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Chinese Horoscope: Five Zodiac Signs Are The Luckiest This Week According To Astrology

Chinese lunar zodiac, happy chinese new year, gold chinese lunar symbols on wooden background

Chinese horoscope: Five zodiac signs are the luckiest this week according to astrology (Image: Getty)

The Chinese New Year, represented this year by the Wood Dragon, started in February 2024 and will last until January 2025.

This mythical creature embodies strength and good fortune while representing health and power, making 2024 a notably lucky time for those born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024.

However, the prosperity of the Dragon extends itself to each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. And this week, five of them will be more lucky than the others.

Between Monday, June 17 and Friday, June 23, the patient Ox and lively Horse, among others, will experience a stroke of fortune in their unique way.

While some will discover self-made luck, another Chinese zodiac will determine what truly works for them - and what doesn't.

12 Chinese Zodiac animals

There are 12 zodiac signs in Chinese astrology, each represented by an animal (Image: GETTY) 1. Ox

Sharing her predictions with Your Tango, intuitive Tarot Card Reader, spiritual guide and astrologer Valeria Black described the Ox's luck as a "self-starter".

She said: "Ox, your zodiac sign's lucky energy this week is all about pulling yourself up by the bootstrings and making something happen in your life! If you are dedicated to your dreams and pursue your goals, obstacles will melt away from your path regardless of who supports you and who doesn't." Valeria suggested that luck comes from being encouraged to be more methodical about how to navigate life.

2. Horse

Pegged to experience "sweet luck", Valeria suggested that those who identify with the horse will find "cosmic blessings unfolding at rapid pace" if they just embrace themselves this week. She urged: "Be sweet to yourself, and destiny will be sweet to you too! Those of you who are in a relationship should try to be mindful of red flags and basic incompatibility."

The astrologer warned that clinging to the wrong person or allowing people to suck the energy from you will harm your luck, though the colours blue and green are a symbol of good fortune this week.

Chinese zodiac wheel

Each animal is thought to embody traits of those born under that zodiac sign (Image: GETTY) 3. Rooster

The Rooster will build luck this week by "planting and nurturing good seeds". According to Valeria, destiny and the cosmic forces will help the Rooster in this task. She said: "So make sure you focus on building only that which is of value to you and of high priority."

Valeria warned against wasting luck on the unnecessary and instead, to be "selective" of who joins your journey. She noted that the wrong companion could hinder instead of help, and to look out for the colour red - it will be lucky for the Rooster this week.

4. Pig

Valeria explained: "Pig, the energy of luck this week for you is all about noticing the world around you and figuring out what's good for you and what's not. Once you do, you will find your luck because you will no longer allow yourself to be dragged into the wrong places by the wrong people."

She urged those who identify with he Pig to consider this message "extremely potent" because the next part of your journey will depend on the present. The astrologer suggests journalling your answers if you feel compelled to, and then meditate on them. Valeria claimed that this "will reveal the lucky paths and options".

5. Rabbit

Expectant of homegrown luck this week, Valeria said that the Rabbit's luck this week is deeply attached to personal history. She urged: "Look back and see how much you have grown. Look at how strong and capable you are at present compared to who you were when you were much younger. "

According to the astrologer, this recognition will unveil the luck and guide the next steps. She continued: "Trust that inner knowing. You are currently in an astrological period where the cosmic currents are attuned to your inner currents."

Valeria noted that while it's not always easy to separate yourself from such inner currents, you can benefit from them. Look out for the colour green which is lucky for the Rabbit this week.

Relationships Improve Between July 8 - 14 For These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs

You will find your luck in love between July 8 - 14, 2024 in the arms of time and wisdom. Of course, five Chinese zodiac signs will benefit the most if they align themselves with this message: Rat, Horse, Ox, Tiger, and Pig. But the rest of the signs are encouraged to walk the path of radical love too.

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Thunder over Mountain (#62). It urges us to not get overwhelmed by the big picture in love. After all, it can be awfully stressful when you believe that only a "happily ever after" can reveal if a relationship was successful. 

Some people burden themselves even further by needing to feel envied by others for the partner they have. Don't sabotage your luck in love through these meandering paths and toxic considerations. Instead, focus on the here and now and just show up in your relationship (and budding romance) with your best. 

Mindfulness will help you where stress won't. Then wait for the other person to show you who they are. Luck will reveal who's for you and who's not, and your luck will also build something worth building. 

1. Rat

(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Rat, your luck in love this week is extra strong! If you are single, you will find your luck when you choose to stop searching for love. This sounds counterintuitive, but trust the process. Focus on yourself instead and lean into self-care and self-development. The chips will fall where they will and your true love will find you.

If you are in a relationship, lean into the idea that you are perfect exactly as you are. Why? Because change and growth are an inevitable part of life. So judging yourself as imperfect is just an illusion. You need to radically embrace yourself and your ever-unfolding journey. That's how you will bring luck into your love life this week.

RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Have Very Lucky Love Horoscopes In July 2024

2. Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horse, your luck in love this week is all about taking initiative — but also knowing your limits. If you are single, you are encouraged to unleash your creative side and watch as it transforms you into the coolest version of you. Love will blossom in the most unexpected way when you do this.

