Lucky colours as per your Chinese zodiac sign 2024

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June 23: Your Daily Horoscope

Week Ahead Stars for Sunday, June 23rd ARIES (March 21 - April 20): You need to let someone know that if they don't stop trading in rumors they are going to regret it.

Week Ahead Stars for Sunday, June 23rd

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

You need to let someone know that if they don't stop trading in rumors they are going to regret it. You don't have to make threats as such but you do need to remind them that you have more dirt on them than they have on you!

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):

You may be full of energy and raring to go but the influence of the full moon, though waning, means you must be careful not to get carried away and start taking on tasks you may not be able to finish. Quality is always superior to quantity.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):

Be on your guard as the new week begins because cosmic activity in the main financial area of your chart warns that some people will see you as an easy mark. Be especially wary of an offer that sounds just perfect for your needs. It's probably a hoax.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):

With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all moving through your sign it will be easy to focus your energy in a single direction, but make sure it is the correct single direction. Listen to what your inner voice tells you, not what friends and colleagues are saying.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):

You may look calm on the outside but on the inside you are actually somewhat fearful and your main task as the new week begins is to control that fear so it doesn't take you over completely. Seriously, what have you got to be worried about?

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):

Bumps and bruises are to be expected, though the damage is likely to be to your ego rather than physical. Just because something you tried failed to work does no make you a failure. At least you gave it a go. Your rivals were too afraid to even try.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):

You must not compromise on a point of principle over the coming week, even if it means you could lose out financially. It does not matter how much money you may make, if your conscience is nagging at you then you will never be happy.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):

Even if you are the sort of Scorpio who prefers to avoid unnecessary confrontations you will be up for the fight over the next few days. Deep down you know that no matter how dangerous your opponents may be you are both tougher and smarter.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

The message of the stars now is that you must earn more or spend less – better still, find ways to do both. However, as the full moon's influence remains strong you should think about it for a day or two before making any long-term decisions.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):

Try not to make a big deal of something that, a few days from now, everyone else will have forgotten about. Sometimes you can get a bit obsessive about the wrongs you think have been done to you, but this particular wrong is really not worth worrying about.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):

If someone you work alongside goes out of their way to criticize your efforts you must go out of your way to let them know their opinions don't bother you in the slightest. Take it as a compliment that they feel the need to make you look bad.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):

Creative activities are under excellent stars now and whatever you put your mind to over the next few weeks is sure to go well. Don't try to do it all at once though. Draw up your plans, start off slowly and build up speed until you become unstoppable.


If you have a clear idea of what you hope to accomplish over the coming year then no force on Earth will be able to stop you. If you don't have a clear idea then make that your first priority: narrow down your aims to one truly amazing goal.

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This Is The Rarest Zodiac Sign In The World

We all long to be unique, and many of us turn to the cosmos to understand our special strengths and weaknesses, personality and place in the universe. So it's natural to wonder where you personally fit into the astrological realm. How common is your sun sign, and what is the rarest zodiac sign?

"Knowing your zodiac sign can be a powerful source of identity," says Emily Ridout, a professional astrologer and author. But rather than becoming too hung up on how rare your sign is, Ridout emphasizes that the details in your astrological chart are what actually make you unique. "Understanding your chart can help you make decisions and understand which areas of your life to focus on." 

It's not just your zodiac sign that delivers insight into your truest self. Because you interact with others on a daily basis, understanding zodiac compatibility or the power of your zodiac element can help you build and strengthen relationships. That said, some zodiac signs are just more common than others. Ahead, Ridout and Lisa Stardust, a New York City–based astrologer and tarot expert, explain the most common and uncommon signs, and what you can expect from those rare ones. 

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What is the rarest zodiac sign?

Rarest Zodiac Sign AquariusRD.Com, Getty Images

The rarest zodiac sign in 2024 is Aquarius! For simplicity's sake, we looked at 2023 birth data and averaged the numbers between both months under each sun sign. Aquarius, which spans from January 20 through February 18, was the rarest sign in the United States (using birth data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and worldwide (using birth-rate data gathered by the UN).

