Weekly Chinese Horoscope from May 6-12, 2024: Check what's in store for you

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Friday The 13th: Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign

Friday the 13th gets a bad rep. In horror movies, old wives' tales, and pop culture, we've been told this is a day of superstitious lousy luck. However, it's untrue. In actuality, this occurrence is spiritually blessed and divine.

This September 13, 2024, falls on a Friday. Let's dive into the lore of this upcoming Friday, the 13th, and what you can expect based on your zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of Friday the 13th

Venus, the planet of love, rules over Friday the 13th. Therefore, love, beauty, grace, pleasure, ease, and flow are ours. Venusian allure and charm delivers desirable results. This occurrence was associated with and celebrated divine feminine energy in many cultures and traditions.

However, patriarchal and religious ideas took over the narrative, making any worship of goddess figures taboo. Therefore, Friday the 13th was made out to be a negative, when in actuality, it is a day to manifest your heart's wishes, call in desires, and nurture ourselves and loved ones.

The Astrology of Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th is associated with the lover planet Venus. Therefore, we naturally want to focus on Venus' transits for an accurate Friday the 13th forecast.

This Friday, the 13th, Venus is in Libra. This is an excellent transit. Venus is home in Libra, gracing us with amplified, loving energy. It is a peak time to manifest, even beyond the scope of a typical Friday the 13th.

Venus will be conjunct, or blending energies with, the asteroid Lilith to take matters even further. Lilith is known as the dark, taboo feminine archetype. It couldn't be more perfect for a Friday the 13th to land on a Venus-Lilith conjunction. September 13 will offer us ripe potential to explore our shadow side and unapologetically turn up our allure, sensuality, and self-expression.

Friday the 13th Blessings and Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign (9/13/24)

Read for your zodiac sign. Consider your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs if you know for a complete analysis.

Aries: Relationship Blessings

This Friday the 13th brings Aries interpersonal growth. With Venus transiting their relationship sector, they should focus on manifesting blessings for them and their loved ones to share. Many Rams will explore shadow work within their connections with taboo Lilith in the mix.

Taurus: Practical Growth

Taurus is ready to level up this Friday, the 13th. Their responsibility sector is blessed, making their workload more clear to manage. Manifesting career developments is key. With Lilith involved, shadow work is being done to remove guilt from their work life.

Gemini: Romantic Rendezvous

Gemini experiences luck in their love life this Friday the 13th. There are blessings in sharing and receiving care, adoration, and attraction. With Lilith involved, this Air sign must remain aware of self-sabotaging patterns in dating—manifest expansion with matters of the heart.

Related: The Most Intelligent Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers

Cancer: Community Care

Cancer feels a sense of belonging, blessing their heart this Friday the 13th. Their personal life is ready to manifest heightened growth. Emotional intelligence is critical, as Venus-Lilith reminds them there's no reason to feel shame in relationships.

Leo: Open Communication

Leo's communication sector has luck this Friday the 13th. Manifesting comes naturally as they focus and concentrate on their desires effectively. Lilith is in the mix, so Leo needs to air out repressed emotions, reminding Leo there's no reason to feel ashamed of their opinions and outlook.

Virgo: Abundant Results

As Virgo's resources are blessed by Friday the 13th, they feel capable. Self-worth raises their standards. Manifesting practical, money success is critical. With Lilith involved, there's no need to downplay your worldly desires.

Related: 4 Zodiac Signs That Manifest Success Effortlessly

Libra: Overall Luck

Libra is especially lucky this Friday the 13th. Venus is in their sign. Their life path feels auspicious, open, and freeing. Manifesting new beginnings is advised. With Lilith in the mix, this Air sign reminds us there's no reason to be ashamed of their faithful, innermost self. Shine bright!

Scorpio: Intuitive Downloads

This Friday the 13th is a spiritual experience for Scorpio. Their spirituality sector is hit, bringing them psychic, intuitive insight. To manifest what they desire, they must relinquish what no longer serves. Miracles naturally follow. With Lilith involved, this Water sign validates their emotional experience without the need for external validation.

Sagittarius: Friendship Growth

As Friday the 13th arrives, Sagittarius feels hopeful socially. There's an abundance of social opportunities with new and established friends. Manifesting for their future goals is advised, especially with others. With Lilith in the mix, they need to share their innermost secrets with trusted individuals. There will be an immediate emotional release if they do.

