will either help you transform and reach the next level or it will scare you into staying in the same box. Don't let your fears stop you from receiving your blessings.

Lucky Day in Love: May 20

Your love life and social life are entwined this week, especially if you have a family function to attend, like a wedding, a baby shower, or something else. Someone new will emerge, and someone old will leave.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 20

Don't cling to those who have shown you through their actions that they don't care about you and are fake friends. Be your own best friend until you find your soul tribe.

Lucky Day for Career: May 20 & 21

As for your career, the energy is mysterious at this time. Something is brewing behind the scenes that will change things for the better for you. So stay mindful even as you take care of your routines and responsibilities.

RELATED: Year Of The Snake Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Fate, destiny, and karma are all on your side this week, Horse. Don't allow your fears to rule you. Stride forward with confidence and trust in the process.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are encouraged to spend quality time with your partner (or date) and not get hung over the quantity of time spent in each other's company or over the phone. The former will help you lay the right foundation.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21 & 23

For your social life, let your extroverted side take the reins. Then watch as amazing things unfold. Spontaneity is the name of the game this week.

Lucky Day for Career: May 25

If you have been thinking of changing something in your career, journal your thoughts and feelings so you know what your priorities are and how to satisfy those needs. You can decide what you want to do later.

RELATED: Year Of The Horse Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week is all about rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation for you. If you feel like going on a spontaneous trip or to a nature retreat, lean into that desire and let your soul breathe.

Lucky Day in Love: May 23

In love, you are urged to cut energetic cords with people in your past who still influence your life in unconscious ways and through your beliefs. Working with a therapist can definitely help you straighten out the tangled mess.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 25

As for your social life, prioritize yourself this week and don't feel guilty about needing space and alone time. Self-care is not selfish.

Lucky Day for Career: May 26

In your career, you are encouraged to create a positive environment wherever you go while maintaining a light touch. The right balance will nurture good relationships and bring the human element back to a cold, hard life.

RELATED: Year Of The Goat Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, the energy this week is all about recognizing where you are exceeding expectations in a good way and where you are doing too much in a bad way. The right balance is called for right now.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, arrange activities and bonding rituals with your partner or date. It doesn't have to be something elaborate, only heartfelt. Your relationship will flourish under this influence.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 22

As for your social life, some of you need to be more particular about who you engage with. Fake friends or toxic voices can easily dissolve your confidence and self-esteem.

Lucky Day for Career: May 22 & 23

You are also encouraged to pay attention to your intuition in your work life. Changing trends and global events will soon impact the processes.

RELATED: Year Of The Monkey Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

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General Overview:

Rooster, this week's energy is all about staying grounded through your core and confidence. That way, you will uncover hidden truths and deep insights.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you are encouraged to build something solid and think about the long term. If the person you are engaging with is not interested, don't try to change their mind. Letting go of the wrong person is necessary so the right one can come in.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 21

Your social life will be more mysterious this week. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you, especially if you see repeating numbers everywhere. Note what you observe and try to figure out the unique message for you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 23

As for your career, things are unfolding as they should. As long as you stay on top of your routines and responsibilities, you will be fine.

RELATED: Year Of The Rooster Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, your love life will be very prominent this week, especially if you are married and have kids. Don't allow third parties to interfere in your private matters, but pay attention to the details.

Lucky Day in Love: May 23

Some of you are on the verge of making an important decision that will impact your life and your loved ones in a lot of ways. Focused breathing and meditation can help you stay calm and grounded as you do this.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

If you feel called to stay away from socializing this week, trust that inner voice. Spend more time on introspection. The cosmic energies right now are better suited (for you) for planning and observation.

Lucky Day for Career: May 21

In your career, you are encouraged to be more creative and allow small ideas to become big ones. Don't let negative self-talk get the best of you! You can do this!

