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Your Relationship Has A Love Number — Here's What It Means

Just as every individual has a life path number, according to numerology, each relationship has its own love number. As an astrologer named May explained in a TikTok video, this love number can reveal "exactly what could unfold within your relationship."

"The first step to getting your relationship number is by taking every single digit of your birthday, adding it up until you arrive at a single digit. And take your partner's birthday and add up every single digit until you arrive at a single digit, which is essentially your life path number," began May.

So, for instance, let's say you were born July 31st, 1980. You would do 0+7+3+1+1+9+8+0= 29. Because it's not a single digit, you would add those numbers again, until they give you a single digit. Meaning, 2+9+11 and then, 1+1=2.

After you get your life path number, the next step is to get your partners. Then, May explained, you add these two life numbers together to get your relationship number, also known as your love number.

Knowing your relationship love number is useful in any relationship, including friendships and family relationships. It can better prepare you for the journey ahead — and the challenges you'll face along the way, making it much easier to overcome any difficulties that stand in your way.

Love number 1

If you have love number one, you're in luck. According to Taime Doucette, a spiritual guide, this relationship is excellent for building a business. In a TikTok video, he explained that this couple is a known power couple that works together beautifully. Because of this, it's unsurprising that this couple will garner plenty of wealth within their time spent together.

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Love number 2

Two is the "number of intuition," said May. This number has to do with caring and emotions. And because of this, it might feel like you both know each very well, sometimes without any words even being exchanged. This number can also mean you have a psychic connection, meaning your bond is likely strong.

Love number 3

"The three is a really fun energy," numerologist Brearna Hayden said in a TikTok video, explaining that relationships with love number three are full of playful banter and jokes. She added that this couple is able to make just about anything fun. Even if they're doing boring tasks like washing the dishes or cleaning up their bedroom, they find a way to bring joy to their relationship.

So, if your love number is three then congrats, you found your best friend in this person.

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Love number 4

Numerologist Diana Stetter explained that those with a love number four need to put work into their relationship. In a TikTok, She said that although this relationship "is intense and one of a kind," these partners tend to have a "different point of view in life."

Because of this, arguments can happen if you're not careful. So, be willing to keep an open mind in this relationship and find ways to compromise.

Love number 5

"This relationship is about accepting the change. How each of you are growing and changing into different people," Stetter has said. Growing together, you'll be able to bring out the best in each other — if you can accept each version of each other. 

Stetter added that you must be able to decide things together as a couple. Everything must be a team effort, otherwise there's room for resentment to build.

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Love number 6

Now, if you're looking for true friendship, you're in the right place. Stetter explained that this love number is all about happiness and peace. 

That said, this couple should steer clear of bringing negativity or criticism into the relationship, as this is the fastest way to say 'bye-bye' to an otherwise healthy relationship dynamic. So, be affectionate with your partner and avoid full-blown arguments. Try to keep things positive and you will see this relationship thrive.

Love number 7

Love number seven is indicative of a super spiritual relationship. All about development, you both are constantly looking for ways to develop and improve as individuals.

Stetter also mentioned that this couple prefers to be isolated from society. And although there's nothing wrong with alone time, too much isolation is not good for your mental health.

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Love number 8

If your relationship's life path number is eight, this shows abundance in your relationship. This could come in the form of money, power, or success. Because of this, your relationship with your partner will be pretty unbreakable.

Yet, May explained, the number eight is also representative of karma, showing that "this relationship holds a lot of past life karma." What this boils down to is having karmic debt from a past life or past lives.

And like with anything in life, life path number eight also has its drawbacks. May said, "There could be a power struggle in this relationship." Making it harder for you two to connect.

Love number 9

If your love number is nine, be prepared to live a lavish lifestyle. This couple is predisposed to gain lots of popularity and fame together.

This relationship will be a business relationship that's less focused on romance and more focused on finances.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.