If you are in a relationship, you will find your luck in love when you and your partner choose to withdraw into your own bubble of peace, love, and comfort, out of the eyes of the world and its envy. Whether you choose to do this by zipping off on an impromptu vacation or calling it a night-in over the weekend is up to you. Let your hearts guide you in this.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect During The Month Of July 2024

3. Ox

(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Ox, your luck in love this week has a saucy quality to it. If you are single, you are encouraged to be your true self and not "take yourself down a notch" just because your natural brightness triggers someone else's insecurities. You are not too much. They are just not right for you. This is the only way you will trigger your romantic luck.

If you are in a relationship, you are urged to take note of the red flags in the people surrounding you and your partner and not ignore any underhanded tactics to drive a wedge between the two of you. You must take charge of your luck in this arena by acting when your intuition nudges you!

RELATED: Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For July 8 - 14, 2024

4. Tiger

(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

Tiger, your luck in love this week has a poetic quality to it. If you are single, lean into your creative side and unleash your inner genius. It may come across as eccentric to certain people, but they don't represent everyone in the world. You will find your tribe and soulmate when you live from a space of pure expression and emotional authenticity.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to bring your and your partner's family and friends together this week. Let the bonds of love between the two of you get stronger through such familial interactions. That's how you will unlock your romantic luck. It's time to be in it for the long haul!

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 8, According To A Tarot Card Reader

Related Stories From YourTango: 5. Pig

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Pig, your luck in love this week is all about making the right choices when life throws them at your feet. If you are single, don't settle for someone who does not inspire you or bring out your passionate side. You will unleash your luck when you refuse to let people dictate what your love life should look like and what is the "done thing" for you based on their biases and prejudices.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to bring out your loving and caring side this week and nurture your relationship without any expectations. While being a perpetual giver can be toxic, bringing out this side from time to time can be extraordinary.

RELATED: The Real Reason Your Zodiac Sign Won't Commit To A Relationship

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

The 12 Chinese Astrology Signs And What They Mean For You

For more than 2,000 years, the Chinese zodiac has played an integral role in Chinese culture. You may have heard that 2024 is the Year of the Dragon (2023 was the Year of the Rabbit), but if you're not familiar with Chinese traditions, you might not understand the significance of Chinese New Year (aka Lunar New Year as opposed to the Gregorian calendar used in the West.) and the Chinese zodiac system.

While Western astrology is detailed and based on movements of the Sun, Asian astrology is even more complex and nuanced, incorporating not just the 12 Chinese zodiac animals but also the five Chinese zodiac elements—earth, metal, water, wood and fire—and yin and yang energy and follows the moon. But let's begin with the basics: What are the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, how did they come to be and what do they mean for your personality? If you're looking to learn more about your animal sign, Chinese horoscope, and the Chinese zodiac years, keep reading!

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What is the Chinese zodiac?

The Chinese zodiac, also known as Shengxiao ("born resembling"), is a repeating cycle of 12 years, and each year is represented by a different animal. In order, the 12 animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The order of the Chinese astrological signs is related to the most commonly accepted legend of the Chinese zodiac: the Jade Emperor's Race. As the story goes, the Chinese emperor held a race to determine which lucky animals would have the honor of being added to the lunar calendar. The first-place winner—who ended up being the Rat—would claim the first year of the 12-year cycle, and so on. While the system originated in China – it remains popular in many East Asian countries like India, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand.

How do I know my Chinese zodiac sign, and what does it mean?

Juleen (Zhuqing) Wang, student services advisor for Montclair State University's School of Business, grew up in Hangzhou, China. She loves to share Chinese culture and history with her students, and she also sometimes teaches Chinese language classes. As a native of China, she and her family always clung to the superstition of the Chinese zodiac. "Nowadays," she says, "[fewer] people care about it, but it's still in people's minds." For example, zodiac traits and compatibility are often cited as reasons two people don't get along. ("They're a Tiger and an Ox—of course they're fighting!")

While that may sound a lot like Western astrology, Wang notes that the very natures of Western and Eastern astrology are inherently different. "In Western astrology, horoscopes change," she explains. "Chinese astrology is pretty set in stone." Unlike Western astrology, which is governed by the constant planetary movements, Chinese astrology is predetermined by birth year; an Ox is an Ox, and that never changes (though the personality of a Water Ox will be somewhat different from a Fire Ox, and a Water Dragon different from a Wood Dragon). So what does your animal sign say about you?

