Chinese Horoscope August 2024: Monthly Predictions as per your Chinese zodiac sign

oct 21 zodiac :: Article Creator

These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Masters Of Self-Reflection

Let's all take a moment to pause and appreciate the zodiac signs who are masters of self-reflection. While other members of the zodiac might bring the fun — and the chaos — with their impulsive comments and last-minute spontaneity, the world needs the calm, measured, thoughtful types to help balance it out.

Self-reflection, aka the art of thinking about your feelings, behaviors, and motivations, can take many forms. Someone who's good at self-reflecting might meet with their therapist regularly to unpack certain patterns or habits, while others might journal about their past or jot down goals for the future — including how everything makes them feel.

They're tuned into their emotions and aware of the way they move through the world, and that often means they're more self-aware in their relationships, as a result. You can tell right away when you're hanging out with someone who puts in the work to know themselves better, as it often has a ripple effect on everyone around them. These zodiac signs give the best advice, too, and because they're so in touch with their emotions, they often bring a calm and relaxing presence wherever they go.

To be a sign who's self-reflective is to know you don't have it all figured out, but that you're going to do everything you can to head in the right direction. While it's a skill anyone can pick up or work on, self-reflection comes most naturally to the four zodiac signs listed below.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgos appreciate the art of self-reflecting.

Maskot/Maskot/Getty Images

The Virgo mind is always working a mile a minute. There isn't a moment in the day when this analytical earth sign isn't reflecting on their goals and where they hope to be in five years. Their life runs on pros and cons lists, journal entries, and spreadsheets — and they wouldn't have it any other way.

When Virgo isn't thinking about the future, they're most likely reflecting on their past. As a sign ruled by detail-oriented Mercury, they like to dig deep and think about what they've been through. Sometimes that means wondering what life would have been like if they made different choices, like studying Philosophy in college instead of Economics. Other times, they'll review the past 24 hours and how it impacted them.

Virgos are the type to lie awake at night as they reflect on everything they did, said, and thought in a day. They'll think about how they were perceived, what they accomplished, and what they didn't accomplish. This habit ensures they stay grounded, organized, and on top of their goals, relationships, and dreams.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Scorpios love to sit and think.

AleksandarNakic/E+/Getty Images

If anyone's going to stare out a window and think about their life, it's Scorpio. This water sign looks forward to finding a place to sit and reflect, whether they're on the subway, in a cafe, on a plane, or at home on the couch. They can't wait to plop down and tap in.

Give them one single moment of peace and a Scorpio will immediately plunge into thought. If they seem quiet, they're most likely watching a mental replay of something that happened to them 10 years ago. That said, they're also good at being present and self-aware at the moment. A Scorpio will use their empathic qualities to match another person's energy during a conversation. It puts others at ease and makes their friends and partners feel safe opening up.

As a sensitive sign ruled by transformational Pluto, Scorpios are all about proverbial deaths and rebirths. They'll confront their past, learn from mistakes, and look for the best ways to get over hurdles and move forward. They're very much in touch with their emotions, too, which means they aren't afraid to dig deep or unpack the thoughts or patterns that might hold them back.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorns always take time to reflect.

Kenji Lau/Moment/Getty Images

Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, the planet of getting things done, so it's no accident they're one of the hardest-working and most successful signs of the zodiac.

This practical earth sign self-reflects regularly as part of their ongoing quest for excellence, which means they can instantly tell when something is "off" in their life. Capricorns like to set aside a scheduled amount of time to pause, reflect, and see where they might need to course-correct to get where they want to go, which is why they're big fans of therapy and coaching. That said, they'll also naturally self-reflect throughout the day, like when they're making coffee or commuting to work.

This sign is highly self-aware but also a touch self-critical, yet another thing they're working on. If one area of their life isn't going exactly according to plan they'll want to know why, but they'll also try to be gentle with themselves while they figure it out.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Pisces are always lost in thought.

Igor Alecsander/E+/Getty Images

As a sensitive, Neptune-ruled water sign, Pisces is great at staying in touch with themselves and their needs. That's why they have a grounded presence and a strong aura that almost gives them an ethereal quality. They're your wisest friend — and someone who always seems to have all the answers.