RELATED: Year Of The Dog Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility


(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, the energy this week is strong for you. Set your plans into motion and allow fate to work its magic for you. As long as you know why you wish to accomplish something, you will find support along the way to that goal.

Lucky Day in Love: May 21

In love, you have more options than you realize. Don't shrink your sphere or allow anyone else to do that to you through negative words and judgment.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 23

Your social life will unfold according to what you choose to do with this week's energy. So keep the calendar open so you can be more spontaneous.

Lucky Day for Career: May 24

In your career, you are encouraged to lean into fresh ideas and perspectives. Working with younger people/collaborators is also indicated here for your success.

RELATED: Year Of The Pig Chinese Zodiac Personality Traits, Years And Compatibility

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Jennifer Connelly's Net Worth (2024), Age, Career, Husband And Children

Jennifer Connelly is an American actress best known for her role as Alicia Nash in the film A Beautiful Mind. She has also appeared in films such as Waking the Dead, Only the Brave, and Stuck in Love. She began acting in 1982 and has won Oscar, BAFTA, and Golden Globe awards. But what is Jennifer Cornelly's net worth?

Jennifer Connelly during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 13th Governors Awards (L)The actress onstage during Contenders Film: Los Angeles at DGA Theater Complex (R)Jennifer Connelly during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 13th Governors Awards (L).The actress speaking on stage (R). Photo: Jon Kopaloff, Alberto Rodriguez (modified by author)Source: Getty Images TABLE OF CONTENTS

Jennifer Connelly's net worth indicates her dedication to the film industry. She joined the entertainment industry as an actress when she was a teenager. She was born and raised in New York, United States. In addition to her career, she is a wife and mother of three children.

Profile summary Full name Jennifer Lynn Connelly Gender Female Date of birth 12 December 1970 Age 53 years old (as of 2024) Zodiac sign Sagittarius Place of birth Cairo, New York, United States of America Current residence Brooklyn, New York, United States of America Nationality American Ethnicity Mixed Religion Christianity Sexuality Straight Height in feet 5'6'' Height in centimetres 168 Weight in pounds 123 Weight in kilograms 56 Body measurements in inches 34-23-33 Body measurements in centimetres 86-58-84 Hair colour Black Eye colour Grey Mother Eileen Connelly Father Gerard Karl Connelly Siblings 1 Marital status Married Husband Paul Bettany Children 3 College Yale University, Stanford University Profession Model, actress Net worth $32 million–$50 million Instagram @jennifer.Connelly Facebook @jenniferconnelly image

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What is the net worth of Jennifer Connelly?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Wealthy Gorilla and The Richest, the actress's net worth is alleged to be around $32 million and $50 million. This is a combined net worth with her husband, Paul Bettany, who is also an actor. She primarily earns from her career as an actress.

Where is Jennifer Connelly from?

She was born in Cairo, New York, United States of America. Her parents are Eileen Connelly and Geralds Karl Connelly. She has an older sister from her father's previous marriage. She is an American citizen of mixed ethnicity. Her father had Irish and Norwegian ancestry, and her mother was from a Jewish immigrant family.

How old is Jennifer Connelly?

The American actress is 53 years old as of 2024. She was born on 12 December 1970. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius.


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Why is Jennifer Connelly so famous? Quick facts about Jennifer ConnellyTop-5 facts about Jennifer Connelly. Photo: Bruce Glikas/Getty Images (modified by author)Source: Getty Images

Connelly is famous as an actress. She started her career as a child model at the age of 10. The actress has appeared in print documents and television commercials. Jennifer continues with her modelling career and shares her modelling photos on Instagram. She has appeared on the covers of popular magazines such as Vogue Greece, Harpers's Bazaar, and Elle Italia.

She made her acting debut in 1982, portraying The Girl in the television series Tales of the Unexpected. She came into the limelight when she appeared as Sarah in the 1986 film Labyrinth. For her role as Alicia Nash in the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind, she bagged awards such as Oscar, BAFTA, Critics Choice, and Golden Globe.