Related: Your September 2024 Tarot Reading

Capricorn: Career Applause

On Friday the 13th, Capricorn receives career growth. Gaining the respect and recognition they deserve is easy and flowing. Manifesting their practical desires is advised. With Lilith involved, there's a need to unapologetically show up. Hiding the "unlovable" parts of themselves is in the past.

Aquarius: Mental Breakthroughs

Aquarius sees the bigger picture this Friday the 13th. Their philosophical sector is hit, connecting them to their beliefs and moral compass. It's advised for them to manifest opportunities that allow them to get out of their comfort zone. With Lilith involved, this Air sign must remain mindful that it's okay to convey their views, even if taboo to some.

Pisces: Trust and Intimacy

Blessed in their relationships, Pisces feels open and capable of vulnerability this Friday the 13th. Deeper levels of care, devotion, and loyalty develop. Manifesting opportunities to grow their closest connections is advised. With Lilith involved, there's emotional release regarding their fears and anxieties. They begin to see that the worst-case scenario is invalid, and there's much more positivity than they thought.

Related: Mercury Retrograde Is Over: Blessings and Horoscopes

Venus Trine Jupiter Horoscope 2024: What's In Store For Your Zodiac Sign, According To An Astrologer

Whether you're a fan of sunny days spent poolside, morning walks with a slight chill in the air or reveling in organization, redecoration or planning ahead for a whole new season, September likely feels like the dreamiest of months. And this year, it also hosts a wildly fortunate planetary meet-up: Venus trine Jupiter — during which the planet of relationships, beauty and values will form a harmonizing angle to the planet of luck and abundance on Sunday, September 15.  

 In astrology, a trine is when two planets connect from a 120-degree angle, creating a free-flowing, positive aspect that spurs easygoing energy. Trines occur between planets (or luminaries, which include the sun and the moon) moving through signs that share the same element (fire, earth, air and water).  

In the case of Venus trine Jupiter, Venus will be sitting at 20 degrees of Libra, the cardinal air sign, while connecting with Jupiter, which will be at 20 degrees of Gemini, the mutable air sign. Here, all you need to know about this romantic, luck-spurring astrological event so you can make the most of it. 

What is Venus Trine Jupiter 2024? 

After moving into Libra on August 29, romantic Venus has set a whole new tone in terms of how we're relating to others, expressing ourselves through aesthetics and earning. With Venus moving through its home sign of Libra, we've had a clear runway for strengthening our ability to nurture relationships of all kinds, step up our beauty game and perhaps even more readily go to bat for earning opportunities that ideally align with your values. Meanwhile, Jupiter has been in fellow social air sign Gemini since May 25, amplifying the cerebral aspects of life, such as communication and connection, socializing and soaking up all the information possible. 

 When these two planets talk to one another through a sweet trine, you could enjoy a burst of glass-half-full energy and desire — and ability — to prioritize pleasure, creativity and bonding with loved ones. From hanging out with your social circle to going on vacation or even indulging in a little bit of retail therapy, this transit lends itself to leaning into your heart's desires and emphasizing joyfulness. You'll also do well to consider making a new investment or pursuing a financial goal, given that both Venus and Jupiter can have a positive effect on money and wealth. And because this celestial sync-up is happening in two people-oriented, buzzy air signs, it's supplying your ability to connect with others with even more feel-good fuel.  

When is Venus Trine Jupiter 2024? 

Venus will trine Jupiter on Saturday, September 14 at 10:34 p.M. PT/Sunday, September 15 at 1:34 a.M. ET. But you could feel its effects for about four days before and after the astrological event is exact.  

What Venus Trine Jupiter 2024 means for you, based on your sign 

Here, how Venus trine Neptune 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.) 



When romantic Venus in your partnership zone forms its harmonizing angle to lucky Jupiter in your communication sector, the sky's the limit for launching any kind of shared endeavor with a dear friend, loved one or significant other or colleague. Or a sibling could be the ideal buddy for moving the ball forward on a joint aspiration. And if you've been itching to hit the road and get out into the world, even on a short weekend getaway, this could be a wonderfully ideal moment to make it happen. 

Click through for more on Aries. 



This transit could lead to a well-deserved income boost or a surge in your self-worth, given that sweet Venus, your ruler, is now in your daily routine and wellness sector as it connects with fortunate Jupiter in your money zone. You're currently in a phase in which making your everyday hustle more social just feels right — and amplifies your productivity. You could feel like you're in such a wonderful flow that you're able to magnetize greater rewards for your efforts now.  

