Planet Positions Today | June 19, 2024 Planetary Positions in Astrology

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Your Guide To Compatibility In Chinese Astrology

Chinese astrology has a 12-animal zodiac, and all 12 animals will form different dynamic with the other animals. Your Chinese zodiac animal will show your behaviors: A monkey likes to grab onto branches and pick at seeds, a phoenix likes to swoop and hunt using its razor-sharp vision, and a rabbit observes everything and dances to express its moods.

Have you ever tried to introduce a dog and a cat? The cat might climb up high while the dog shrinks back in fright. Every animal has a different set of tendencies and behaviors. Some animals will complement each other perfectly. Other animals scare each other at first and need time to adjust!

Your bazi natal chart

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac are also called the 12 earthly branches. This is a simplified guide about how these twelve animals interact with each other. While most people know their year animal, your bazi natal chart is a set of four pillars, each with its own animal or earthly branch. You can look up all four pillars in your bazi natal using an online chart calculator such as mingli.Info/bazi.

You'll need to work with all four animals in your bazi natal chart to get a full sense of compatibility. However, even just your year animal can tell you a lot. The year pillar in Chinese astrology represents the patterns in your lineage. If you match with someone based on your year animal, your lineages are compatible, but this doesn't mean that your personalities are! For that, you'll need to look at your day animal. For marriages in the past, the year animal was very important because people married if their families were compatible. Nowadays, you should look at your whole chart.

If you don't know your year animal, see the list below. FYI: The year begins on lichun and is celebrated on the spring festival or lunar new year, which falls sometime between January 20 and February 21 in the Gregorian calendar. So if your birthday is before January 20, look to the previous year. And if your birthday is in between January 20 and February 21, you'll need to check if you were born before or after lichun, the first day of the first solar term and the beginning of the traditional soli-lunar calendar.

Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Sheep: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Phoenix: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

Boar: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2040

Related Story Compatibility: Are you a complementary couple? Rat and Ox build trust

In the story of the Chinese zodiac, the Jade Emperor invited all 12 animals to race along the river of destiny. The rat came first because it talked the ox into letting it hitch a ride to the finish line. Maybe because of this story, the rat and the ox have a special relationship in Chinese astrology.

When a rat and an ox come together, both of them are concerned with trust. The rat is the planner of the zodiac and the ox likes to worry. When a rat and an ox are able to share their worries, then they build trust between themselves slowly. The rat is always thinking about what to do next and the ox is fairly concerned about the future. A rat and an ox are able to build sturdy relationships because neither like too much change all at once.

Tiger and Pig dream together

Tiger and pig is another classic pairing. Both animals love to sleep! When they are awake, they move great distances very quickly but they aren't moving all the time. Tigers, as big cats, rest completely when they rest. They hunt efficiently only when they have a goal.

Pigs sleep a lot for another reasons—the pig is the dreamer of the zodiac. When a pig makes up their mind, they will also put their entire being into a project just like the tiger. Both tigers and pigs tend to get enthralled by their imaginations and they are motivated by raw passion.

Rabbit and Dog protect each other

Surprisingly, rabbit and dog are a complementary pairing. Have you ever seen a dog chase a rabbit around a field? A rabbit knows exactly how to excite a dog. Rabbits move so fast that they can turn while leaping midair. As the dancers of the zodiac, rabbits are infinitely expressive. They wear their hearts on their sleeves.

If rabbits are tender and vulnerable, then dogs are protective and loyal. Dog people will never betray you. They stick by their people because they are motivated by love. A dog person will fight for their loved ones fiercely, something that rabbits appreciate.

Dragon and Phoenix are a flashy couple

The dragon and the phoenix is a classical symbol of marriage in China. In the zodiac, the dragon is the risk taker. Dragons are casino emblems for a reason! Dragon people believe in magic and love to fantasize. They are charismatic if you believe their visions and disturbing if you don't. Phoenixes are just as charismatic as dragons and their vision goes just as far. Both dragons and phoenixes are the flamboyant signs and love to dress up in avant grade looks.

Snake and Monkey have fun together

When a snake and a monkey come together, they become a trickster couple. A snake is a wonderful performer and a master of illusions. Snake people are a bit like shamans. They like a good disguise and they understand the healing potential of performance.

A monkey is terribly funny and likes to entertain. Monkeys juggle three different ideas at once and know how to converse about anything. Monkeys are pranksters and they find snake humor fun. The first thing that you will notice about a snake and monkey couple is just how much fun they have together. They may also bicker but they get each other even when they fight.

