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The Zodiac Sign That Will Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships From Now Through November 19

There's one zodiac sign that's been through the wringer as of late, thanks to a handful of challenging astrology transits that have tested this zodiac sign time and time again. But according to astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim, things may just be turning around.

According to Grim, Capricorn should prepare to feel unstoppable until at least mid-November.

"This sign is about to set an example for the rest of the world because Pluto is retrograding back into Capricorn for the final time, possibly breaking apart many of the institutions that have been propping up the world you've always known before we start a transition into a completely new era," said Grim said in a TikTok video. 

While many other signs will find this time "quite distressing," Grim explained, Capricorn "already had to contend with the harrowing energy of Pluto on a personal level for the past 16 years, and you had two Full Moons in Capricorn this past summer, which is way more than you asked for, so I think you will sail through this just fine!"

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Since 2008, Pluto has aspected the Sun of every Capricorn alive, bringing about great upheaval and changes for those born under this sign.

When Pluto conjuncts the Sun in the chart of any individual, changes are coming — ready or not. This can be one of the most significant transits of a lifetime, but that doesn't mean it is easy. The increased intensity of this powerful planet (it doesn't matter that Pluto was demoted to a minor planet) is bound to bring about major changes that can include a complete personal makeover. In some cases, power struggles, changes in career (for better or worse), increased ambition, relationship changes, or traumatic situations can also occur depending on what else Pluto is doing in the personal chart. 

It is hard to know exactly what the outcome of this significant Pluto aspect will bring due to the dark and mysterious nature of Pluto, but rest assured, it is likely that you have experienced change — and it's doubtful that it was without struggle. Pluto-Sun aspects can encourage soul growth through adversarial conditions and situations that can include crime, general sleaziness and bad relationships, to name only a few possible ramifications of this transit. Pluto tends to destroy one area of life in preparation for building another.

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While this transit may be tough for most, Capricorn will "sail through this season just fine."

"You have already investigated the dark shadowy aspects of your psyche," Grim continued. "You've had many dark nights of the soul and every time you've thought your life was collapsing, you end up coming back stronger. You've had enough of the underworld, so expect some other signs to lean on you this September through November as the world goes through some upheaval."

According to Grim, Venus entering Capricorn's 10th house of career in September may additionally help career matters, along with the eclipse in October which could present Capricorn with a totally new career path.

Pluto enters Capricorn once more from September 1st to November 19th at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The 29th degree in astrology is considered highly significant and can bring about a sense of urgency and crisis. During this time, many things will end in our personal lives and the world in preparation for a new beginning and a new world when Pluto re-enters Aquarius on November 19th, where it will remain for the next 20 years.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.

10 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Scorpio

Scorpio, symbolized by the Scorpion, is known for its intensity, passion, and mysterious allure. Individuals born under this sign are often determined, resourceful, and magnetic, with a deep emotional depth. Here are ten celebrities who are Scorpios and embody these powerful traits:1. Leonardo DiCaprio (November 11, 1974)Leonardo DiCaprio, an Oscar-winning actor known for his roles in Titanic, Inception, and The Revenant, exemplifies Scorpio's intensity and depth. His powerful performances and commitment to environmental activism highlight his Scorpio traits of passion and determination.2. Katy Perry (October 25, 1984)Katy Perry, a pop superstar known for her chart-topping hits like Roar and Firework, embodies Scorpio's charisma and transformative energy. Her bold, ever-evolving image and powerful stage presence reflect Scorpio's passion and creativity.3. Ryan Gosling (November 12, 1980)Ryan Gosling, known for his roles in La La Land and Drive, represents Scorpio's magnetic charm and emotional depth. His ability to portray complex characters with subtle intensity showcases his Scorpio traits of mystery and allure. 4. Kendall Jenner (November 3, 1995)Kendall Jenner, a supermodel and reality TV star, embodies Scorpio's enigmatic and determined nature. Her rise in the fashion industry and her ability to maintain a sense of privacy despite her public life reflect Scorpio's resilience and resourcefulness.5. Anne Hathaway (November 12, 1982)Anne Hathaway, an Oscar-winning actress known for her roles in Les Misérables and The Devil Wears Prada, exemplifies Scorpio's intensity and emotional depth. Her powerful performances and ability to tackle complex roles highlight her Scorpio traits.6. Drake (October 24, 1986)Drake, the Grammy-winning rapper and singer, embodies Scorpio's emotional depth and transformative energy. His music, often introspective and emotionally charged, reflects Scorpio's passion and intensity.7. Julia Roberts (October 28, 1967)Julia Roberts, an Academy Award-winning actress known for her roles in Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich, represents Scorpio's charm and intensity. Her enduring appeal and ability to captivate audiences with her performances highlight her Scorpio traits.8. Emma Stone (November 6, 1988)Emma Stone, known for her roles in La La Land and The Help, exemplifies Scorpio's emotional depth and intensity. Her ability to bring authenticity and passion to her characters reflects her Scorpio nature.9. Ryan Reynolds (October 23, 1976)Ryan Reynolds, an actor known for his roles in Deadpool and The Proposal, showcases Scorpio's wit and resourcefulness. His ability to balance humor with emotional depth in his performances highlights his Scorpio traits.10. Whoopi Goldberg (November 13, 1955)Whoopi Goldberg, an EGOT-winning actress and television host, embodies Scorpio's transformative power and resilience. Her groundbreaking career in film, television, and theater, along with her activism, reflects Scorpio's passion and determination.