Click through for more on Taurus. 



This could be one of the sweetest, most memorable and pleasure-packed moments of the year for you, thanks to relationship-oriented Venus in your romance and self-expression zone syncing with fortunate Jupiter in your sign. You'll feel like you can wear your heart on your sleeve, enjoy spontaneous, fun-loving activities with your nearest and dearest, be more creative and let your inner light shine now. If you've been wanting to tap into your artistic impulses or make a grand statement about how you feel about someone special, you can capitalize on this energy for a dreamy upshot. 

Click through for more on Gemini. 



You can look forward to a surge of positive energy affecting your bonds with family members, inner life and psychological well-being as sweet Venus in your home zone forms such a lucky angle to expansive Jupiter in your spirituality sector. You could feel more optimistic about your ability to get in sync with loved ones on ongoing emotional issues and to cultivate more peace and centeredness overall. This may also be a time that lends itself to picking up beneficial skills from therapy or other forms of self-reflection like meditation or journaling. 

Click through for more on Cancer. 



Your social life and opportunities to express your big picture ideas will benefit from relationship-oriented Venus in your communication zone forming such an uplifting angle to lucky Jupiter in your networking and friendships sector. Over the course of past month, it may have been tougher to get on the same page as your social and professional connections, because of Mercury retrograde, but now, it feels you're making up for lost time, flooded with learning opportunities, invitations, thrilling brainstorms, get-togethers and collaborative efforts. You'll only have to figure out which is most worth your energy!  

Click through for more on Leo. 



You can look forward to this trine bringing a burst of optimism and abundance to your professional path, thanks to creative Venus in your money zone and magnifying Jupiter in your career zone. Higher-ups could be quicker to praise you for putting your nose to the grindstone, you could be more at ease than usual stepping into a position of authority — in part because you feel so supported by colleagues or friends — or you might find a lot of pleasure and fun in making your mark in a public way.  

Click through for more on Virgo. 



Breaking free of your typical routine and putting the pedal to the metal on a horizon-broadening adventure or knowledge-gathering experience will feel easier than ever with your ruler, sweet Venus, in your sign forming such a fortunate angle to lucky Jupiter in your higher learning zone. Enlisting friends or loved ones to come along for the ride — whether that involves a long-distance trip or can make for an even more emotionally fulfilling and memorable time. Working with a mentor or taking a class that helps you sharpen an existing skill set or hone a new one entirely could also boost your joy.  

Click through for more on Libra. 



Your closest relationships are sure to be your focus — and a source of bliss — now, given that relationship-oriented Venus in your spirituality zone forms a lucky angle to expansive Jupiter in your intimacy sector. As a result of spending more time diving into self-work, self-reflection or other mind-body practices, you'll be even more in touch with your mental and emotional needs and, in turn, able to convey that to someone special, whether a significant other or loved one. You could feel like this moment serves to deepen your bond in an almost otherworldly way. 

Click through for more on Scorpio. 



Both your romantic and platonic relationships will feel like a source of lighthearted fun, creative inspiration and even more pleasure than usual thanks to romantic Venus in your friendship zone, connecting to your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter, in your partnership sector. Whether you've been wanting to move the ball forward on a collaborative effort, dive into an artistic endeavor or just set aside time for laughing and catching up together, this moment is yours for the taking. Just try to take a moment to tune into your heart to consider if bonding one-on-one or as part of a group would most benefit your bonds. 

Click here for more on Sagittarius. 



If you've been wanting to feel more fulfilled within your everyday work or pinpoint a new path to making your mark professionally, you can tap into your imagination and your connections now, because social Venus in your career zone is syncing with lucky Jupiter in your daily routine sector. Don't hesitate to mull over and even act on a creative solution that crosses your mind or comes up in a conversation with a loved one or friend. You can also put emphasis on routes to success that would dovetail well with your usual hustle and that would improve your work-life balance. 

Click through for more on Capricorn. 



With romantic Venus in your adventure zone forming a harmonizing angle to lucky Jupiter in your romance and self-expression sector, this could be a truly revitalizing, buoyant moment for your relationships and ability to shake things up and strike out against any sense of monotony. You generally thrive on getting out of your comfort zone, and this aspect lends itself to doing exactly that, ideally with someone special, like a significant other or loved one. Know that you can more readily tune into your heart and follow it toward making even your wildest daydream a reality now. 