Jennifer Connelly's movies

According to her IMDb profile, she has added 55 credits as an actress. Below are some of the popular movies that the actress is known for.


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Year Movie Role 2023 Bad Behaviour Lucy 2022 Top Gun: Maverick Penny Benjamin 2019 Alita: Battle Angel Chiren 2017 Only the Brave Amanda Marsh 2014 Winter's Tale Virginia Gamely 2011 The Dilemma Beth 2008 The Day the Earth Stood Still Helen Benson 2003 House of Sand Kathy 2003 Hulk Betty Ross 2000 Waking the Dead Sarah Williams 1998 Dark City Emma Murdoch 1996 Far Harbor Ellie 1996 Mulholland Falls Allison Pond 1995 Higher Learning Taryn 1994 Of Love and Shadows Irene 1990 The Hot Spot Gloria Harper 1988 Some Girls Gabriella Who is Jennifer Connelly married to now?

She is married to Paul Bettany, a famous actor known for his roles in films such as Legion, A Knight Tale, and WandaVision. The two met in 2001 while filming A Beautiful Mind and married on 1 January 2003 in Scotland.


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In an interview with Larry King, Jennifer Connelly's husband revealed that Jennifer was her childhood celebrity crush. He also said that the two got married without dating.

I met her on A Beautiful Mind…I got her on the phone and said am coming over, and let's get married, and that is really what happened. We had never dated …she said okay, and…now we are married…

Jennifer Connelly's children

The American actress has three children. She shares a son, Kai Dugan, with her ex-boyfriend David Dugan. He was born in July 1997. She has two children, Agnes Lark and Stellan, with her husband, Paul Bettany. Jennifer Connelly's daughter, Agnes, was born on 31 May 2011 and is the youngest.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, she said their children are interested in different fields despite her and Paul Bettany being in the filming industry. When asked if her children are interested in acting, she responded by saying the following;


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I don't think so; our oldest is graduating, and he has done chemical engineering…our middle son, Stellan, is a musician, he is an amazing musician, and Agnes is 7, so we'll see how it goes.

  • Who is Jennifer Connelly? She is an American model and actress known for films such as A Beautiful Mind and Only the Brave.
  • What is Jennifer Connelly's age? She is 53 years old as of 2024.
  • Who is Jennifer Connelly's partner? She is married to Paul Bettany.
  • Are Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany still together? They are still together. On 14 February 2024, she shared a photo of herself and her husband, Paul Bettany, wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day.
  • How many children does Jennifer Connelly have? The actress has three children: Kai, Stellan and Agnes.
  • Did Jennifer Connelly model? She started modelling at 10 and still models and shares pictures on her Instagram account.
  • How tall is Jennifer Connelly? She is 5 feet 6 inches or 168 centimetres tall.
  • image

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    Jennifer Connelly's net worth is alleged to be around $32 million and $50 million. She is an actress known for her notable roles in movies such as The Dilemma and Bad Behaviour. She is married to Paul Bettany, and they have two children, Stellan and Agnes.

    Legit.Ng recently published an article about Keyshia Cole's siblings. She is an American singer, songwriter, actress and television personality. She came into the limelight for her albums Just Like You and A Different Me.

    Keyshia Cole was born in Oakland, California, United States of America, and attended Tracy High School. Her biological parents are Francine Lons and Virgil Hunter. She was raised alongside three siblings. Find out more about her siblings in the post.

    Source: Legit.Ng

    Brian Oroo avatar

    Brian Oroo (Lifestyle writer) Brian Oroo has been working as a writer in Legit.Ng since 2021. His main area of specialization is on topics regarding lifestyle, celebrities, news, and many more. He won the Writer of the Year Award on Legit in 2023. Brian graduated with a Bsc. In Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University (JKUAT) in 2021. In 2023, Brian finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. His email is brianoroo533@gmail.Com


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