Libra September 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Libra personality profile.

Welcome to September, Libra. Your season begins this month, plus a tumultuous eclipse urges you to take it easy. During August, a primal full moon encouraged you to tap into new modes of pleasure, and your star-approved right to feel good continues this month in a profound and catalytic way.

On Sunday, September 1, Uranus, the rebel of the zodiac, goes retrograde in your sexy 8th House. This backward dance will last through January 2025; over the next few months, your relationship with sexuality may change. Perhaps you explore a kink, discover pleasure in more traditional lovemaking (missionary can be surprisingly hot), or even step back for a period of celibacy. Whatever happens, it will leave you feeling true to yourself and improve your relationship with intimacy, in part because, also, on Sunday, September 1, transformative Pluto, which is currently retrograde, moves into your cozy 4th House. If you can, use the Virgo new moon, a time for fresh starts, on Monday, September 2, to reflect on your sex life and pleasure and think about what's working and what isn't.

If you've been thinking about switching careers, asking for a raise, asking someone out, or truly doing anything bold that affects your social life, the stars line up to help you out on Wednesday, September 4, when the fighter Mars moves into your social 10th House. Then, on Sunday, September 8, the wise asteroid Pallas moves into your communicative 3rd House, adding extra luck to your already often charming conversations. As a result, early September is a pretty epic time to shoot your shot.

September also heightens your intuition. When the divine messenger Mercury moves into your heady 12th House on Sunday, September 8, consider keeping a dream journal by your bed to write down messages that may come to you while you sleep. It's also a lovely time to work with ancestors or tarot cards. If your schedule allows, honestly, try to spend most of mid-September resting and leaning into self-care. On Tuesday, September 17, there's a Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse, which can be pretty stressful, that occurs in your 6th House of Health. This isn't cause for alarm, but it is a warning about burnout. Keep your schedule light, and carve out time for good meals, healthy exercise, and plenty of sleep.

You're the sign of love and relationships, and you deserve to feel doted on during your birthday, which, yes, is allowed to last all season long.

And, after resting mid-month, you get to celebrate when the sun moves into your sign on Sunday, September 22. Happy solar return! Over the next few weeks, make sure to connect with friends, lovers, and family. You're the sign of love and relationships, and you deserve to feel doted on during your birthday—which, yes, is allowed to last all season long. Also on the start of your season, Sunday, September 22, is the fall equinox, meaning the hours of light and dark are equal (which, as the sign of balance, you can't help but appreciate). It's also the witchy Thanksgiving, aka Mabon, as if you need another excuse to celebrate. And, finally, also on Sunday, September 22, your ruling planet, generous Venus, moves into your opulent 2nd House, indicating that the end of September may bring welcome professional or financial news.

The end of September is a lot of fun. Just make sure, in the spirit of Mabon, to let others know how much you appreciate them, especially if they're celebrating you for your birthday. When the messenger Mercury moves into your sign on Thursday, September 26, communication comes easy, and you're not ashamed to show emotions. The more affectionate you are with others, the more they'll act the same towards you. Have fun, happy birthday, and we'll see you in October.

Important dates in September 2024:

Sunday, September 1: Uranus goes retrograde in TaurusSunday, September 1: Pluto retrograde moves into CapricornMonday, September 2: New Moon in VirgoWednesday, September 4: Mars enters CancerSunday, September 8: Pallas moves into SagittariusSunday, September 8: Mercury moves into VirgoTuesday, September 17: Full moon and lunar eclipse in PiscesSunday, September 22: Sun enters Libra; Fall EquinoxSunday, September 22: Venus moves into ScorpioThursday, September 26: Mercury enters Libra

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of September 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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