Horse and Goat love adventure

Our last complementary couple is the horse and goat. Both horses and goats are adventurers. They like to go places. Neither of them can stay in one place for too long. If a goat feels stuck, they need to travel. A horse is always thinking about where else they could live and makes sudden moves when no one expects them to.

Horses and goats are the dauntless couple. Neither of them are scared of big changes. Both of them need freedom. They go great distances together, neither of them talking the other out of their ambition.

Compatibility: Who is your creative community? Rat, Dragon, and Monkey are inventors

Rats, dragons, and monkeys are the inventors of the zodiac. All three signs like to joke around and invent new creations. Rats are thinkers, dragons love to inspire, and monkeys love a good discourse. If you are looking for creative community as a rat, dragon, or monkey, look for those who can keep up with how fast your mind thinks.

Ox, Snake, and Phoenix are intellectuals

Ox, snakes, and phoenixes are the transmuters of the zodiac. An ox will nurture a skill until it blooms into a talent. Snakes absorb information slowly before reinventing what they studied using their own ingenuity. Phoenix is the analytical sign. Phoenixes break down information and shake up our every assumption. All three signs can inspire each other because they are the three intellectuals of the zodiac.

Tiger, Horse, and Dog are ambitious

Tiger, horse, and dog form a passionate trio. All three signs are motivated by the heart. All three of them do what they want to do because they want to do it, and they'll do it when they want to do it, thank you very much! In a creative community, tigers, horses, and dogs will egg each other on. They love to give and receive compliments because all three are motivated by love and adoration.

Rabbit, Goat, and Pig are romantics

Rabbit, goat, and pig form our last trio. This is our most romantic trio. Rabbits are poets, goats are artists, and pigs are born to love. All three are interested in the intimacies and depths of interpersonal relationships. They research relationships the way a scholar studies their subject. In a creative community, rabbits, goats, and pigs lose themselves and distill their sentimentalities together.

Compatibility: Who do you clash with?

Clashes aren't always negative in Chinese astrology. In fact, snake and monkey complement each other and clash with each other. Ancient poems tell us that there are times for alignment and times for clashing. Clashes draw attention to the differences between people. Too much alignment can hide our differences and encourage too much passivity.

How do you use a clash in your chart or life? Just talk about your differences. Appreciate the other person's perspective. Everyone plays a different role in life. No one is right or wrong. Understanding someone else's perspective can show you surprising things about your own.

Rat and Ox clash with Horse and Goat

Both rat and ox are finicky about change. Rat likes to think about everything three times before proceeding. Ox likes to work methodically and slowly. In contrast, horses will go for something as soon as their intuition gives them permission. Goats can't stay in one place. They always want to explore new ideas.

Rat and ox in relationship with either horse or goat can have trouble. These big, faster moving animals will freak rat out! "Hold on—why are you moving so fast? Don't you want to stop and think for a moment?" Rat asks. "We want to be smart about this." Ox, who is wise about trust and consensus, only moves slowly. Horse doesn't see why one needs to wait for anything. They have a good feeling and that's enough. Goat thinks that, without risk, one can earn no gain.

Tiger clashes with Snake and Monkey

What do tigers, snakes, and monkeys all have in common? They all like to climb trees. All three animals are ambitious. They have vision. They set their sights using their ideals and then they make their way towards those ideals.

A tree is only so big. Tiger, snake, and monkey are all ambitious but they disagree about method. Tiger prefers to do things in their own style and doesn't usually like feedback. Both snake and monkey imitate other people's strategies to improve their own methods. Snake and monkey may think that tigers are egotistical. Tigers are just independent. They prefer to lead rather than follow.

Rabbit and Dog clash with Dragon and Phoenix

Both rabbit and dog are cooperation oriented animals. They like to be in a group. Rabbit like to feel protected and dogs like to protect others. On the other hand, dragons and phoenixes are highly independent—to the point where they are a bit weird. At least, that's how rabbit and dog people might see dragons and phoenixes.

"Why can't you be more normal?" rabbits and dogs might ask of dragons and phoenixes. "Why do you have to always try to be different than everyone else?" Dragons and phoenixes do have a contrarian streak. They don't want to think like other people. If everyone in a room agrees, then they will find a way to disagree. This isn't always a negative trait—being different can encourage other people to accept their weirdness.