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All About The Angel Number 333

Have you been seeing 3:33 on the clock for a week straight now? Are you noticing that you've been unintentionally bumping into this repeating number everywhere you go, like it's some unavoidable ex? You don't mind the bombardment because you can't help but blush with excitement and curiosity whenever you see angel number 333.

Maybe no one quite understands you when you tell them how often you're seeing this repeating number, which has left you hunting for answers on your own as you make sense of this phenomenon. Really though, what does angel number 333 mean and why are you seeing it so often? Grab your matcha, it's time for a spiritual crash course on repeating number 333.

What's an angel number?

In numerology, certain repeating numbers are considered to be angel numbers. Yes, they're literally what it sounds like: Numbers sent to you from the angelic realm. An angel number is a positive omen meant to provide you with clarity and inspiration.

That means if you're seeing repeating numbers like 1111 or 444, you're coming into contact with some special messages that require your undivided attention. Angel numbers are numerology codes sent to you from spiritual beings like passed on loved ones, your ancestors, or your spirit guides, such as angels. Take note of these angel numbers and trust that you're being divinely guided at this time in your life.

Related Story What does angel number 333 mean?

The angel number 333 holds powerful significance. This number is associated with femininity, creativity, and intuition. When you come across this angel number, think of it as a friendly love note to stop worrying so much. You could be in a stressful situation that is causing you confusion. In that case, angel number 333 is reminding you of how intuitively connected you are.

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What does 3 mean in numerology?

Number 3 is an important number in numerology—think about the phrase "good things come in threes!" Additionally, 3 represents creativity, communication, curiosity, and optimism.

Related Story What does angel number 333 mean for love?

Did you know that angel number 333 is also a love number? In the interest of love, seeing repeating number 333 is a message reminding you to surrender and trust all outcomes. It could also indicate that you are embodying your inner divine feminine energy or that you're full of fertility. "Fertility" can be both literal and symbolic, so if you have no plans of family planning, you can perceive this time as a moment in your life where you are full of manifestation power. You are manifesting a love that will create safety for you to receive instead of only giving.

This can also imply a time of celebration—socializing is on the horizon. Good news in love is making its way to you. Have fun and be yourself while trusting your intuitive guidance. If you're open to new love, you can take angel number 333 as a sign encouraging you to engage in new experiences. Networking can introduce a new lover. Now go mingle!

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If you keep seeing angel number 333 in connection with a twin flame, trust that you and your twin flame are meant to be together. Your connection is intuitive, almost psychic. You're ~meant to be~. Additionally, this may be a moment when you're leaning on your twin flame for support. Trust that they have your back.

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Angel number 333 shows you that you're on the way to success. Lean into your intuition and your creativity as you work towards your professional goals, and trust that your skills will help you. This number might appear when you're feeling confused or stressed; take it as a reminder that you have what it takes to reach your goals. Don't be afraid of hard work.

What does angel number 333 mean for my finances?

When you see angel number 333 in relation to your finances, it's a sign that your cashflow could soon increase—especially if you're working hard and thinking outside of the box. Combine the creativity with 3 with the growth mindset of 3 and you're on the right path.

What does angel number 333 mean for manifestation?

When you see 333 while thinking about something you want to manifest, know that you're on the right track. However, this doesn't mean that you can just sit back and wait for it to come to you. It will require communication, creativity, and hard work to achieve. You got this!

Related Story What should I do if I keep seeing angel number 333?

Sometimes you can keeping seeing an angel number over and over again—even for years. Regardless of how long this number will continue visiting you, there are some recommendations on how to apply this experience. If you keep seeing 333, you'll want to pause and tune into what's occurring around you and within you. What thoughts are you thinking? What emotions are you feeling? Are there any additional messages happening around you that you need to be aware of?

Next, 333 is three 3s, so start working with the number 3. Seriously, go out of your way to use or create things in 3s. Leave a $3 dollar tip when you buy a latte, or ask to be seated at table 3. Maybe you want to stay on the 33rd floor of your hotel when you travel. These are all examples of working with 3. As you do this, you'll start manifesting with angel number 333. Start appreciating the number 3—it is is co-creating with you!