However, it's important to note that the rarest zodiac sign may change from year to year depending on rare birthdays that year and exactly how you calculate. For instance, some months—ahem, February—are shorter than others, Ridout adds, so they will naturally have fewer people born during that time. Additionally, you may find a different answer if you look at births over the past year vs. The past decade or the most recent generation. 

Calculations can also be tricky if you're using the CDC's official U.S. Birth data, which is broken down month by month. Zodiac signs, in comparison, don't follow calendar months, and each one encompasses parts of two months.

Based on all that, you can see how the rarest zodiac sign may differ from year to year. Still, Aquarius, you are the winner—this time!

Aquarius personality traits

As the rarest zodiac sign, those with Aquarius sun signs are "known to be the unique thinkers of the zodiac," says Stardust. They are considered the most intelligent sign, as well as "innovators and originators of fresh perspectives."

Ridout adds that this ability to think outside the box makes Aquarians brilliant future thinkers who are often successful in business and the arts. Aquarians are also known for being creative, imaginative, idealistic and open-minded, and they enjoy being with and helping other people.

What signs are compatible with Aquarius?

When it comes to Aquarius compatibility, Stardust says these signs tend to attract and be attracted to other air signs. "Gemini and Libra tend to be the most compatible with Aquarius, due to the fact that they are able to process their sentiments through communication and thought," she explains.

What is the most common zodiac sign?

According to 2023 data, the most common sign is Leo, encompassing people born between July 23 and August 22. This is unsurprising, as Leo and Virgo (the sign that follows) almost always have the highest birth rates—likely due to the many babies conceived around Christmas and New Year's, Stardust explains. 

"Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs, but like Aquarius, Leo is also a creative sign, so it's interesting that they are the most and least common," Ridout says. They are also "fixed signs," which means both groups can be very determined and even stubborn once they set their minds to something. Ridout adds that Leos are known for creative expression that allows them to shine their individual light. 

The second rarest zodiac sign

Rarest Zodiac Sign PiscesRD.Com, Getty Images

The second rarest zodiac sign is Pisces, a water sign and one of the most polite zodiac signs. "Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, covering those born between February 19 and March 20," says Ridout. She notes that this sign is very thoughtful—an ability she describes as "downloading dreams"—giving them powerful insights. They are artistic, sensitive and often very spiritual. "Pisces are deeply connected to the universe and rise above assumed or constructed identities," she says. 

Ophiuchus might also be the rarest zodiac sign

There's one more way to look at what makes a zodiac sign rare. Most of us stick with the 12 astrological signs of the zodiac—and have since the Babylonians first cultivated zodiac signs more than 3,000 years ago. These signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, and they are based on 12 constellations in the night sky. But when NASA made some tweaks to the constellation map in 2016, they added a 13th constellation called Ophiuchus and thus prompted the question: Is there a 13th zodiac sign?

No, NASA did not invent a new zodiac sign. In fact, the Babylonians were aware of this constellation and simply chose not to include it in their group of zodiac signs. NASA explained the reason for not adding a 13th sign of the zodiac: Astrology and astronomy are not the same thing, and just because an additional constellation is added to the map, it doesn't mean it's added to the zodiac too.

That said, some still choose to recognize Ophiuchus as the 13th zodiac sign, and when they do, they may classify it as the rarest zodiac sign. Those who are born between November 29 and December 17 would be considered Ophiuchus (though, according to the traditional 12 signs of the zodiac, those born between November 22 and December 21 are Sagittarius). Ophiuchus individuals are "known to be the charmers of the zodiac," says Stardust, adding that they are "very insightful and knowledgeable, as well as magnetic and captivating."

About the experts
  • Emily Ridout has been a professional astrologer for 15 years and is the author of AstroYoga for an Aquarian Age. She first studied astrology in India, then completed a master's degree in folklore, specializing in yoga, astrology and the esoteric. 
  • Lisa Stardust is a New York City–based astrologer and the author of The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings + Myths of the Cosmos. She has been a practicing astrologer, tarot card reader, energy healer, manifestation guide and life coach for more than 15 years. 
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    Tomorrow's Aquarius Horoscope

    Visions of your desired future will likely jolt you into action today. You may decide that the foundations you have set down don't align with your long-term plan. How would you like to reshape your foundations if you could completely reset them? This is an opportunity to readjust your goals and ensure they align with the highest version of who you are.


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