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: rabbitEmma Kumer/rd.Com Rabbit

Birth years of the Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Next year of the Rabbit: 2035

People born in Rabbit years are described as smart, kind and docile. Rabbits do not get along with Snakes, which Wang knows from personal experience. "My dad was an Ox," she reminisces. "I'm a daddy's girl. My mom is a Rabbit, and she said I bullied her!" Rabbits are said to get along famously with Dogs, Goats, Monkeys and Pigs.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: dragonEmma Kumer/rd.Com Dragon

Birth years of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Next year of the Dragon: 2036

Dragons are incredibly important to Chinese culture, so naturally, the Dragon is a very popular Chinese astrology sign. "Dragon is warmhearted and enthusiastic. The birth rate will actually even increase during that year because everyone wants a Dragon baby," Wang reveals. "There is such a huge competition when Dragon babies need to go to college, because [they] are facing more competitors." She also notes that Jack Ma Yun, owner of Alibaba and one of the richest men in China, is a Dragon. Dragons pair best with Roosters, Rats and Monkeys.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: SnakeEmma Kumer/rd.Com Snake

Birth years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Next year of the Snake: 2025

"We say that Snake is like the mini Dragon, so that is very popular as well," says Wang. "They're very curious and wise, but they can also be jealous and greedy. Snake goes really well with Ox—and I actually married an Ox!" Dragons and Roosters are optimal matches for a Snake.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: HorseEmma Kumer/rd.Com Horse

Birth years of the Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Next year of the Horse: 2026

The horse has been one of the most influential animals in all of human history, which is why, Wang says, the Horse "is a leader and very generous as well." People born in Horse years are also said to be talented and energetic. This Chinese astrology sign matches well with Tigers, Goats and Rabbits.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: GoatEmma Kumer/rd.Com Goat

Birth years of the Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Next year of the Goat: 2027

Often seen as followers and not leaders, people born in Goat years are gentle, decent and a little timid. "Goat is actually an animal that a lot of people try to avoid, because Goat always has a hard life," says Wang, adding that the birth rate tends to decrease in Goat years. If you're a Goat, you'd be wise to make a match with a Horse, Rabbit or Pig.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: MonkeyEmma Kumer/rd.Com Monkey

Birth years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Next year of the Monkey: 2028

Pretty much everyone loves a Monkey, likely because this is the animal most genetically linked to humans. "Monkey has really good social skills and is very humorous," Wang says. Those two personality traits also make Monkeys playful and even sometimes mischievous. Ox, who is patient, and Rabbit, who is kind, are ideal matches for this sign.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: RoosterEmma Kumer/rd.Com


Birth years of the Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Next year of the Rooster: 2029

One can literally and figuratively set their clock by the Rooster, a sign that's defined by reliability and consistency. For this reason, Roosters tend to do very well in Ox years. "They are also very brave and very entertaining," Wang says. Ox and Snake are zodiac signs that are compatible with the Rooster.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: DogEmma Kumer/rd.Com Dog

Birth years of the Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Next year of the Dog: 2030

"Dog sign is exactly what you think about dogs," Wang says of man's best friend. "Dog is very loyal, playful and selfless." This sign is also considered practical, much like how the real animal is used for protection or bred by humans for specific purposes. Dog's best bet for a partner is a Rabbit—someone who is as kind and loving as they are.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: PigEmma Kumer/rd.Com


Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Next year of the Pig: 2031

"The Pig is loving, happy, direct and persuasive," says Wang. In fact, they may be the happiest out of the zodiac signs. The Pig may have come in last in the emperor's race, but this animal sign is no slouch. The year 2019 was the year of the Earth Pig, which was predicted to bring steadiness, wealth and opportunity. (How was it for you?) Tigers, Rabbits and Goats will make a Pig happy.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: RatEmma Kumer/rd.Com Rat

Birth years of the Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Next year of the Rat: 2032

"We normally say Rat is smart, charming and imaginative," Wang says. "That's how he got first place." The Rat secured first place in the emperor's legendary race by riding on the back of the Ox and jumping off just in time to cross the finish line. This enviable wit is a source of pride for people of this Chinese astrology sign. As it happens, Rat is most compatible with Ox, as well as with Dragon and Monkey. Rat is sometimes translated to English as "Mouse."

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: OxEmma Kumer/rd.Com Ox

Birth years of the Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Next year of the Ox: 2033

Duped by the Rat, the Ox came in second place. "Ox is very determined and generous and patient," Wang says. "Ox is also considered very hardworking." Those virtues may have helped people born in Ox years through 2021, the year of the Metal Ox—because in Chinese astrology, your own year is actually considered unlucky. That's because being born is said to antagonize a Chinese god of fortune named Tai Sui, earning you his curse. "He's going to be against you," Wang explains. "You're trying to fight that monster." One way to ward off the evils of your birth year is to wear red, an auspicious color in Chinese culture. Snakes, Rats and Roosters are the best matches for an Ox.

Illustration of animal from the chinese zodiac: TigerEmma Kumer/rd.Com Tiger

Birth years of the Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Next year of the Tiger: 2034

"Tiger is very adventurous," explains Wang. "[The Chinese] consider people in that year very lucky. The negative side is that Tigers can be kind of dramatic and cocky." Interestingly, Forbes once did a study of the 400 richest Americans and found a disproportionately large number of them were Tiger babies! Tiger goes well with Dragon, Horse and Pig.

Additional reporting by Emma Taubenfeld. 

About the experts
  • Juleen (Zhuqing) Wang is the student services academic advisor for Montclair State University's School of Business.
  • Sources:


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