Click through for more on Aquarius. 



Your most intimate bonds are bound to be a source of comfort more than usual now that relationship-oriented Venus in your emotional bonds sector trining lucky Jupiter in your home zone. You can more readily open up about deep-rooted emotional issues and feel heard and find that you and someone special have an easier time than usual holding space for one another to move through complicated feelings, which can't help but get you on the same page. This could also be a beneficial moment for moving the ball forward on a financial aspiration you share with a loved one. 

Click through for more on Pisces. 

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Your 2024 Venus In Scorpio Horoscope: What's In Store For Your Zodiac Sign From September 22 To October 17

Since the end of August, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, has been right at home in a sign it rules, bringing more balance, harmony and diplomacy to relationships of all kinds. But as of Sunday, September 22 at 10:36 p.M. ET/7:36 p.M. PT, the way in which we connect with others, earn and express ourselves through beauty and style will take on a more intense, emotionally-charged and deeply-feeling tone as a result of Venus entering Scorpio. Since Thursday, August 29, Venus has been in Libra, the cardinal air sign in which it's at home, or in domicile, meaning capable of functioning at its height power. But as it shifts into Scorpio, the planet of romance will be in detriment, or challenged to express itself at full strength. The silver lining: We'll be compelled to get more creative with our approach to Venusian areas of life, whether that's heart-to-hearts, money making endeavors or creative undertakings.

Here, all you need to know in order to make the most of Venus in Scorpio 2024.

What's the meaning of Venus in Scorpio?

In astrology, Venus oversees relationships, beauty, pleasure, values and money, and annually, the planet makes its way through Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Scorpio. To understand Scorpio energy, consider the water sign's co-ruling planets: go-getter Mars, which oversees action, energy, drive, passion and sex, and regenerative Pluto, which oversees power, control and transformation. In relationships, those born under the sign of the Scorpion are laser-focused on commitment, loyalty and intimacy. They come off as fearless, courageous and even a bit possessive.    

As one of the fixed signs (the others are Taurus, Leo and Aquarius), Scorpio is resolute when pursuing just about any goal — but might also suffer from obstinacy and black-and-white thinking. 

When Venus is in Scorpio, you might be more inclined to deepen your bonds, cut out other to-dos so you can spend more quality time with a significant other, friends or loved ones and see social plans as hard and fast. This is also a chance to reflect on and potentially grapple with reciprocity in relationships in order to better understand if both parties are showing up fully or if one person is all in while the other is behaving in a fair weather way. 

And because Venus is also the planet of earning and values, you could be inspired to bring a more power-seeking, in control boss energy to your professional and money making pursuits. 

What can you expect during Venus in Scorpio 2024

Although Venus moves through Scorpio annually, all of the planets move at different rates through the zodiac, so the social planet's meet-ups with other celestial bodies changes from year to year. A few must-knows: In 2024, on Friday, October 4, Venus in Scorpio will form a sweet trine to taskmaster Saturn in dreamy Pisces, which can promote commitment and loyalty in relationships. You could feel closer to your significant other, loved one, friend or business partner — and more ready to "do the work" of bonding and showing up for one another.

On Tuesday, October 8, Venus forms another trine to go-getter Mars in fellow water sign, sentimental Cancer, which boosts creativity and the ability to attract pleasurable experiences. 

You could be inspired to strike out on your own when tackling an artistic project or experimenting with your beauty routine — or crave more freedom in your relationships when Venus opposes gamechanger Uranus in Taurus on Monday, October 14. And the next day, on Tuesday, October 15, Venus gets cozy with mystical Neptune in imaginative, empathic Pisces, making for a moment in which spirituality, magic and whimsy are easier to access. 

Here, how Venus in Libra 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)



Your sex life, deepest-rooted emotions and desires within your nearest and dearest relationships are a key focus now, thanks to Venus spending time in your intimacy sector. You'll want to feel even more bonded to your significant other or other loved ones. And while you tend to be rather direct and to-the-point in how you relate and communicate, this period could inspire you to embrace vulnerability and wear your heart on your sleeve more than usual, which can only serve to make you feel more connected and in sync with the people you adore most.



You crave sensual, heartfelt experiences, so you'll love this season for its many opportunities to create those, because Venus is now in your partnership sector. Just know that with Venus in your opposite sign, the tone within relationships could be a little more intense than you're accustomed to. Still, you can more readily tap into diplomacy and find ways to get on the same page as your significant other, a dear friend or a loved one. Spending time together one-on-one can also be more fulfilling than usual. And because this is also the zone that oversees mediation and negotiations, you could finally resolve some kind of ongoing disagreement. 