Pigs clash with other Pigs, and Dragons clash with other Dragons

Both pigs and dragons have the unique trait of clashing with themselves! Remember when I said that clashes aren't always bad? Pigs and Dragons clash with themselves because there is something in the nature of these two animals that forces them to continually evaluate their own thinking.

Pigs are dreamers. They are endlessly romantic and love to fall in love. Dragons are risk-takers and visionaries. They like to imagine what could be. Both Pigs and Dragons love to fantasize. They clash with themselves because too much fantasy can make someone lose their grip on reality. Chinese astrologers say that two Pigs can see ghosts together. Two Pigs together have psychic abilities. Two Dragons can get super self-critical or even perfectionistic when they come together. They want to see their ideals come true and end up punishing themselves for the lack of perfection in their reality.

Rabbit and Rat clash

The last clash we will look at is the one between rabbit and rat. Chinese astrologers say that rabbit flourishes when rat is weak and that rat flourishes when rabbit is weak. The clash between rat and rabbit is actually about cruelty. Let's dissect why.

People become cruel when they feel powerless. Rat people are highly in touch with their sense of fear—that's why they are so cautious about change. Rabbit people are quick to express vulnerability. If Rat and Rabbit get in a relationship dynamic that encourages both to identify too strongly with what makes them feel out of control, little cruelties can grow into large ones. In a relationship, Rat and Rabbit people should pay special attention to their emotional boundaries.

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Alice Sparkly Kat is an astrologer. They use astrology to re-chart a history of the subconscious, redefine the body in world, and reimagine history as collective memory. Their astrological work has inhabited MoMA, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and The Brooklyn Museum. They're the author of Postcolonial Astrology (May 2021). Learn more at alicesparklykat.Com. 

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of June 17 - 23, 2024

Necessity may be the mother of invention, but luck doesn't care about all that. That's the eccentric energy of luck and fortune this week, between June 17 - 23, 2024. Five Chinese zodiac signs will be the luckiest of them all under its influence. They are: Ox, Horse, Rooster, Pig, and Rabbit.

This week's I Ching hexagram of luck is Fire over Fire (#30), changing to Earth over Fire (#36). It reminds you to seek your luck. You cannot benefit from luck if you refuse to step out of your comfort zone, learn and grow.

The pace isn't necessary. Neither is the path you take, as many pathways can lead to the same destination. You must not allow fear to hold you back from growing, transforming, and reaching for your luck. Self-sabotage and imposter syndrome are bigger enemies to your good fortune than everything else combined. 

1. Ox: Self-starter luck

Ox, your zodiac sign's lucky energy this week is all about pulling yourself up by the bootstrings and making something happen in your life! If you are dedicated to your dreams and pursue your goals, obstacles will melt away from your path regardless of who supports you and who doesn't. That's your luck! You are also encouraged to be more methodical about how you go about your life now. Make a five-year plan, but leave room for growth and adaptation.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Month In June 2024

2. Horse: Sweet luck

Horse, you are beautiful, no matter what you look like on the outside. If you embrace yourself this week, metaphorical warts and all, you will find your cosmic blessings unfolding at a rapid pace. Be sweet to yourself, and destiny will be sweet to you too! Those of you who are in a relationship should try to be mindful of red flags and basic incompatibility. Clinging to the wrong person or allowing energy vampires space in your life will harm your luck. The colors blue and green will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: How To Find Your Lucky Number Using Chinese Numerology

3. Rooster: Building luck

Rooster, your Chinese sign's luck this week is about planting and nurturing good seeds. Destiny and the cosmic forces will come through for you to help you in this task. So make sure you focus on building only that which is of value to you and of high priority. Why waste your luck on what's not necessary? Try to be selective of who you bring along on this journey and who you don't. The wrong companion can easily hinder instead of help. The color red will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: The Luckiest Feng Shui Home Layout For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign

4. Pig: What's good? What's true?

Pig, the energy of luck this week for you is all about noticing the world around you and figuring out what's good for you and what's not. Once you do, you will find your luck because you will no longer allow yourself to be dragged into the wrong places by the wrong people. This message is extremely potent because the next part of your journey will depend on what you do now. If you feel called to, journal your answers and then meditate on them ... Literally meditate. That will reveal the lucky paths and options for you, too.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Monthly Horoscope For June 2024

5. Rabbit: Homegrown luck

Rabbit, your luck this week is deeply attached to you and your personal history. Look back and see how much you have grown. Look at how strong and capable you are at present compared to who you were when you were much younger. This recognition will unveil your luck and show you what you need to do next. Trust that inner knowing. You are currently in an astrological period where the cosmic currents are attuned to your inner currents. While you cannot separate yourself from it, you can definitely benefit from it. The color green will be lucky for you this week.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

Chinese Horoscope 2024: The Luckiest Animals In July According To Astrology

chinese zodiac

Chinese astrologer shares luckiest animals in July 2024 (Image: Getty) Rat

Those born in the Year Of the Rat should tread carefully this month as it presents several challenges. Workplace issues may shake their confidence, leading to errors and mishaps in their professional life.