That said, Pisces likes to check out and go on mental vacations, too. When they need a self-reflective moment, they'll pack a notepad and a snack and set off in search of a quiet park bench or beautiful overlook. Their goal? To sit and think to get to know themselves even better.

Pisces are very compassionate towards everyone in their life, especially towards themselves. If they feel like they're doing too much or about to burn out, they'll slow down, press pause, and take a moment to reflect. It's one of their most admirable traits, and one others can learn from.

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Horoscope: Find Out What's In Your Week Ahead! The Forecast For September 15 Through 21

Here's the horoscope forecast for the week of September 15 through September 21.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22The key to happiness? Keep worries in perspective and don't let them run you ragged. Take steps toward a new adventure — this walk is best taken with a close pal.

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22This is a pivotal week. Keep your eyes open for chances to introduce major changes where it counts. Don't underestimate yourself at the office.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21This week, you enjoy tackling projects while keeping a low profile. You will impress the right people if you can keep your ideas flexible. A good friend brings you many laughs.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21It's time to reconsider some of your values. Do you devote enough time to the things that bring you true happiness? Are you kind to yourself? Run whatever you decide by a friend.

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19Feeling stuck in a rut? A good reorganizing session will help renew your energy. Other difficult changes on the domestic front might be in order — ask for input on everything.

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18Something that you'd planned for the future needs to be reconsidered. Don't worry — this is not a setback. In fact, it may be a blessing in disguise! You stumble upon a family heirloom.

PISCES: February 19 – March 20You're determined this week, but you may be about to encounter more than you bargained for. You are ready to show off something you've recently learned to do. Just stay humble.

ARIES: March 21 – April 19There's a lot to think about — seek out a good listener. Some decisions should not be made without a frank discussion! Your emotions will be boiling close to the surface at week's end.

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20A certain someone arouses your suspicions, but do they deserve to have their motives questioned? Talk with them when the atmosphere is likely to get them to open up.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 21Life has some surprises in store for you. Be open-minded and take everything in stride. Staying positive will surely help those around you. All can be resolved if you remember to keep your cool.

CANCER: June 22 – July 22A certain relationship is taking on an intensity that doesn't feel comfortable. Rather than clamming up, take a deep breath and state how you really feel.

LEOJuly 23 – August 22Be aware of being too idealistic and indulging in wishful thinking as the week begins — it's going to take a little bit longer to get through to you-know-who. Enjoy bonding with family.

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Get Up To Date! See Your Horoscope Forecast For The Week Of September 15 Through September 21

Closer takes a look at your horoscope forecast for the week of September 15 through September 21!

VirgoAugust 23 – September 22Get up to date with anything that needs to be completed. If there's a sudden development at work, you want to be ready to roll into action.

LibraSeptember 23 – October 22If relations between you and another are on solid ground, enjoy your connection! If there's an issue, Venus' energy can help make it right.

ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21Avoid being too forthright with your opinion of what you think others should do. Take a step back and let someone else do the talking.

SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21Someone at home may need your attention. Love on your mind? A social event can be the perfect place to mix and mingle, Sag.

CapricornDecember 22 – January 19Contacts you make at work or socially can be beneficial. You never know when someone will come through for you, so stay connected.

AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18With love, when romance taps on your heart, follow through. But don't rush into anything serious for now and see what develops.

PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20Get ready for an unexpected development in your personal life. Whatever happens, take it in stride. Things have a way of working out, Pisces!

AriesMarch 21 – April 19Relationships are hot on your radar now and passion, romance and friendship all rate high. An honest discussion sets the record straight.

TaurusApril 20 – May 20Everything needs to fit around your work schedule right now. But stay flexible, because things can change in a moment's notice.

GeminiMay 21 – June 21Looking for love? Stay alert as you could cross paths with someone destined to be in your life. A family member can help with money.

CancerJune 22 – July 22Discussions regarding family matters are due. However, if it's about money, don't be reactive.

LeoJuly 23 – August 22Teamwork is the key to your success, and time management is crucial to get the job done, Leo.

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