Even if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by all your everyday to-dos, you'll sail through them with a little help from friends — or loved ones or your significant other now, because Venus is in your wellness and daily routine zone, bringing a more social vibe to this part of your life. Enlisting someone near and dear to support you through regular chores, daily walks or even checking out a new workout studio you've been meaning to swing by, you'll feel more connected and productive. 



This could be one of the most magical, abundance-bringing times of year for you, thanks to sweet Venus moving through your romance and self-expression zone. You'll be more apt to hit pause on hard and fast deadlines in order to take advantage of in-the-moment fun with your partner or your social circle. And being more spontaneous and artistic now can also have you feeling more alive and centered in your sense of self. Owning your voice is a part of this transit, as well, so dive into that creative project you've been wanting to launch. 



As action-oriented as you are, you also have a soft side that adores lazing close to home with your loved ones, so think about embracing that part of your personality while Venus spends time in your home zone. Adopting a slower pace just feels right, as does devoting more time to taking walks down memory lane with loved ones, starting new traditions and just generally getting comfy and cozy while bonding with one another. Because Venus is the planet of beauty, you could also be more inspired than you have previously to decorate your home in a way that really showcases your aesthetic.



Your social life is about to get even buzzier and more fulfilling, thanks to Venus in your communication zone. Your calendar could be more booked up as you squeeze in hang-outs with friends and brainstorms or networking sessions with colleagues. And this transit also fuels your curiosity and desire to learn and be on-the-go — perhaps saying "yes" to more short-distance trips, ideally the kind that will help you nurture existing connections or make new ones. And if you've been wanting to flex your creative muscle by learning a new skill set — like creating your own perfume or freshening up your wardrobe — go for it.



After spending time at home in your sign, Venus shifts into your income sector, which supports your ability to be especially charming and magnetic when sharing your moneymaking ideas with higher-ups and colleagues. Any financial goal you've been musing about making a reality will be easier to pursue now, because you have even more help from your friends. This transit also sets the stage for you to engage in practices that bolster your self-worth (like therapy or deep talks with your nearest and dearest), which can only attract even more rewards.



Social Venus is in your sign and self-image zone, which makes it possible for you to truly step into your power in matters of love, beauty, values and earning. You generally settle for nothing less than deeply intimate bonding with the people you cherish the most, and now, that level of relating is easier to tap into. Giving voice to your desires can also be the key to feeling even more self-assured and centered within your bonds. You might also go to bat for money-related aspirations you're particularly passionate about.



As Venus moves through Scorpio, it spends time in your spirituality sector, which is a quieter part of your chart that's not as comfy for you, given that you tend to be so gregarious and social. Still, this can be a fulfilling moment if you lean into what this time was made for: tending to your psychological well-being as it relates to your bonds. You might also find it gratifying to focus on nurturing trust and intimacy within your relationship to your significant other perhaps through spiritual, restorative practices like couples yoga or morning walks.



You can hit the gas on collaborative endeavors and feel more capable of crossing the finish line on a goal you share with friends, loved ones or colleagues thanks to Venus moving through your networking and friendships zone now. And you'll also crave a sense of connection with a team or community, so if you're not already a part of one, this can be a wonderful time to seek out groups of like minded people, as relationship-oriented Venus can support this endeavor. If you've been wanting to move the ball forward on a long-term wish, your platonic bonds could be an important resource now, too.  



If you've been wanting to command the spotlight on the job, take on more of a leadership position or bring a more creative, innovative perspective to your professional path, you'll have the green light now thanks to Venus's trip through your career zone. This season lends itself to charming higher-ups and earning more accolades for all your hard work. Reflect on your sense of authority and maybe even have a heart-to-heart with a significant other or dear friend about how you'd like to step into your power even more.



You'll want to break free of any aspect of your routine that feels like a snoozefest, because Venus is now in your higher learning and adventure sector, cranking up a feeling of restlessness. The best fix: capitalizing on any inspiration you might feel to pursue eye-opening experiences with your significant other or someone else special. This could look like long-distance travel or even signing up for a class or a retreat together, in which you can pick up new skills, make connections outside of your typical circle and possibly even explore philosophies and perspectives that differ from your own.

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