Unmarried couples are advised to manage minor disputes with their partner as they could escalate into significant long-term differences. On a positive note, the health of those under this Chinese zodiac sign will be robust.


Chinese astrology warns that those belonging to the Year of the Ox need to exercise extra caution this month, as it is not a fortunate period for them.

They must keep their fiery temper in check to avoid disagreements that could result in mental and financial distress. Investment during this period is discouraged as it could lead to losses.

They are advised against taking up new projects or job assignments but instead strive to maintain peace and balance to weather this month. Caution is also recommended before entering a new relationship, and commitments should be postponed until the end of this month.


The Chinese zodiac forecasts excellent opportunities for Tigers this month. In their professional life, they will be entrusted with new responsibilities which could bring them into the spotlight and earn them a favourable reputation.

Financially, they won't face significant losses but might somewhat struggle to make ends meet. Those in a relationship will face some problems which might not get resolved and could lead to a break up. Health-wise, this animal sign needs to lead a good lifestyle to avoid any problems for the people born in this Chinese zodiac year.


This is an important month professionally for these zodiac animals. They will face many challenges, which will require them to be strong and handle them efficiently.

Those who are self-employed will need to keep their honesty and integrity intact to win over the competition. Rabbits will have to make friends cautiously, as they might get duped by some unreliable ones. They will earn a good income but also spend more this month.


Things are starting to look very positive for the Year of the Dragon folks as their misfortune seems to have come to an end. Financial losses and health problems will fade away and so will the money-related problems.

Those who have faced bad luck in love life might meet someone soon, which could culminate in a long-term relationship.

Women friends out for shopping in Bangkok city streets

This is a fantastic month for Sheep in terms of career and health (Image: Getty) Snake

A blissful and calm period awaits this zodiac sign. They will have a pleasant and slow month where they will be able to finally relax with their mind, body and soul. Professional life will be stable and money-wise things look good, too.

They should take care and not overeat this month. Nutrition should be the priority for those suffering from high blood pressure. Timely help should be taken if this sign feels sick during July.


Horses, it's your lucky month. Expect plenty of praise and recognition from your superiors at work, which could even lead to a promotion. Your financial situation will be solid, and you'll enjoy good health throughout the month.

Your love life will also flourish as your relationship with your spouse or partner deepens.


According to the Chinese horoscope, this is a fantastic month for Sheep in terms of career and health. You'll find your job both challenging and rewarding, giving you immense satisfaction. Health-wise, things are on the upswing.

However, you'll need to keep a tight rein on your finances this month and avoid impulse buying. Your love life may present some challenges as you work through differences with your partner.


This month will bring a mix of highs and lows in your career and love life. It's a particularly tough time for Monkeys in relationships, with heartbreak or divorce likely, especially for those in middle age.

Financially, it's wise to be cautious with your investments and not rely on them for profits. Stay grounded this July 2024.


The Roosters will prioritise work and everything else will take a back seat. They will focus on their professional life and benefit from the same. Money, career and wealth fortune look great for these animal signs.

They might not be able to maintain a work-life balance, as they will be unable to spend time with their loved ones. But they will be rewarded with empathy and understanding by their families.

The July horoscope for the Chinese zodiac animal of the Rooster indicates that this is a good month for singles who are just looking to have a casual relationship as they will not find a long-term partner this month.


This is remarkably a lucky month for the Year of the Dog people. They will be fortunate in terms of money and health.

Those working in the food and finance industries will have great luck as their earnings will increase this month. Despite having tiffs with their partner or spouse, they will be able to maintain a close relationship with them.


The July horoscope for the Chinese zodiac of the Pig predicts they will be lucky at work but unlucky in love. While they might accumulate a good amount of wealth during this time, they might face disappointment in their love life.

They need to be careful about who they get close to romantically as it could lead to heartbreak in future.


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