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Esoteric Esa, also known as your Esoteric Homegirl Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad, focuses on eliminating misconceptions around taboo subjects in Latinx Spirituality such as Astrology, Brujeria, Decolonial work and more. She is a third-generation psychic tarot reader, Astrologer and Numerologist. She writes for many Latinx media and focuses on centering voices of women of color. Follow her on YouTube.

Headshot of Erika W. Smith

Erika W. Smith (she/her) is the Senior Astrology Editor at Cosmopolitan. She also contributes lifestyle, travel, and sex and relationships coverage. In her decade-long media career, she's become an expert in the "women's lifestyle" beat and has held staff positions at Refinery29, BUST magazine, and HelloGiggles. Her book Astrosex: How to Have the Best Sex According to Your Star Sign was published in 2021. 

Angel Number 666: Why Seeing This Number Is A Signal To Choose Your Heart

Forget what you know about the number 666. If series of sixes, like 666, are popping up everywhere, you have no reason to fear: This sequence is associated with love and connection, according to numerology experts.

Repeating numerical sequences like these are commonly referred to as "angel numbers." Each set of digits is associated with a different meaning.

Here's what to know about angel numbers, and the meaning of 666 specifically.

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are any sequence of repeating digits. Numbers like 111, 222, 333 and so on can be spotted everywhere, and don't necessarily have to occur in sets of threes. They may also take the form of recurring sequences of objects, like three black cats or five orange cars.

Spiritual practicioners believe that these patterns are a message from a higher power or possibly a loved one who has passed.

"Angel numbers are confirmation that spirit is with you. That you are being guided or that you are on the right path," Frances Naude, reiki master, tarot reader and spiritual mentor, tells TODAY.Com.

She gives an example of the nudge of encouragement an angel number can provide. Let's say you're brainstorming something, then you see an angel number. "That's a confirmation yes," she says.

But if you're in a hard moment or are feeling sad, they take on a different form. "I call them angel hugs. It's this very loving hug or wink from the universe that you're going to be OK."

Beyond numbers, she says signs of affirmation can also come in the form of repetition, coincidence or synchronicity.

"Numbers are hard to ignore," Naude says. "It stands out and it's easily noticeable."

More angel number meanings What does 666 mean?

Six energy is typically a sign to amplify love and beauty in your life, according to numerology expert Novalee Wilder. The number series invites you to focus on deeper relationships, especially with family and loved ones.

For those who don't sense a lack of love around close connections, Wilder says the lesson could be to examine your relationship to yourself.

"How deep is your relationship to yourself? How much in contact are you with your heart? How much beauty are you surrounding yourself with? How much pleasure are you allowing yourself?" Wilder suggests you ask after seeing 666.

Six energy could also relate to protection, a sign you need an extra dose of support – or maybe a loved one does.

Could 666 specifically be a message from loved ones?

Any angel number could be a message from loved ones who have passed, and are likely now part of your "spiritual team" guiding you through life.

Wilder says that seeing six often — whether as a single digit or repeating — is specifically a message from someone transitioning from one state to another.

This could be a loved one who has just left you, or it could be about bringing new life into the world with a baby. The number series could also signify marriage or a new unity.

What should you do if you keep seeing sixes or 666?

First of all, if you keep seeing 666, you should focus on putting your heart first and chasing relationships, according to Wilder.

Because six energy is associated with beauty, the number also invites you to make space in your life for wonderful new things.

To identify what it is you want, and learn how to bring it in, check out our guide to manifesting — or, more specifically, our guide to manifesting love.

"Manifesting is the process of changing your thoughts, words, feelings, and beliefs to attract something you want into your life. In its simplest form, it works by intentionally shifting your thoughts and energy to align with your desires so what you want 'manifests,'" Juliette Kristine, a manifestation coach and intuitive healer, told TODAY.Com in a previous interview.


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